The body that slowly grows taller is incredible.

At this time, Inuyasha snorted coldly, and he was completely fearless when he entered the second state.

He snorted coldly, held the knife tightly in both hands, took a deep breath and said, "Since you want to see my power so much, let's take a look at this!"

Sesshomaru's face was a little surprised, but he quickly said with a smile: "That's all, but there are not enough warriors, is this all it takes to defeat me? It's really not good, I'm here this time. Specifically to see if your strength has progressed, if your father's knife is in your hand, you have no progress, it is really shameful!"

Just after saying this, Inuyasha's eyes were all red, and he said directly: "What did you say! Do you think I'm weak? I'm..."

The words just came out, but Sesshomaru's speed was quickly exerted, and it flew out in an instant.

Sesshomaru's speed was as fast as thunder, and he came to Inuyasha in an instant.

Coming to Inuyasha, he quickly chopped the transparent demon sword in his hand.

That sword was about to cut off Inuyasha's head in an instant.

Inuyasha flew back and stepped back ten steps, the knife slashed on the ground, and immediately cut a ravine three feet long and one meter deep.

At this time, Inuyasha couldn't help but feel dark, afraid that if he directly cut himself in the episode just now, he would not have enough heads to drop 10 heads.

With this thought in his heart, his eyes suddenly widened and he took a deep breath and gritted his teeth.

Inuyasha said coldly: "Don't think that you can beat me, you are just an ordinary monster..."

The moment he finished speaking, he rushed out quickly.

His Iron Broken Teeth immediately accumulated an amazing amount of power.

Only to hear him shout loudly: "Wind Wings Flash!"

Amazing energy was condensed on his knife, but it didn't turn into knife energy and overflowed at this time.

Instead, it gathered directly on the Iron Broken Teeth and slashed at Sesshomaru in front of him.

At this time, Sesshomaru snorted with disdain, raised his sword to block it, and the energy collided between the two swords, and the sound of clattering continued to sound, and Sesshomaru's face also appeared at this time. Looking a little surprised, he was directly cut by this move and retreated more than ten meters.

Inuyasha transformed into another chase in an instant, jumped directly into the air, and slashed down with a knife.

At this time, Seng Sha sneered, just because he was not prepared enough, he was still holding the knife in one hand, with a look of disdain, he snorted coldly, and said with a cold sneer: "It's just that. Well, although I have a bit of strength, it’s still far behind, the combat technique is really bad, it doesn’t work at all, it’s just ridiculous, it’s really ridiculous, come on, come on and make a move!”

The knives of the two people are constantly colliding, the strength of the two people is constantly colliding, and energy is constantly colliding with each other all around.

The Master Maitreya on the side was already distracted, and there was a little more worry in his heart, how could his companions become so frantic.

At this time, Master Maitreya's eyes were full of worry, he gritted his teeth and hurriedly shouted: "Inuyasha, you have to be more careful..."

Where can Inuyasha still hear the sound, the two of them fought very fiercely, as if they were killing their father and mother, as if they had a blood feud!

At this time, the sand monk completely seemed to be teasing a child. He didn't care at all. He just walked very easily, and he didn't even wield a knife seriously. Instead, he just looked like a joke, which made people feel very angry. , However, even the anger in Inuyasha's heart is useless, but what is the use of burning anger in his heart?

Inuyasha waved his knife frantically, the qi on the knife kept flowing, and the amazing power shocked the surroundings, but Sesshomaru just sneered at Sesshomaru but didn't care, Sesshomaru's eyes were only faint. despise.

Inuyasha's eyes were full of anger, and it was unbearable at this moment.

Roaring loudly, he raised the knife high, and it happened that he just hit Sesshomaru in front of him for more than ten meters.

He forced Sesshomaru to retreat more than ten meters away, and at the same time raised the iron broken teeth in his hand. At this time, Sesshomaru looked like a good show, as if the knife was not aimed at him.

Inuyasha raised the Iron Broken Teeth in his hand high, took a deep breath, his eyes widened, and the energy in his body was constantly surging, and whether it was demon energy or fairy energy.

I saw countless turbulent energies, only to hear Inuyasha shouting loudly: "You bastard, come and see my trick, I will use this trick to send you to hell, this arrogant guy, come and taste my this. Come on..."

At the moment when the voice fell, the energy surged, and at the same time he shouted angrily: "Wind injury!"

A huge amount of energy spewed out from his hand, and it suddenly turned into an extremely concentrated storm. At this moment, the storm concentrated and blew toward Sesshomaru in front of him.

Sesshomaru saw the huge storm surge coming over by himself, with a slightly puzzled look on his face, but soon he felt the terrifying energy, and he couldn't help but bring out an excited smile. ..

410、The real wind wound

Sesshomaru only felt that something was not right, and there were a few doubts in his eyes that were not quite right!

With this thought in Sesshomaru's heart, he immediately waved the sword in his hand, and only heard the sound of a violent explosion, and an astonishing energy gushed out from the sword in his hand. The child is blocking the wind injury released by Inuyasha!

A stunned expression appeared on Inuyasha's face, and his eyes were a little surprised. That move just now was obviously very powerful.

At this time, he had entered state 2, and he had not been able to defeat the enemy in front of him all of a sudden, and his face was full of surprise, because.

That move just now used almost all of his strength, so he shouldn't be able to kill him.

Just thought so.

at this time.

Right now.

At this time, Sesshomaru sneered coldly and said: "I thought it was really wind injury, so it's not that you just use wind, right? It's just a boring human spell, I thought you would really use..."

These words had just been said, and immediately above the sky at this time, I saw an old man riding a three-eyed blue ox slowly from the sky.

The old man's face showed a bit of doubt, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he looked at the Sesshomaru in front of him and said lightly: "So it's you, I just said why there is such a strong smell, I originally came to think about it. Just looking for Inuyasha, didn’t expect you to be here? Sesshomaru!”

After Sesshomaru heard this, he snorted coldly, and there was a slight murderous aura in his eyes.

Said: "Dao Dao Zhai! I didn't expect you to appear here. What are you doing here? Are you here to protect Inuyasha?"

Inuyasha on the side was stunned, and looked at Totosai on the side.

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