Even the air that slipped away from him was cut off by the eagle eye, and the majestic sword cloud was impressive.

"I haven't seen you for a while, but your kendo skills have improved again. It's a world-shattering monster. All the way in kendo, I am not as good as you in ten."

Turning his head to look at Jian Zhan Jiutian's eagle eyes, Wuchen said quite unwillingly.

Hawkeye is a world-shattering genius. He is almost impeccable in all aspects. He can make refreshing suggestions in swordsmanship, domineering, and even the least good at science. The best of the best, the best of the best.

The dust-free also has the feeling of being resigned to the disadvantage from time to time.

Compared with his original biological younger brother Uchiha Itachi, it is not bad at all. He can be called the same perfect existence, and his strength and wisdom are enviable.

"I hope you don't choose the same path as Itachi in the end..." He looked back, and Wuchen closed his eyes again.

"Your swordsmanship is indeed not as good as mine."

Wuchen praised Hawkeye and took all the orders, and at the same time his dull eyes stared at Wuchen, losing the calmness of the past, faintly with a fiery fighting spirit, and said: "As you said before, if you say It is all-round strength, and ten of me combined are not your opponent."

Hawkeye's rational analysis said that purely as a swordsman, he really crushed Wuchen, but if talking about his comprehensive strength in all aspects, Wuchen could use his overwhelming strength to defeat him.

The dark blue giant nearly [-] meters high is still unforgettable to this day. Just a random gust of sword wind is enough to rewrite the power of the map plate. Pass.

Therefore, Hawkeye is also willing to be loyal to Wuchen, follow Wuchen's footsteps, step by step towards the top of the world.

"Then what are your thoughts, Mihawk?" Wuchen asked lazily with his eyes still closed.

He has already vaguely guessed his choice in his heart, aside from the unfathomable Wuchen, Hawkeye's biggest enemy is the red-haired Shanks who already has the name "Four Emperors". The second half of the great route is like an emperor. One of the great pirates who looks down on all living beings.

Red-haired Shanks is famous all over the world, and his reputation has spread all over the world. As his old enemy, Hawkeye, how could he choose to hide his life in obscurity.

"I didn't expect that the World Government would set up an organization like 'Seven Wuhai', but it's barely an honor to be seen. If that's the case, I'll take a seat in this organization."

Hearing this, Wuchen opened his eyes, revealing sharp eyes, looking at Hawkeye, who was obviously taller than himself, and immediately understood his purpose.

"I see... It seems that you are planning to compete with the red hair, and you are challenging the red hair who is one of the 'four emperors' as the 'Shibukai'?"

Hearing this, Wuchen shook his head and expressed his understanding. Pirates are all chasing fame and fortune. Although Hawkeye doesn't care about the simple material source of "profit", he still has his own pursuit of "name". The world's largest swordsman The position must be solid, not only in terms of strength, but also in name.

The title of Qiwuhai under the king is a kind of recognition in disguise.

Red-haired Shanks, a former enemy and friend, has become the "Four Emperors" above countless pirates, and Hawkeye, who doesn't think he is worse than the red-haired, is not far behind.

Otherwise, it would be an insult to himself.

Hawkeye, the red-haired enemy of the Four Emperors, is a mortal.This kind of evaluation is an insult and trampling on Hawkeye. Swordsmen are high-pressure and value dignity, especially Hawkeye, who pays special attention to self-esteem, is even more intolerable.

There is no other monk like Wuchen who does not move his heart.

"I will inform the Warring States of your willingness to become the 'Qiwuhai'." Nodding slightly, Wuchen also respected Hawkeye's choice.

His eyes became awe-inspiring and deep in an instant, piercing through the endless space, and he seemed to have seen a scene where eagle eyes and red-haired swords became legendary on a certain island.

He glanced at Hawkeye without a trace, and Wuchen said softly, I am afraid that Warring States would not be able to sleep due to excitement.

Pirates such as Hawkeye, who currently have the strength of generals, can become the 'Seven Wuhai' and temporarily serve the navy, and the impact and harvest they bring are absolutely unparalleled.

The power of example is infinite!

"Speaking of which, Doflamingo's purpose doesn't seem to be pure."

He suddenly remembered that a few days ago, he accidentally used the domineering look and heard the conversation between Caesar and Doflamingo, and he chose to say it because of his honest nature.

"I know that his purpose is not simple when he joins the team. As long as it does not hinder the construction of Hades, let them make trouble."

Wuchen doesn't care either. According to his guess, it is likely that there is something about the artificial devil fruit. As long as it does not hinder the construction of Hades, it will be harmless.

"Master Wuchen."

In the pitch-dark room, Bai jumped out of the ground without any hesitation, still holding paper in his hand, with dense text and a portrait on it.

Hawkeye was curious about Bai Jue's body structure at first, but as time passed, he was no longer surprised, and it was normal for any strange things to happen around Wuchen.

With a click of his thumb, the information in Bai Jue's hand floated in front of Wuchen.

What caught my eye was an ugly man with rough skin, obviously missing a few teeth, and a tall beer belly. He looked like an idiot-type man based on his appearance alone.

This person is the time when Whitebeard falls in the future, the man who took everything from him - Blackbeard, is actually a despicable villain with a very deep city!

"The world is impermanent, and wisdom is so outstanding now. However, you dare to reach out and touch this kind of thing. When the five know it, there will be a question mark on whether the white beard can protect you."


Chapter 486 Blackbeard's Ambition

Blackbeard is cunning, despicable, ungrateful, and treats his white-bearded father well for decades. He can easily betray him, and even finally gather the members of the ship to harm Whitebeard together. The method is unheard of and unheard of.

It is also undeniable that Blackbeard is also a brave and resourceful talent. He can be regarded as a top-level powerhouse with all-out strategies. Whether Whitebeard died by accident or necessity, it shows that Blackbeard is a rare hero.

Killing the old man who has supported him for many years sounds crazy, but in fact this kind of thing happens from time to time.

The character of pirates is so despicable and ugly. For these black sheep, as long as it is for absolute interests, the morality of the world is not worth mentioning to them.

The essence of the existence of pirates is to subvert the traditional concept of human nature.

"This man called Blackbeard is not simple." Amber pupils narrowed and shot a stern gaze.

Staring at the document in Wuchen's hand, Hawkeye seemed to think of something, and suddenly said, the cautiousness in his tone was obvious, faintly remembering the grievances between Red-haired Shanks and Blackbeard.

Hearing this, he nodded suddenly, and after Hawkeye said this, Wuchen remembered such a stubble.

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