There was a time when red-haired Shanks and Blackbeard had a grudge, and the two sides fought a fierce battle. Red-haired Shanks knocked out several of Blackbeard's teeth, while Blackbeard was in red-haired eyes. There are three scars left.

To some extent, red hair is even slightly disadvantaged.

"He is extremely strong, and he is still hiding in Whitebeard's fleet. He must have a secret." Hawkeye confirmed, although it was a guess, it was absolutely certain.

How could a man who is strong enough to keep pace with the redhead live under the protection of the white beard.


Wuchen nodded silently, and then handed the document in his hand to Hawkeye. The content recorded on it was enough to shock the world, and the initiator was Blackbeard.

He is a very cunning and despicable person, but at the same time is extremely meticulous in his thoughts. He looks foolhardy and ruthless, especially his funny and ugly appearance. The first impression he gives is that he belongs to the type of idiot, but he is actually as cunning as a fox.

Wuchen still clearly remembers that the future war on the top was caused by Blackbeard, and the final winner was neither the navy who successfully damaged Whitebeard and killed Ace, nor the pirates. The biggest victory was instead. Blackbeard, the dark horse that hides in the dark.

Everything is as he planned, while successfully obtaining the dark fruit, and using his dark fruit metamorphosis ability, as well as the strange body structure, successfully steal Whitebeard's shock fruit.

"It's astonishing... He actually dared to touch this kind of thing?!" After carefully reading the contents of the document, Hawkeye couldn't help but be astonished.

What Blackbeard wants to touch is the power rock that is comparable to ancient weapons!

"Presumably when he used the Power Rock to trigger the volcanic vibrations in the previous siege of the Four Emperors, after seeing the power that was enough to flatten an island, Blackbeard moved his mind. With the Power Rock, his dreams and ambitions have gone further."

Pirates are all greedy, unifying the world, chasing the other side of the dream... This kind of unrealistic dream, there are also ambitious people like Blackbeard, compared to those pirates who talk big, Blackbeard Focus more on practical actions.

"It's impossible to get a grip on Dynamic Rock with his ability. Dynamic Rock is not a cabbage on the side of the road. On that island, the World Government is stationed by a large number of elites."

Wuchen softly agreed that after the power rock reaches a certain content, it is a weapon that can destroy the world, and the world government or the navy must be a powerful person.

Some things are just enough fantasies, and really just moths to the flames.

The only thing worthy of Wuchen's curiosity is that this kid should not be as crazy as Zefa with the use of the power rock, and intends to use this to destroy the entire sea area.


Just as Wuchen was thinking about it, the phone in his arms suddenly rang, he frowned slightly, and immediately took out the white phone bug, which he often used to communicate in the Warring States Period.

"What is his choice, yes or no?"

Before Wuchen could speak, the Shen drink that Warring States had been expecting came early.

Wuchen glanced at Hawkeye after hearing the words, and after the latter nodded resolutely, he said softly: "Eagle Eye has promised to join the 'Qiwuhai' force."


Warring States breathed a sigh of relief, his heart was sunk into the sea, and his brows were overjoyed, and he was about to reward Wuchen when the latter's remarks made him almost fall off the sofa.

"Blackbeard, the pirate member of Whitebeard, seems to have a tendency to get his hands on Dynamic Rock."

The content from the other side of the phone bug made the Warring States mind seem like a scorched, blank space, and the sky was dark in his mind.

The naval headquarters was affected by the explosion of the dynamic rock, and it was a big question mark whether it could exist.

"Is the news reliable? Also, it's just a mere crew member, how could he know the secrets that Whitebeard may not know." The slack heart tightened again, and Warring States doubted.

The secret weapon of the power rock, the government and the navy, is very good at keeping secrets, and it is limited to internal high-level understanding. Now that the ordinary pirates under Whitebeard know it, the Warring States period is not surprised.

"I don't know the specific content. I can only tell you that his name is Marshall D Tiqi."

The Warring States Marshal who was far away in the naval headquarters suddenly turned gloomy when he heard the words "D". Outsiders did not understand the meaning of "D", but as the Marshal of the Navy headquarters, the Warring States period knew exactly what it meant.

All in all, a person with a "D" in his name is a person who can create infinite miracles and myths...

"This can also be used to give some lessons to the Whitebeard Pirates." A flash of light flashed in his mind, and the Warring States period smiled sullenly.


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Chapter 487 Insidious Warring States [Second]

Pirates and the navy are natural enemy-like hostile forces, and the two sides are completely immortal existences. Now they can find an opportunity to calculate the white beard, and the new marshal known as the "wisdom general" - Buddha's Warring States, will definitely not let go of the once-in-a-lifetime Opportunity.

Whitebeard is known to the world as a person who values ​​love and righteousness, and is proud of his arrogance. As a pirate full of evil, he attaches great importance to friendship, which is his most successful and attractive side.

But to a certain extent, this is also Whitebeard's biggest flaw.

"Warring States, are you planning to grab Blackbeard [Marshall D. Diqi] to blackmail the man with Whitebeard?" Guessing the purpose of Warring States at a glance, Wuchen asked.

Judging from Whitebeard's temperament, it is indeed possible for his son to be rescued by the navy when he is captured by the navy.

There is a saying that the plan cannot keep up with the changes, although the idea is good, it seems impossible for Wuchen.

If Blackbeard is an ordinary pirate, it would not be difficult to arrest him. The key point is that he is not the kind of roadside smuggler. He even dared to attack the idea of ​​​​Dynamic Rock, which shows that he has made perfect preparations.

It is not impossible to steal chickens without losing rice, and Blackbeard is also a poisonous snake full of thorns. Maybe he won't be able to catch him, but it will make him angry.

"It's true, arresting Blackbeard and threatening Whitebeard's submission, although the method is despicable, but well... there is no need to talk about the so-called morality with the villains."

Warring States did not hide it, he had a good impression of Wuchen.

"This is unrealistic. Blackbeard has not reached the level where he can coerce Whitebeard. Even if Blackbeard is caught and killed, I estimate that Whitebeard will suffer at most, or attack some naval bases. It is impossible for him to Bet on the future of the Whitebeard Pirates for Blackbeard alone."

Hearing this, Wuchen shook his head, Whitebeard attaches great importance to friendship, and it is impossible to threaten him with cats and dogs. In the past naval battles, members of the Whitebeard pirate ship have been captured, and Whitebeard has not been seen to attack the navy several times.

"Blackbeard really doesn't have enough weight, it can't reach the level of coercing Whitebeard."

After some contemplation, he sighed in disappointment, and the Warring States nodded decadently, and the burning power in his body also calmed down.

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