Dao Dao Zhai shook his head and said, "I didn't come here to protect him, but to see what kind of power the iron-colored sheep in his hand can exert, but today I saw a little bit of the battle between the two of you. Disappointed, Inuyasha, I am disappointed in you..."

When the words came to this point, those big eyes revealed a few helpless strategies. I didn't expect that my knife was not used to its strongest power, and it was so dull that it was impossible to see it.

After hearing these words, Inuyasha's face showed a bit of astonishment, he didn't know the person in front of him, there was a little doubt in his eyes, and he frowned slightly and said, "Who is this old man? Why did you suddenly run over and say such things, why did you say that I didn't use the power of the knife, I would have already used the wound of the wind..."

These words were just said, and Dao Daozhai, who was next to him, shook his head and said disappointedly: "Inuyasha's move just now is not a real wind injury, but just condensing the element of wind on the blade. It's just the storm sword energy that flew out, the real wind injury is not used in this way, nor is it in the way you used..."

After hearing these words, Sesshomaru said coldly at this time: "Even the demon energy can't be seen, what qualifications does the half demon have to use the wound of the wind?"

When the words came to this point, it immediately angered Inuyasha in front of him, and Inuyasha immediately widened his eyes angrily and shouted: "Who are you talking about? Provoking me...what the hell are you trying to do!"

This was just finished, and then Dao Dao Zhai said: "Inuyasha, the knife in your hand really does not exert any power in your hand, maybe it is indeed given to the wrong person, because you I really can’t use the power of this knife, the strongest power of Tie Shaya lies in destruction!”

After Inuyasha heard this, he looked at Totosai next to him.

With a cold snort, he threw the knife, and a violent aura of wind swept across all directions. It released an astonishing aura of wind. Looking at Sesshomaru in front of him, he said lightly, "Really? That being the case, Just like you, the old man, and you, the goddamn big brother, came to see my power, it was just a warm-up, do you think I really used all my strength!"

His words said this, but his heart was full of unease, because he knew in his heart that the move that was blocked just now was already a very extreme move, and it was already a powerful skill mixed with natural energy and demonic energy. , but he didn't hurt Sesshomaru anyway, which made him very unhappy and disappointed, but he wanted to prove that he did not disgrace his father's knife.

At this time, Sesshomaru said indifferently: "Inuyasha, you are holding your father's knife, but you can't unleash your father's true moves, and you can't unleash the power of this knife, which is really disappointing to me, as expected, the half-demon is Half-demon!"

When Inuyasha heard this, his eyes widened and he shouted loudly, "You bastard!"

The moment he finished speaking, he dragged the knife and rushed out. At this time, Sesshomaru was not afraid when he saw him suddenly rushing in. He smiled coldly, and there was a bit of disdain in his eyes. He shook his head and sighed lightly.

The sword in his hand was immediately knocked out, and the two swords collided, causing the shocking energy of the four weeks to pour out in all directions. The Sesshomaru just didn't use much power at this time. After using it, it made the 4 weeks shocking, and the amazing energy swept all directions.

At this time, Inuyasha was suppressed all of a sudden, and even if he had immortal energy, he would not be able to use it.

At this moment, Inuyasha was very aggrieved all of a sudden, his eyes were full of surprise, very surprised, and he couldn't say a word, stunned.

Teeth clenched.

Immediately afterwards, Sesshomaru, who was in front of him, sneered and said lightly: "You guys are really too weak, you are not even qualified to let me take a shot, but let me teach you what it means to be called. Let’s fight for real, what is the real wind injury!”

The moment the voice fell, an astonishing light suddenly appeared. Between the collision of the two monsters, Inuyasha seemed to see something, but his eyes hadn't fully seen it, and at this moment, there was a bang, The sound of the explosion sounded, and Inuyasha's entire body was knocked out, and Miyuan instantly fell into the bushes more than 10 meters away, and the knife in his hand fell to the ground. time.

At this time, Dao Daozhai sighed in disappointment, and said a little helplessly: "I'm so disappointed."

411. The Reckless Inuyasha

Inuyasha took a mouthful of sand and forcibly stood up, but his body was sore, and he even quit state 2, his eyes were full of unwillingness.

Master Maitreya narrowed his eyes slightly. He didn't want to participate in the battle of brothers. He just looked at Sesshomaru in front of him with a thoughtful look in his eyes, and then he was It seems like a breakthrough has been found.

Although he didn't speak, his eyes kept staring at Sesshomaru.

