"Actually, it's not necessary to arrest the guy with the black beard..." A dust-free hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone, with a gloomy and hostile aura.

The bad mood of the Warring States also heated up, and then he thought about Blackbeard's insignificant identity, and questioned: "That guy is just... Could it be that—"

A flash of light flashed in his mind, and the Warring States Period sneered again and again, and the world knew very little about the mysterious substance of kinetic rock.

"That's right, that guy actually wants the power rock, I can make the beauty of an adult, set it up as a time bomb in advance, and let that idiot with the name D bring back the Whitebeard Pirates..."


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, another few days slipped away.

Because the government can help fuel the flames, "The King's Seven Wuhai" has caused uproar in the whole world in a short time, and it has become the after-dinner chat of pirates in various seas.

On a sunny afternoon, on the sparkling sea, a huge ship slowly moved forward, and the unique white flag was known to the world.

It is the battleship of the World Government.

World government is synonymous with holiness, but this time it is a different scene in such a sacred and solemn world government ship.

A lot of evil pirates chat and laugh, talking to each other about their "heroic deeds" in the past, sometimes there will be gloomy laughter.

The Warring States looked gloomily at the figures on the deck in the distance. The destructive power gathered in his hands was enough to disintegrate the big ship standing at his feet in an instant, but he always maintained his forbearance.

After a little contemplation, the mighty power that was poised to strike still disintegrated.

Today's navy is in a dilemma, and can only use the strength of these pirates to shock the world. It is ridiculous to say that the navy, which has always been named "absolute justice", will one day rely on the power of pirates.

"Warring States, when will you fulfill the conditions for my joining the 'Seven Wuhai'?"

The majestic low voice came, with a faint urgency, "You better not deceive me, otherwise, everyone will die!"

Looking along the place where the voice sounded, a murloc with blue skin all over his body suddenly came into view, and when he looked closely, it was Jinping who was now known as the "Sea Man".

When Wuchen captured Boyahan Cook, there was no trace of this guy. Murlocs have an unparalleled advantage in the sea. Even Wuchen can only sigh.

After escaping, Jinbei returned to Fishman Island. Wuchen's overwhelming strength, he was vividly remembered, and he was crushed and defeated like ants, which deeply stimulated him.

In the later days, Jinping carried out crazy self-training, and his strength was improved in "quality". Later, he entered the new world and became famous for a while.

Then he was invited by the world government, hoping that he would join the emerging pirate organization "King Xia Qiwuhai". At the beginning of the period, Jinping didn't even think about it, and simply refused. The eldest brother Jinping and all the murloc brothers were caught by the world government. How could he join this organization and be in a state of misery with the World Government.

However, after the government made a promise, the condition of becoming the 'Qiwuhai' was that he could bail all the imprisoned murlocs except Tiger. Thinking about it carefully, Jinpei joined this organization.

"The conditions made by the navy will naturally be fulfilled. Don't compare the righteous navy with your pirates who do all evil." Impatiently glanced at Jinbei, the disgust in Sengoku's eyes was obvious.

Even if these pirates promised to temporarily pledge their allegiance to the navy, he would not be happy. Even if this pirate is even a conscientious pirate, the pirates are still pirates from beginning to end, and their sins of becoming the 'Shibukai' cannot be washed away. , and with the privileges they have after becoming the 'Shibukai', their sins are deeper.

The Warring States could only force himself to live with these scumbags.

Fortunately, Mary Joa was close at hand.


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Chapter 488 Seven Wuhai Gathering [Third]

Staring at the majestic holy place in front of her, Mary Joa, a look of disapproval flashed in Sengoku's turbid eyes.

The golden afterglow shone all over the world, the Warring States Marshal was staggering, the corners of his dry mouth swept a little blank, his pupils were dark, and he fell into reverie.

The blood-red rays of the sun shone on the entire Mary Joa, and the shimmering sea surface was particularly dazzling. In such a dazzling scene, the eyes of the Warring States period were surprisingly large.

In the dark, he seemed to see the whining of the world government, and the sight of the sunken west mountain in front of him was the true portrayal of the future world government!

And the initiator of his destruction, under the golden scene, also flashed faintly!

The messy broken hair fluttered in the wind, and the weeds were thrown into the weeds like the wind. Even so, there was an indescribable momentum in the invisible.

The bright and wise eyes carry through the vicissitudes of the ages. It seems that as long as he thinks about it, everything in front of him, as well as all beings, will change according to his will.

The corners of his mouth always outline a faint and elegant smile, and his demeanor is always a little lazy, and he always maintains a powerless appearance that he has never woken up from.

For a time, his pupils were full of mistakes, staring at the hazy phantom in the distance, and Zhan Guo subconsciously said to himself: "Is that Luosi Nan [Saint] just now?"

The old eyes were covered with crystal mist, and they wiped their eyes with ghosts.

The scene that came into view was a world of difference. It was still the majestic Mary Joa shrouded in the rays of the sun, and the dust-free figure I saw in the dark had vanished.

"Really, I'm already a bit old, and I'm sitting on the position of the Admiral of the Navy, yet there is such a ridiculous delusion... Years make people grow old."

The Warring States, who had recovered, sighed with a wry smile and scolded ignorance. As a member of the Tianlong people, Wuchen is too late to maintain his own rule. How can he be so stupid as to overthrow the rule of the world government!

It is completely inconsistent with the logical thinking of the development of things.

"That man—"

"That man? Are you talking about Loisnan [Saint]? Jinpei, if you have the heart of revenge, I advise you to stop early. In my heart, you have more conscience than those pirates who do all kinds of evil. , don't destroy your image, only an idiot like Crocodile can do such a thing."

Looking at Jinping with deep meaning, the Warring States Marshal said bluntly.

On the deck in the front section of the battleship, Crocodile's figure is clearly visible, boasting about his past career incessantly, and his eyebrows are full of excitement. Of course, it is undeniable that this kid is young and does have two strengths.

In the eyes of the Warring States period, this man is indeed hopeless. The new world challenged Whitebeard, but was crushed by the strongest man in the world with the strength of destroying the dead.

The best thing to do is to escape unharmed. The bereaved dog who escaped from the hands of Whitebeard has now become the king's Qiwuhai.

Of course, it just so happens that the government also needs people who hate Whitebeard, or hate the other three emperors. If they really deal with the four emperors in the future, they will be able to form a better group.

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