I saw Coral commanding quickly and unswervingly, raised his weapon, slapped his hands, and then the energy flashed out directly at this time.

At this time, the coral quickly made the flying bones hit it directly!

When he was falling towards him, he saw a huge flying bone and bumped himself, with a little bit of disgust on his face. Didn't expect that woman to learn this strange way to manipulate?Thinking like this, he flew back for a while, but something he didn't expect happened, he just jumped into the air.

I saw Master Maitreya immediately, jumped up, patted both hands deeply in the air, took a breath, and the rosary in his hand was scattered at this time, and the hair on his head was also scattered at this time. , I saw that the staff in my hand also spun up and shouted loudly at this time: "Naruo, you damn bastard, die for me!"

The moment he finished speaking, he immediately took out the power of King Kong to conquer the devil.

The power of King Kong to conquer the devil bloomed in Naruo's hand, and a golden light exploded in the golden light.

At this time, Naruo couldn't see the golden power, so he blew up at him, and his face was a little bit confused. He quickly flashed to the side, and the blow hit the man beside him. A hole suddenly exploded in a piece of land, but Naraku was not afraid, but quickly stretched out his right hand and rushed to the sky.

"There has been progress, but unfortunately it is still a little bit worse!"

The black snake was directly wrapped around it.

That huge black snake was about to devour Master Maitreya in an instant.

But at this moment, Master Maitreya really can't do anything in the air.

Seeing that Mage Maitreya was about to be directly killed, but at this moment, Inuyasha immediately swept away the broken iron teeth in his hand, and suddenly the sound of an explosion sounded, and he quickly smashed the piece of iron. The black snake was cut off.

The black snake was cut off with a knife, and then Inuyasha snorted coldly and said, "Don't think that you can kill people, you can't kill people with me!"

Just finished speaking, Nai Luo took it back, and when it was cut off, she smiled coldly and said, "It's a pity that you have no chance anymore, let's take a look..."

The moment the sound fell, a black-purple mist emanated directly for 4 weeks, and the black-purple mist enveloped everyone present.

Wuchen directly felt a sense of dizziness, and the black and purple mist made him feel very uncomfortable, and at this time, everyone involuntarily narrowed their eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and all of them hurriedly stepped back. However, the wooden utensils with the characters of Heizi had already wrapped up the crowd, and it seemed that there was no way to restore them.

Seeing that he was about to be directly dizzy, but at this time.

Wuchen's eyes widened immediately, and at the same time his hands were sealed: "Feng Dun: Once the typhoon passes!"

His mouth blew suddenly, and suddenly countless winds blew out of his mouth.

In that instant, the black-purple mist floating in front of him instantly dissipated.

The dissipated black mist was completely useless.

The black-purple mist that had no effect floated towards Naraku, and took the mist back into his body again.

Immediately afterwards, Naruo was about to fly directly into the sky to escape, and at this moment Qibao hurriedly reminded: "Everyone, don't let your guard down, kill it quickly!"

Just after saying this, Inuyasha jumped up and slashed down with a sudden blow, shouting loudly: "Wind Wings Flash!"

After he finished speaking, he accumulated a lot of energy on his path, and with a sudden blow, he slashed towards Naraku's head.

At this time, the knife of Naruo Jiandao slashed towards him, and his face was a little surprised at this time, but soon I saw that his right hand was full of black energy, which appeared from his hand, and then It made a black and purple snake hard to block it.

The big snake blocked the power of Iron Broken Tooth, and the collision of the two forces immediately caused the surrounding to maintain collision.

And that big snake directly caused Inuyasha, the whole body cut an arc in the air and fell.

Inuyasha, who fell to the ground with a snap, stood up quickly, seeing that he was about to run away again, he was very angry, and roared: "You bastard!"

The words were just finished, and at this moment, the coral attacked again.

A burst of light appeared on Coral's hand, and he manipulated the flying bones!

Feilaigu flew over in an instant under the control, and directly hit Naraku in front of him.

At this time, Naraku saw the huge cock flying towards him, he jumped up and stepped on the flying bone.

At this moment, Master Maitreya immediately rotated the staff in his hand, and quickly knocked on Nan Luo in front of him.

But at this moment, Nai Luo jumped down on Fei Lai Gu and quickly fell to the ground!

At this moment, Maitreya was knocking on the hard flying bone. Anyway, the strength made him retreat a dozen steps. This is how he stabilized his body, and his hands were constantly shaking!

In the eyes of Master Maitreya.

Showing a bit of surprise, he gritted his teeth and snorted coldly. His anger filled his heart. He took a deep breath and clenched his fists, unable to speak for a while.

Just at this time.

Wuchen stepped forward slowly, looked at Naruo coldly and said, "It seems that my apprentice can't help you, then let me do it!"

After he finished speaking, he sighed helplessly and said, "You guys, can you give me some progress? Otherwise, will I teach you so many things for you to play with?"

When the words came to this point, everyone immediately lowered their heads and couldn't speak, but Naraku smiled and said, "You didn't expect me to become so strong, and you didn't expect it either. I'll get hold of this!"

When Wuchen heard this, his brows were slightly wrinkled, but he only saw Naruo in front of him, and stretched out his left hand, which was surrounded by a faint green and purple light.

The help of green and purple surrounds his left hand, and the faint fluorescence makes a strange feeling all around!

The strange feeling made everyone feel uneasy about it, and there was always an ominous meaning. ..

398、Increase in strength

Nai Luo in front of Wuchen, the green-purple light on his hand, suddenly thought of something in his eyes, took a deep breath with a slight squinting, and snorted coldly, a little bit of coldness in his eyes. , said indifferently with murderous intent: "I didn't expect you to directly understand the true meaning of my qi magic from that small piece of hand? And you also transformed it, but because of the damage to the body by qi magic, it suddenly made Your body has suffered huge damage, so you need those monsters to make up for it?"

This sentence had just been said, and then Naraku was stunned for a while, with a bit of astonishment on his face, but he quickly smiled and said: "I didn't expect you to know, so let's understand it like this, The power that came back is called Qi magic? I named it Purgatory Qi alone!"

The moment he finished speaking, his left hand swung abruptly, and a black-purple snake slammed into it.

When Wuchen saw the black-purple snake, he suddenly threw it towards him, but there was no fear.

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