At this time, Sesshomaru said indifferently: "Inuyasha, you are too weak to own this sword, so let me destroy this sword! I will never let you humiliate your father's sword, nor I will never let you humiliate your father's bloodline, so you don't deserve this knife, nor your father's bloodline!"

When the words came to this point, he put the sword away, and at the same time his hand that had been lost reappeared, but it was not a normal hand.

It's a terrifying, hideous ghost hand.

The hand looked very terrifying. It was covered with black and purple scales. At the same time, it was as thin as a dead branch. Dao Daozhai, who was on the side, saw it, his face was a little surprised, and his eyes narrowed slightly. He said: "That knife...that knife, if I guessed correctly...it should be made by the legendary ghost, just like your hand..."

Sesshomaru was rather arrogant at this time, and said with a cold snort: "You are indeed right, it is naturally a sword formed by the combination of the grievances of monsters and humans! It is better than the sword you made!"

After Dao Daozhai heard these words, his eyes sank, and he immediately said coldly: "The sword around your waist will take you to Huangquan sooner or later, because that sword combines resentment and conflict. Bad luck, you will suffer more curses, this is an ominous sword, if you continue to use it, it will lead to bad luck, you know that!"

After hearing this, Sesshomaru was unmoved, and just said indifferently: "It's just bad luck, what can I do? I only know one thing, and that is...my sword... ... It is much stronger than the sword you made, and I only defeated Inuyasha's Iron Shattered Fang in an instant!"

Looking at Dao Daozhai, he could not help but feel some anger, and said coldly: "In those days, General Dog wanted me to make a knife for him, and at the same time left two knives for you two brothers, one The name is Tianshengya, and the other is Tieshuya, one can save people, and the other can be used to kill people, but you don't use it, the natural teeth your father left you, but forged a new one. With a magic sword composed entirely of resentment and ghosts, are you going against your father's will?"

After Sesshomaru heard this, there was a bit of anger in his eyes immediately, and he looked at Dao Dao Zhai in front of him coldly and said, "What do you know, old guy? The sword I forged is older than yours. Swords made by guys are much more useful, I'm a monster, not a pathetic human, I don't need a knife to save, I just need a knife to kill, and you damn pathetic Creatures are just a little bit of hindrance on my way to success, watch me clear you all!"

At this time, Inuyasha immediately snorted and pulled out the broken iron tooth on the ground.

Said: "Why do you say that we are your hindrance, you want to clear us, then let's see if you have this ability, you guy is really good at talking big, better than me first!"

These words were just finished, and despite everyone's dissuasion, regardless of everyone's surprised eyes, Inuyasha rushed out again with Iron Broken Teeth.

At this moment, Sesshomaru waved the hand that he had picked up very indifferently.

The ghost hand directly appeared an amazing light in an instant, and it came into contact with the iron broken teeth.

The collision between Tie Shuya and the ghost hand immediately made everyone frown involuntarily, and all of a sudden they were a little surprised, because the huge noise from the ghost hand made everyone's ears very uncomfortable.

Wuchen had already brought a few people to watch the battle, although everyone was very worried, but at this time they knew that this was a battle belonging to Inuyasha.

Inuyasha was forced back three or four steps, but immediately rushed forward with a knife.

At this time, Sesshomaru was very disappointed, there was only a faint expression of disappointment in his eyes, and he sighed and said: "It's really useless, the guy who wields the knife is not called a monster at all, but can only live with it. Just survive!"

When the words come here.

Immediately, it was a sudden blow with a ghost hand, and Inuyasha flew out in an instant. Inuyasha directly supported his body with a knife and coughed a few times. If it weren't for the fact that he blocked his chest with a knife, his internal organs would be destroyed. It was smashed to pieces, but he felt that the knife seemed to be screaming!

Inuyasha involuntarily widened his eyes, watching the knife vibrate constantly, there was a bit of difference in his eyes, he was stunned for a while, and he still didn't understand what happened.

Dao Daozhai touched his little beard and said: "It seems that Sesshomaru is determined to destroy this sword, and Inuyasha is really a little disappointing. I didn't expect him to be completely unable to use it. A real wind wound!"

Wuchen looked a little disappointed from the side, and what he handed to Inuyasha was indeed not the real wind injury, but an introduction.

I hope that Inuyasha can use his true wind injury, but I didn't expect that Inuyasha really thought that was the skill of the knife, which made people feel a little disappointed.

And this moment.

Inuyasha suddenly understood a little bit, and when he heard the explanation, he was very unwilling in his heart, took a deep breath, immediately widened his eyes, and at the same time desperately entered the second state again. middle.

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