At this time, Wuchen sighed helplessly and said: "Okay, okay, it's our fault, but we want to ask you some news, you live here, and it's close to the forest, and they say that people are also dead. I'm in the forest, so I have to ask you about this!"

After hearing this, the old woman frowned and said, "I actually heard about it, but I was very upset, but I actually knew a little bit, because when they entered the forest, I actually felt a special demonic aura. , but I don't know where it came from!"

After hearing this, Wuchen immediately frowned and said, "Is that so? Do you know where it is?"

Just after saying this, the old woman frowned and said: "If I remember correctly, the monster will never appear again after it appears once, and I only felt the monster once, and I never felt anything else. It's so demonic, it's very difficult for you to find it, maybe he will appear tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, you..."

This was just said, and then Wuchen laughed and said: "Is that so? Can we live here for a while? We want to find that monster?"

Master Maitreya immediately frowned, and said with a puzzled look: "Teacher, you know that we can't find it if we live here, how could that fellow Nairo be so insidious and cunning to stay here... ?"

This sentence was just uttered, and Inuyasha immediately agreed and said: "Yes, that guy is so insidious, how could he stay here and wait for us to come to him, and it is obvious that the deaths of those people have nothing to do with Naraku, if If you want to find Naraku, wouldn't it be a waste of time to stay here?"

Wuchen was originally the same thought of everyone, but he had already noticed something was wrong, why?Because I have seen the power of Rashomon in those people just now, the power of Rashomon, but the power unique to Naraku and himself!

That power was developed by oneself, or the power that he brought out of hell, only that damn bastard Naraku obtained.

Of course, there is another guy who also got it, but that guy shouldn't do such a boring thing, so it must be only Naraku.

Naruo was chased and lost before, but he found his aura here, so naturally he couldn't let it go.

A smile appeared on Wuchen's face and said: "Okay, you don't have to worry, and you don't have to persuade me, we will stay here for a while, and we will know the result soon, don't worry, I usually don't do anything without results. I can do it, and staying here is just for everyone to cultivate, don’t worry about it!”

When everyone heard this, there were doubts on their faces, but they nodded, after all, he was the leader.

And at this time, after hearing this sentence, the old woman's eyes were a little more strange, but she nodded, frowned and said: "Although my side is very small, I can live for you..."

Wuchen shook his head, a smile appeared on his face, and then he looked at the very empty place next to the thatched hut. There was nothing to grow there, and no one lived there, but it was a large wasteland, obviously because it was difficult to The reason for reclamation!

With a smile on Wuchen's face, he said, "Don't worry, we have a place to live now, please wait a moment, but please control the volume of the exclamation for a while!"

As soon as this sentence was said, the expressions of everyone changed slightly, and they immediately understood what he wanted to do. Inuyasha wanted to stop it, but at this time, only his hands were moved.

Wuchen moved quickly and did not move, his eyes were slightly on the side, and at this moment, the light on his body was cold and shining, and he immediately slapped the ground with his palm, and shouted loudly in his mouth: "Mu Dun : The Four-Pillar Family Technique!"

Inuyasha originally said that if this move is performed in front of ordinary people, it may cause unnecessary trouble. After all, it is very difficult for ordinary humans to build a house, and it may cause even more trouble. But at this moment, before he had time to remind him, he only saw the huge wooden house appearing in front of everyone.

Seeing this appearance, the two mother and son were stunned involuntarily, stunned in place, unable to say a word, the old woman was stunned.

The old woman's face was full of surprise, she couldn't say a word, and there was only surprise in her eyes.

A smile appeared on Wuchen's face, he loosened his muscles, and said, "Don't worry, I will help you here, of course, I mainly want to find the monster, but I may trouble you a little, don't worry, It won't make you feel particularly troublesome!"

The old woman nodded dumbly, but she couldn't say a word, and there was only surprise in her eyes, and she said in a daze: "Are you a monster? Why can you make trees directly? No... yes yes It's a wooden house..."

