If one day the pirates of the world could unite, the so-called world government would have already been overthrown.

"But one thing is certain, the future navy and the world government are in big trouble." Looking at Wuchen jokingly, Kaido laughed happily, hoping to see the expression of pain and disappointment on Wuchen's face.

However, he was doomed to disappointment, and his dust-free face remained calm.

"World government? Its survival has nothing to do with me. I'm not interested in them. Compared with the future direction of the world government, I care more about what is happening now."

His pupils narrowed suddenly, and his deep eyes shot out an awe-inspiring murderous aura.

"I really don't know the existence of the future world government... But now I can be sure of one thing. As one of the [Four Emperors], you will be in big trouble!"

The voice fell, and the dust-free body turned into a photon whistling out, and the speed was extremely fast and fleeting, and the naked eye could not capture it, leaving only a straight light in the air.

"Knowing that your kid would take the opportunity to attack!"

Seeing this, Kaido just laughed wildly without fear, and his blood boiled. The reason why he challenged the other "Four Emperors" all year round is because he has a warlike heart.

Knowing the domineering expansion without limit, perceiving the trace of Wuchen locked, grasping it into a fist, armed with domineering covering the entire arm, the strong arm blasted out against the void in front of him with all his strength.

"Boom boom boom..."

The black and golden rays of light collided with each other, and the center of the entire island trembled fiercely, lifting a lot in an instant.

Doflamingo, who was caught off guard, was devoured by the scattered hurricane, and was blown away weakly, eating a mouthful of food.

"Bang bang bang..."

The depressing roar resounded between the heavens and the earth, and the two figures were extremely fast, completely escaping human cognition. Kaido's exaggerated body speed and strength of several meters were all there, and it was truly appalling that he could maintain the same speed as Wuchen.

"Light speed kick!"

The straight, narrow and long light descended from the sky at the speed of light, and slammed straight towards Kaido, who was crawling on the ground. In the blink of an eye, Kaido was devoured and annihilated.

"Boom boom boom!"

With a violent explosion, Kaido's whole body was enveloped by the dazzling firelight, which was hot enough to burn everything, quickly evaporate the water flowing in the air, and even steamed white.

"Tough guy."

A large deep pit suddenly appeared on the ground, and Kaido, who came into view, was unscathed. His strong, armed arms were indestructible, and even a single "light speed kick" didn't hurt him.

"But so!"

Looking up at Wuchen in the sky, Kaido smiled triumphantly, hooked his fingers at Wuchen, and motioned him to bring his horse over. The reason why he lost to Wuchen last time was because he didn't know the function of his strange eyes. .

"Has the warm-up just now made you overwhelmed and carried away?" Quietly looking at the arrogant and domineering Kaido, Wuchen asked softly, turning a deaf ear to Kaido's provocation.

"I'm just someone who likes to make an inch, so if you have the ability, you can let it go!" Hearing this, Kaido pouted in disdain, still full of provocation.

His hatred for Wuchen is as deep as the sea. In the second half of his life since he became famous, the biggest loss is Wuchen's hands. If it is really a simple competition of strength, it is okay to lose. After all, it is not as good as others. , but was defeated by Wuchen with despicable illusions, how could he be reconciled.

"Hundred Beasts Kaido, even now, you still think you can defeat me..."

Gazing at Kaido, who was beaming, Wuchen shook his head involuntarily, and was too lazy to talk nonsense. His dark pupils began to change drastically.

Eyes never seen before, exposed to Kaido's line of sight!


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Chapter 530 Suppressing Kaido [First Update]

Kaido looked at Wuchen's eyes unexpectedly, but he didn't expect this guy to have other eyes, especially after Wuchen once drank hatred in his hands, he listed the latter as a dangerous person, and the danger index even surpassed Bai. beard.

Think about it, how could a person with a higher risk index than Whitebeard, who is good at pupil art, be a trick to deceive people.

Thinking of the tragic scene after the illusion that day, Kaido closed his eyes in an orderly manner, no longer looking at Wuchen, thinking of the elusive illusion, Kaido's heart was heavy and abnormal, and unconsciously he would have If you don't pay attention, you will be pulled into the world of nightmares.

"The limbs are developed, and the brain can turn very fast... But I'm afraid I will disappoint you... This is not the eye I used before, but compared to the writing wheel eye I used last time, this eye can be Much scarier."

The dust-free left eye suddenly turned into a mysterious eye with a purple base. Inside the eye socket, the black coils spread, and the ripples in circles were clearly visible.

It is the reincarnation writing wheel eye.

"You can use any sorcery!" With a muffled sound, Kaido continued to close his eyes without fear.

Actually fighting with eyes closed and eyes open is the same for him. Kaido, who has seen the domineering and domineering, does not need to rely on pure vision to fight.

Illusion can deceive the eyes, but it cannot deceive the domineering.

"Actually, I'm better at attacking than illusion." He raised his eyelids and stared at Kaido, who was on guard, and answered truthfully.

The voice fell, and without waiting for Kaido to speak, he raised his right hand to lock his position, a black hole appeared under his hand, and then a majestic and suppressed swallowing power came out.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

A strong gravitational force immediately enveloped him, and his body floated up.

Noticing the abnormality of his body, Kaido's old face suddenly collapsed, extremely ugly.The whole person seems to have lost the constraints of gravity, floating uncontrollably, and it is extremely difficult to maintain the balance of the body, let alone launch an attack to attack the dust-free.

Even so, Kaido gritted his teeth and continued to persevere. He was not someone who gave up easily, but still tried to control his balance and try to stabilize.

"Are you still struggling now, naive." The corner of his mouth raised a sneer, Wuchen said indifferently.

The biggest advantage of ninjutsu is that it is weird and diverse, especially for someone like Kaido who doesn't know it, it is very difficult to deal with and cannot be guarded against.

"Get over here!"

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