A certain golden glitter, if you want to know that Wuchen uses his good ability as a light to guide the way, I don't know if he will vomit blood in depression!

Look closely, it is Bartholomew Bear!

Looking at Wuchen, Xiong's meatball palm suddenly lifted, aiming at Wuchen's eyebrows, an unprecedented powerful destructive force condensed in his palm.

Wuchen on the steps just smiled and was not afraid. He didn't even show any signs of moving his body. He sat calmly and looked at the bear from a downward angle.

"The sudden visit in the middle of the night, I thought you would talk about a topic that interests me, but I didn't expect to use force again. If I guessed correctly, you should be a cadre of the Revolutionary Army. Don't you pay attention to convincing people with reason, but you don't use your words. Still better."

Carefully observing Xiong's burly body, Wuchen shrugged his shoulders, his face full of helplessness.

"It's really embarrassing to control the power. If I accidentally kill you, the Warring States Period will definitely put on small shoes for me in front of the Five Old Stars, so I advise you not to ask for trouble. Crocodile is a lesson for the past."

Supporting the armrests with both hands, he sat leisurely on the stone chair, staring at the bear visiting late at night, then closed his eyes, thought carefully in his mind, and had already guessed the reason for his coming.


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Chapter 495 The Strength of the Bear [Second More]

The series of sneers and sarcasms, even if ordinary people are furious and irritable, Xiong's whole person's emotions have never wavered from beginning to end, which coincides with the deceased who have passed away.

His dark skin was slack, his breathing was well-proportioned, and he was quietly holding an unknown book with a purple cover in his left hand. It was not difficult to see that Xiong was exceptionally calm.

It also indirectly shows that in the face of Wuchen, he does not have the slightest pressure and can deal with it calmly.

After half a sound, the bear dropped down on Wuchen's bear paw, quietly examining Wuchen.

"It's surprisingly calm, at least much stronger than Crocodile, and a man of great wisdom."

The pupils are slightly enlarged, completely ignoring the unfavorable factors of distance and the environment, and the various subtle changes of the bear are all staged in the dust-free eyes, which can be seen at a glance.

The whole figure is like a sculpture, and it has always maintained the expression in front of him, giving people a rather old-fashioned impression.

At this moment, the bear's paw that the bear had put down suddenly lifted up, converging a far more powerful impact than before, and it was extremely conspicuous against the black night of a white hood.

"The purpose of my visit is the same as that of Crocodile." Killing intent appeared on the old-fashioned face, and the white hood condensed by the fleshy palm also came out.

Aiming at Wuchen, he roared down without hesitation.

The bear is a superhuman flesh ball fruit capable. The fruit that can bounce all the force away can compress the air to create something similar to a cannon, including fatigue and various injuries and pains that can be bounced away.

Such a comprehensive and versatile fruit is rare, which also shows that the bear's strength is extraordinary.

"Boom boom boom..."

With the explosion of the roar, the stone chair that Wuchen was sitting on suddenly burst, like tofu, and turned into white powder flying in the sky.

The impact on the human body can be imagined.

Only a large deep pit was left at the site of the absolute impact, and there was no trace of dust-free. With the fragile body of a human, it seemed that it might be directly crushed into nothingness.

Seeing this scene, Xiong's heart was not only unhappy, on the contrary, he was very alert, his unchanged face was slightly loose, and the subtle wrinkles between his brows could not be detected without his heart.

Being able to be killed so easily, Crocodile had no dignity to end up in such a tragic end.

"Bear, I heard that your body is harder than you can imagine. It's even worse than steel. I don't know if it's as miraculous as the world's rumors say."

The ghostly sound spreads quietly, accompanied by a golden light beam.

Aware of the awe-inspiring light coming from behind, the bear's fleshy paws simply condensed the white air mask again.


The moment the light beam was about to penetrate the bear, the air burst with a strange bang, and the majestic and tall body of the bear disappeared as if it were moving in space.

It reappeared, as if it was behind Wuchen, the air hood that the flesh palm had already condensed was aimed at Wuchen's thin body, and the steel would be twisted into powder when attacked.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The strong impact fell, and the dust-free body was instantly slapped away, and the sound of shattering bones could be clearly heard, and the weak and fragile slammed into the wall, leaving a large deep pit, and then the bruised body. Falling to the ground, life and death are unknown, and those with weak breathing can be ignored.

"Although I'm also a pirate in the emerging force of [King Xia Qiwuhai], but I am different from Crocodile, and I will die if I'm not careful."

Looking indifferently at the dust-free underground atmosphere, Xiong reminded from "goodwill".


With a loud explosion, a burst of white smoke emerged out of thin air, and the dust-free lying in the deep pit strangely turned into a devastated piece of green wood.

A black shadow rushed towards the bear, and the black iron fist greeted his face mercilessly.

Xiong was not afraid when he saw this, his thick and strong arms were also blasted out, and he chose to fight recklessly.


The fists, one big and one small, collided fiercely, and ripples that were visible to the naked eye swayed in the air. Under the black night sky, two figures of confrontation also came into view.

"Really, in the middle of the night, you still like to make trouble so much. Is it possible that they are all little ghosts who haven't grown up?"

In the brightly lit room, the five old stars glanced at each other, and they could see the helplessness in the other's eyes.

However, the five of them chose to turn a deaf ear and turn a deaf ear.

"It's really despicable."

Looking closely at Wuchen, Xiong suddenly became more talkative, with a little sarcasm, "Whenever the enemy thinks he has the chance to win, he will take the opportunity to defeat the opponent with the most ironic attack... This is you. ."

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