The process of Kaido's previous request for the "Pluto" design drawing, Wuchen listened without a word.

"Then, those five goddamn old fellows, they will be ascended to heaven in the future, and they will be operated on first!" After losing his mouth, Brother Doflaming's face was as pale as paper in pain.

You don't have to think about it to know that the person who told Kaido that he had the top-secret information of the "Pluto" design was undoubtedly the Five Old Stars. Apart from Wuchen, the only one who knew the "Pluto" design plan was the Five Old Stars.

This is trying to kill with a knife!

"This guy's head may be really sick." He shook his head without a trace and sighed, Wuchen said helplessly.

Originally, he could directly deal with the beasts Kaido, but Doflamingo insisted on testing his stamina to see how much the gap between him and Kaido was.

As a result, he was beaten into this miserable appearance on the verge of death! !

"Ow ooh..."

The loud and powerful voice was full of endless indignation, and Kaido, who was besieged by the golden light, burst out with tyrannical energy fluctuations.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The thousands of golden lights that came in instantly vanished into smoke, and the arrogant impact annihilated it, turning it into a hurricane, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye rolled straight towards Wuchen and Doflamingo.


Seeing this exaggerated scene, Doflamingo involuntarily hid behind Wuchen. Now he has no fighting power. If he is affected by this shock, it is equivalent to directly stepping into the underworld.

"The emperor who reigns in the new world.... [Four Emperors] are really not fuel-efficient lamps." Feeling the tenth-level storm coming out, Wuchen said with emotion.

The force that wanted to crush him to annihilation should not be underestimated.

At present, except for Bigu Mum, every other "Four Sovereigns" has this kind of domineering arrogance, and their attainments have reached the ultimate realm of perfection.

Even though Wuchen hasn't played against Bigu Mum yet, he is convinced that the only woman in the "Four Sovereigns" also possesses domineering domineering, and only domineering domineering can match their status.

"It's you bastard..."

The tiger's eyes were round, glaring at Wuchen, Kaido's hoarse tone, with the continuous eruption of flames, the flowing air became hot for a while.

At the beginning, when Wuchen used illusions to crush like an ant, Kaido's heart had already left a shadow that he couldn't let go of.

"As you can see, it's me." Hearing this, Wuchen smiled indifferently, turning a deaf ear to Kaido's murderous aura.

Doflamingo looked at Kaido with great interest. Judging from his face and the incompatible tone of both sides, it seemed that there had been grievances. Kaido's hatred must have ended in his failure. .

"Roll me to the boat and stay there. This battle is not something you can get involved in anymore."

The majestic lion roar resounded in the ears of all the members of the Kaido Pirates, and they all looked at each other and ran to the warships docked on the coast.

Looking around, I saw the members of the Kaido Pirates scattered, Wuchen said: "Beast Kaido... You actually want to fight me one-on-one... but you were once a defeated general. That's it."

"This time I will definitely help you to tear it apart!"

The old face stared at Wuchen with ferocity, the eyes of the beast Kaido fell on Doflamingo, pointed at him with only half a breath left, and said contemptuously: "No wonder this little dare to rob Tianlongren's [Heavenly Gold] unscrupulously. , and there is no future of the Navy Headquarters to kill him, it turns out that you are behind this kid Doflamingo......"

Hearing this, Doflamingo didn't deny it, he just smiled grimly, and at the same time handed Kaido an expression of "I don't agree with you~ Mom, come and beat me".

"Damn bug, if you get the [Pluto] design plan, you will be smashed into thousands of pieces!"

With a heavy snort, Kaido ignored Doflamingo and kept his eyes fixed on Wuchen, remembering what the red-haired Shanks told him about Wuchen.

"I thought that the red-haired Shanks man was just a joke, but now the lawlessness has reached this level, and there is no navy to punish you two. The only people in the world who dare to tease the navy and the government like this are the Tianlong people. . . .."

"Jie Jie... It turns out that you are not stupid, Jie Jie... We are indeed both Tianlong people!"

Gloomy and proud, and a somewhat surprised laughter came from Doflamingo's mouth. It seemed that he was surprised by the savage IQ of Kaido, the beast.

"You're right, the black hand who protected me behind the scenes is indeed him, Jie Jie... and he is our new boss!"


Ask for flowers, ask for a reward, and ask for automatic subscription! ! ! !

Chapter 529 Battle Kaido [sixth more]

Years of killing and training have cultivated a deadly calm heart. Even so, after Doflamingo said this, there were still monstrous ripples, and it was difficult to calm down.

Since when did the Tianlong people, known as the "biggest trash of mankind", actually appear such an unprecedented figure, a person whose strength is enough to keep pace with the "four emperors"?Kaido said he didn't understand if he scratched his head.

This unscientific!

"What's so surprising to you? We, as Heavenly Dragons, are [Descendants of the Creator], with the blood of God flowing in our bodies, worthy of the name of the descendants of God. And, don't compare it with the group of rice buckets we take Mary Joa."

Seeing the opportunity, Doflamingo sneered and sneered, and his expression was extremely proud, obviously the appearance of a villain.

Thinking of the suffocated appearance of being beaten by Kaido the beasts before, Doflamingo became angry, and the old hatred and new hatred superimposed.

"It seems that the communication between you [Four Emperors] is also very close... It's not as discordant as the world thinks, but actually a secret collusion."

People are divided into groups, and things are gathered in groups, and it is not impossible for the "four emperors" to collude secretly. If the world government mobilizes all forces to clean them up, these four pirate groups that dominate the world will definitely hold a group and face the world government.

But under normal circumstances, they still hated each other, secretly stabbed each other, and calculated each other.It is impossible for them to come together without an urgent ending.

After all, the grievances and entanglements between the "Four Emperors" are also enormous, and the oppression of the world government may unite.

Because the nature of pirates is like this, they sometimes care more about petty profits in front of them than some unrealistic "dreams".

"This is also helpless, who made your world government aggressive, the product of the situation, this so-called alliance is the most reliable and the most dangerous." Kaido said lightly, there is no trust between pirates at all. Word.

Not to mention the pirate group and the pirate group, even in a pirate group, things like killing and stealing treasures often happen. It is difficult to get rid of all mutual trust.

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