The words became stammered, and at this moment, Kagome hurried on the stage: "Don't worry, mother-in-law, he is just a human with the art of exorcism!" ..

383 , Chasing Naraku

Kagome is indeed a very good child, and soon the old woman was taken away in an instant, and she no longer cared about it. Although that matter was important, it was soon, with her affinity, With a natural eloquence, she immediately fooled her mother-in-law!

The old woman's eyes were full of surprise, but it quickly dissipated.

And this time.

Inuyasha frowned and smiled helplessly and said, "What should I do now?"

With a smile on Wuchen's face, he shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I'm measured, we also need to rest here, this small village is a good place to rest, so let's rest here for a while. !"

As soon as these words were said, Master Maitreya and Shaan immediately frowned. Their moods were a bit anxious and complicated, so at this moment, they immediately appeared a bit anxious.

Wuchen turned around and saw that the two of them looked anxious, as if they wanted to say something, so he immediately said: "Okay, you don't have to be so anxious, you have played so many games with him before, it's nothing. As a result, even if I meet him again, I have no choice. I want you two to rest here for a few weeks or a few days. It's really overworked! So you guys rest here first, I need to rest here first. Go check it out!"

After hearing this sentence, although everyone wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, they did not obey the arrangement in the end.

A smile appeared on Wuchen's face, and he said goodbye to everyone.

At this point, he went straight away.

However, he was chasing the special Rashomon spirit and left. At this moment, he walked into the small forest, his eyes revealed a strong suspicion, a strange look on his face, and then he moved towards the front. Walk.

Walking in the forest path, I felt more and more suspicious and strange, what the hell is going on with the spirit of Rashomon, how could it be so fast, the more I thought about it, the more strange up, and this time.

Right now.

He was walking on the trail and saw a small cave in front of him. He was just about to walk in, but at this moment, he heard the demon wind suddenly dissipate, and he flew back and jumped.

He flew back and jumped a dozen steps, narrowed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and looked at the familiar person in front of him with a little more vigilance in his heart. The one who appeared in front of him was the one who absorbed him. The man with the power of Rashomon, that damn Naraku.

At this moment, Naraku appeared in front of him, and he showed a very confident look, with a faint smile on his face: "Hello, if you still remember me, then I am really very honored. It's gone!"

After saying these words, Wu Chen immediately showed a cold murderous aura, and a bit of indifferent murderous intent floated out in his eyes. After taking a deep breath, he looked at Naruo in front of him and said, "It turns out that Dare to appear in front of me, I really don't know whether to live or die, but speaking of are so courageous, but you are already ready to die, after all, I am ready to kill you! "

A smile appeared on Naraku's face and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't intend to die, but speaking of it..."

After he finished speaking, he immediately raised his right hand, aimed at Wuchen in front of him, took a deep breath, and saw countless black snakes flying out of its sleeves.

The countless black snakes attacked directly in an instant, and at this moment Wuchen saw countless black snakes attacking him, and there was a bit of cold murder in his eyes.

Although he was a little wary in his heart, he felt a little disdain, snorted coldly, and stretched out his right hand at the same time.

"Shimmering Snake Hand: Change!"

He directly released his own move, and immediately sprayed hundreds of snakes out of his hands. In an instant, those hundreds of snakes rushed past with the sealed qi magic energy, and the black snake was with him. The two sides were entangled together, and the collision of the two forces made the giant snakes on both sides bite together. The amazing energy made a small round pit immediately appear in the place where they met. A smile appeared on Naruo's face: "Oh, I didn't expect you to be so powerful, I didn't do much preparation, but speaking of it, you snakes seem to have special powers, thank you... …”

After he finished speaking, he took two steps forward and walked into the small pit to pick up a snake.

At this moment, Wu Chen at this moment suddenly became vigilant. This guy is very cunning. He picked up the snake covered with qi magic, and he would definitely do something bad. Thinking like this, his eyes slightly A big stare.

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