"Clang clang!!!"

The roar of steel, in the dark space, a hazy shadow swooped in, with vigorous movements and flawless movements, without any loopholes.

Wuchen's left eye calmly entered the mode of reincarnation, and nine mysterious gouyu hangs in the purple bottom of the bewitching eye, which is strange and unpredictable. Nothing to hide.

Reflecting in his pupils, Beckman's limbs were wrapped around thick chains, as heavy as a thousand tons, binding him.However, even so, he still moved freely towards Wuchen.

Staring at the incoming shadow, the corner of Wuchen's mouth raised an incalculable sly smile, and the simple and seductive reincarnation writing wheel eye also swayed faintly.

"Just because you want to kill me too, the red-haired Shanks has no such confidence, let alone you!" The pupils suddenly widened, and the faint ripples in the eyes of the reincarnation writing wheel rapidly expanded, spreading to the entire eye socket in an instant.

Beckman, who was shocked by the mysterious energy, suddenly moved as slow as a turtle, and was full of flaws.


Seeing this, Wuchen smiled contemptuously, then swooped up and kicked Beckman away with an understatement. The latter slammed into the heavy wall feebly, his face pale as paper, with obvious blood stains on the corners of his mouth.

"You bastard..." Painfully opened his eyes and locked onto the dust-free, Beckman's murderous intent was awe-inspiring.

In the moment just now, the movements of the whole body, the blood vessels flowing in the body, and even the thinking ability of the brain suddenly stopped being imprisoned.

Or to put it in a more apt way to describe it, the whole world was affected by that evil and mysterious eye, stopped for a moment, and took advantage of this brief interval to attack him without dust.

"Do you still want to take my life in this state... A stupid man who is over his head."

Looking down at Beckman without emotion, he raised his right hand ruthlessly, and the front of his thumb condensed a golden beam of light.

"Laser! Whoosh whoosh..."

With all five fingers, a torrential rain of light raged out, Beckman's body was beaten into a sieve in the blink of an eye, and dozens of burn holes appeared out of thin air.

Most of the scars are concentrated on the body and limbs, and Wuchen deliberately avoids the deadly parts of the internal organs.

"In this case, no matter what plan you have, you have to implement it after a while... At least you can take action when the injury in front of you recovers." Staring blankly at the dying Beckman, Wuchen chuckled lightly. .

Indifferent eyes crossed Beckman's body, and Wuchen then turned and walked away.

When he was about to step into the cell, he suddenly looked back and looked at Beckman, whose eyes were cloudy and he was about to fall into a coma. The corners of his mouth swept the cold arc of anticipation. Regardless of whether he could hear him or not, he spoke to himself in the dark and cold space.

"The cannibalism of the red-haired pirates, this drama is not to be missed."

When Wuchen stepped out of the cell, the jailer who pushed into the city rushed to treat Beckman. The Navy Headquarters explained that Beckman was an important prisoner and should not be lost. Wuchen was a Tianlong person. It was their lowest-ranked jailer.


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, ask for automatic subscriptions, all kinds of requests! ! !

Chapter 543 The child who is about to be born [Chapter Three]

Wuchen really doesn't know the motivation and purpose of the red-haired pirates, as well as where the sword is pointing, he is not a god, and a thoughtful man like red-haired Shanks has no idea.

There is only one thing for sure, no matter what happens in the end, the red-haired Shanks will not abandon his companions.

Dust-free just needs to wait and see. Although the method is very stubborn, the effect is immediate.

He hastily left the smoky place like Pushan City. Before leaving, he deliberately took a detour to look at Shiliu the Rain, the murderer, but this guy is like a sculpture, full of coldness of being isolated from the world, a stranger. Don't enter, just take a look at Wuchen and continue to sleep pampered, completely treating him as air.


Time passed by like a white horse, and when consciousness came to him, several months of time had slipped away through his fingers.

Hawkeye left without saying goodbye five days ago. According to Wuchen's guess, he should have made a break with the red-haired Shanks. After all, the relationship between Hawkeye and the red-haired Shanks is known to the world, and they are both enemies and friends.

Now that Hawkeye has taken refuge in Wuchen, the two of them are bound to make a decision. The relationship that has been broken in the past is likely to be completely cut off because of this relationship, and they will walk away from each other from now on.

Compared with the collision between Hawkeye and the red-haired Shanks, Wuchen cares more about Ben Beckman in the deep sea prison.

This guy was inexplicably and deliberately caught in the push city, it is absolutely impossible to repent, and there is zero chance of their group of pirates who are clamoring to pursue their dreams.

When things go wrong, there must be demons. This is the truth that the ancient sages summed up after thousands of trials.

Therefore, Wuchen also dispatched Bai Jue's clone to stare at the movement of the advancing city, and Beckman also followed the rules, except for recuperation all day long, and the day after day did not change.

These days, the easy life rhythm before Wuchen has been completely chaotic, and after several months have passed, Kaguya Otsutsuki's lower abdomen has already bulged high. According to Wuchen's speculation, that is, the last few days will be pregnant.

Naturally, the dust-free who only occasionally entered and exited the system world before appeared more and more frequently.

It's not without benefits. After a long time, Wuchen's cold relationship with Kaguya Yeji has gradually warmed up recently. At least they won't be sneering at each other when they meet each other like before.

The world within the system will always maintain a sunny and sunny day.

The sparkling lake in the distance, the pavilions and pavilions of ancient fragrance and fragrance are clearly visible, the classical vicissitudes of life, the poetic and picturesque, mysterious and plain artistic conception, the trees and rocks, the embellishment is elegant and grand.

The two figures in the pavilion were clearly visible, and when they looked closely, it was Kaguya and Wuchen.

"She looks a little unfamiliar, but she finds someone to like it."

His eyes were silently looking at the bloated figure in front of him, and the dust-free face outlined a small smile. The Fangying Kaguya that he observed was undoubtedly.

No longer the awe-inspiring and domineering, solitary indifference of the past, Kaguya is now dignified and quiet, perhaps because of her motherhood, with a smile that makes her seem approachable.The high goddess is also restrained in oppression, which is completely opposite to Kaguya in Wuchen's impression.

"Everything is impermanent..."

Seeing Kaguya's benevolent state, she was clean and full of flavors, and she felt like she had not woken up from a big dream. She glanced at the tender life formed in Kaguya's belly. Blessings of that child.

"You're right, fate is indeed elusive." Kaguya echoed her voice, her lithe voice softening her heart, revealing a little powerlessness.

Wuchen sighed complicatedly, then stepped forward to support Kaguya's body, knowing that she paid too much for the child in her belly.

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