Wuchen immediately slapped the ground with one hand, and the Qi magic instantly affected the entire mountain, only to hear the sound of Kacha Kacha, the whole mountain collapsed at this time, and the amazing energy instantly Affecting the entire mountain, the mountain was constantly shattering at this moment, and at this time, the monster screamed, and countless evil spirits were suddenly disturbed!

The turbulent evil energy rushed out of the sky in an instant, and the body of the huge monster was directly rolled over!

And this time.

at this very moment.

The dust-free people also quickly chased after them, and the evil spirits also swept them out. Countless evil spirits floated in the air, and soon they found the host, a handsome evil and charming man on the plain.

That evil and charming man absorbed all the flesh and blood, Wuchen seized the opportunity to throw everyone out, and he jumped out suddenly!

Everyone fell to the ground, turned their heads and slowly looked over. At this moment, it was Naruo who absorbed a lot of flesh and blood energy, evil energy, and a satisfied look on his face, a little bit crazy. His eyes widened, and he said with a very satisfied smile: "Sure enough, my body has been repaired. This is really great. Thank you very much for your help, hahahaha!"

When his words came to this point, he looked a little crazy, and soon he returned to his calm look!

Seeing his appearance, Wuchen felt a little helpless. ..

396、The Conspiracy Reappears

And this time.

After seeing everyone, Naruo was completely fearless, because he had absorbed the new body, and he seemed to be a little crazy, his eyes were wide, and his face showed a bit of madness: "Sure enough, you guys Chased after, this is really good!"

His words revealed a bit of anticipation, and at the same time a bit of excitement.

When he saw him, he seemed to be very excited and mad, so Master Maitreya frowned slightly and took a deep breath, and then he wanted to make a move, because his heart was full of resentment for the context!

Coral is naturally the same, and is very angry, but he knows that at this time, he can't shoot immediately, otherwise, he will be poisoned, because this guy is very tricky, and it is very likely that he has arranged another attack!

At this time, Naruo saw that everyone didn't act casually, with a very disappointed look on his face, and sighed and said, "I didn't expect that, did you dare to take action? It's really boring! "

When this sentence was said, it immediately turned into a very disappointed look.

And at this time, after hearing this sentence, Inuyasha immediately wanted to pull out the scabbard and cut people, but at this time Wuchen stopped him: "If you want to die, just shoot, this This guy is not as simple as you think, did you forget the last lesson? Give me stability! Hold tight and don’t let me shoot, you can only shoot when I shoot, this guy is not something you can do casually!”

After Inuyasha heard this, he roared very angrily and said, "Let go of me, I'm going to kill him, this damn bastard, I'm going to kill him!"

After hearing this, Wuchen rolled his eyes, sighed helplessly, and said with a bit of speechlessness in his eyes: "You idiot, if you suddenly make a move now, you will die in a while. I don't care, I will calm down for me, if you don't know how to calm down, I will let you calm down, do you know that!"

After Inuyasha heard this, he gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, took a deep breath, then stopped slowly, and didn't dare to make any more noise, because he could hear the anger in those words. It just has to stop!

Wuchen patted her shoulder helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "Don't make trouble for me, you stinky boy, I will take action, and I will give you a chance, and I will give you a chance to kill him. , but now is not the time to get hurt!"

Wuchen said this, because he didn't want to make things more troublesome, and he wanted to kill Naruo in front of him in one fell swoop.

Thinking like this in my heart, the pupils changed slightly, and immediately turned into a kaleidoscope, and the writing wheel eye suddenly saw through all the traps in front of him.

It turned out that Nailuo had placed a large number of special tentacles in front of him, and that special tentacle had a lot of venom and a variety of energies.

That is a very vicious power. If ordinary people accidentally encounter it, it is very likely that they will die directly. It is a very terrifying poison!

After Wuchen saw it through, he raised his head and snorted coldly: "You guy really disgusts me!"

After hearing these words, Naruo showed a faint smile on his face: "It is also my success to get your mission, but do you dare to approach me? There are countless poisons in front of me protecting me, you Give it a try if you have any..."

Wuchen just heard what he said, he rolled his eyes, there was a little helplessness in his eyes, shook his head, sighed softly and said: "If I were you, now You should have run away, otherwise you will die very ugly, but you dare to provoke me, this can be regarded as your luck, after all, ignorance is also a kind of luck!"

The moment the voice fell, Naraku hadn't reacted yet, but at this moment, Wuchen was about to shoot like a gust of wind.

Wuchen is a laser man with glittering fruits, and his speed is as fast as wind, lightning, and thunder, and he has rushed out in an instant.

In just an instant, it turned into light and came to Naraku's side, clenching his fists!

The moment he clenched his fists, he immediately shouted: "Lei Yu-level Chiyo dance!"

The moment the sound fell, there was a click that slapped Naruo's head. The shattering sound sent the entire body flying out. What's more exaggerated was that it directly gave Naruo's head to the front. cut down.

There was also a bit of surprise in Nai Luo's eyes, but soon his soul flew back and jumped back quickly, quickly stabilizing his body, jumping more than ten meters away, and woke up involuntarily, his eyes slightly lost. With a bit of horror.

He swallowed a mouthful of nervous saliva, his eyes narrowed slightly, this guy is still strong, although he makes up for his physical shortcomings, but it is really hard to resist, his strong strength is really unpleasant 10 points what.

Just thinking about this in my heart, Wuchen snorted coldly, and at the same time looked back at everyone and said, "Come here!"

The moment he finished speaking, he turned directly and quickly, and it was Amaterasu.

The black flame burned directly, and it quickly burned all the hidden tentacles.

After burning all the tentacles.

at this time.

Everyone watched the black flames slowly go out, and then they followed, looking at Naraku, all of them showed a cold murderous aura!

Inuyasha took a deep breath and snorted coldly. Although he understood the meaning of calm, and also understood that he had to calm down, how could the anger and hatred in his heart at this moment make him completely calm? He was already unbearably angry at this moment, clenched the handle of the knife, took a deep breath, and didn't say anything for a while.

Wuchen looked at Inuyasha next to him and knew that he was enduring very hard, with a smile on his face and said: "I know you are very hard to endure, now you can take action, there is no protection around that guy, but you He just said it when he can beat it..."

These words had just been said, and immediately took out the iron broken teeth and jumped, and after clenching the iron broken teeth, an angry sound was made in the air, and the knife was full of flames.

Naraku showed a look of disdain, watching Tie Shuya cut him down, but without any fear, he snorted coldly, followed by a flick of his hand, a gust of wind flew towards Inuyasha, and he was directly attacked. The wind blows! ..

397 , The Powerful Naraku

Wuchen looked at Inuyasha as if he was going to be killed directly, but he was unmoved.

At this moment, Naraku knocked down Inuyasha with a gust of wind, and a sword appeared in his hand, and he was about to pierce Inuyasha directly, but at this moment.

Where can coral endure it?

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