This was the case in the previous battle between Wuchen and Crocodile. When Crocodile thought that the victory was in his hands, he was not greeted by the sweet smile of the goddess of victory, but a fist that beat him up!

The two fists were tightly pressed together, and it was obvious that the strength was the same, and they were on a par. Compared to the bear with a cautious face, his expression was much more relaxed and light-hearted.

At a stalemate, Wuchen and Xiong chose to flash back at the same time.

"Sneak attack is despicable? In other words, as long as I choose an open and honest attack, you can defeat me." Touching his smooth chin, Wuchen asked with interest.

Nodding slightly, the strength exposed by the Bartholomew Bear in front of him indeed surpassed the previous Crocodile.

Especially the momentary movement just now, the speed is no worse than his speed of light, it is almost impossible to capture, and even has an advantage over the speed of light, after all, light can only move in a straight line, and the bear does not seem to have this limitation, and can be free according to his own will. choose any location.

Whether it is destruction or speed, it is better than the Krocdar bear who was defeated by Wuchen. Although Krocdar is a little smart and cunning like a fox, the bear is not an idiot.

The bounty has reached over [-] million, and at the same time, he can be invited to be the great pirate of [King Xia Qiwuhai]. He is a perfect and special existence in all aspects.


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Chapter 496 Heavenly Hand Strength

It's no wonder that Xiong can be so confident in the face of Wuchen, because almost all those who have truly understood and experienced Wuchen's display of strength have fallen, either stepping into the abyss or stepping into the kingdom of heaven.

In terms of speed, it is no less than the speed of light to move instantaneously, and it is able to swim indifferently ~ the forest of the strong in the world, followed by the attack, the impact of the explosion caused by the pressure on the atmosphere is also unparalleled.

Of course, this is the reason why Yixiong developed the "meat~ball fruit" to perfection. There is no invincible fruit, and any ability varies from person to person.

"You have the speed of light, and so do I."

The tall and sturdy body is far taller than Wuchen. Xiong looked down at Wuchen and said, "If I guess right, you are helpless in the face of space movement no lower than the speed of light."

"And then, do you think you can beat me with teleportation..."

Hearing this, Wuchen was noncommittal. Frankly speaking, moving at the speed of light is really tricky.


With an ear-piercing explosion, the majestic body disappeared, the dark space was devoid of people, and only a single dust-free figure remained.

When the glittering fruit moves at the speed of light, at least a straight beam will appear, and the bear's spatial movement is a strange disappearance, and it can only be passively beaten.

Because wherever he appeared, he was completely subservient to his will.


The gorgeous and delicate floor burst with a bang, and the bear with bloody eyes descended. The ground could not bear the weight of his body and collapsed and collapsed.

Invisible air waves spewed out, turning into an absolute shock, destroying the dead.

"Tossing and turning is this trick, boring."

The pupils narrowed slightly, shooting out the soul-sucking demon light, and the energy of the substantive climbed up all over the body, condensed and closed, and instantly turned into an absolute defense.

"Boom boom boom..."

The power of the air cannon was beyond imagination, and the moist soil buried deep on the ground was dug up again, exposing it to the erosion of the air, destroying everything.

Only the dust-free in Susanohuri was safe and sound.

"Isn't it possible for a pentagram with red eyes to use this ability..."

Staring at Wuchen's eyes, Xiong was puzzled. In the past, when Wuchen used this golden monster to fight, it would first turn into a scarlet kaleidoscope before activating its ability.

At the moment, there is no dust, and the eyes still maintain the normal human state.

"Do you feel confused... There are still many things you don't understand. The abilities I showed in the past are just the tip of the iceberg. Thinking that teleportation is invincible in front of me is just your one-sided perception."

A sneer rose up at the corner of his mouth, and Wuchen sneered.

Xiong's greatest confidence is nothing more than his sky-defying teleportation, which means that he can easily dodge any attack.

In fact, Wuchen didn't take the bear's ability to heart. The so-called teleportation, the principle is extremely simple, that is, after using the fruit's ability to compress the surrounding air and surround the whole body, you can make a space transfer, and shoot Floozy with the Chambord Islands. The principles of et al coincide.

The way to deal with this ability is not difficult, as long as the surrounding space is sealed in advance. In the final analysis, the bear still moves with the help of compressed air, and moves with the body, not the real meaning of spanning space.

"It's not your turn to use the profound formation of the [Six Scarlet Sun Formation]. It's boring to solve the battle in an instant in a long night. I might as well play with you."

Carefully observing the bear with a consistent expression, the corner of Wuchen's mouth swept a teasing, and his eyes also turned into scarlet kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes.


The ghost fire from hell ignited strangely from the bear's body, swallowing his entire body almost in the blink of an eye.


Rao Yixiong, a taciturn iron man, also exclaimed in pain in the face of this black strangeness, and hurriedly activated his abilities, the air waves emanated from his body, and the black ghost fire stained on the surface of his skin was immediately bounced out.

"Using the air to bounce [Amaterasu] away? This principle seems to have the same effect as [Shen Luo Tianzheng]."

Even if Amaterasu is against the sky, it cannot burn the invisible air.This is also one of the abilities of "flesh~ball fruit", which can bounce things off the surface of the skin.

The ability of the meat ball fruit is so defiant, it can use the unique bombing of the air to deflect physical damage, including its own fatigue, and even deflect enemy attacks when the reflex nerves are sufficiently developed.

"Return the original amount!"

With the loud shout of the bear, all the black flames that were scattered in all directions were sprayed towards Wuchen, and there was no way to avoid it, and there was no place to dodge.


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