Unlike in the past, Kaguya did not reject Wuchen's embrace this time, but instead leaned on his shoulders, quietly snuggling in Wuchen's arms, her face as white as jade enjoyed this strange smell very much, and went to Wuchen. Her arms arched, like a lazy cat.

"My concubine never imagined that the former self would become what it is today."

The soft tone was hesitant, and she actually had doubts about Kaguya in the future. She never thought that she would become like this one day.

He looked at Wuchen deeply, and immediately said with a kind of resentment and playfulness: "Sometimes, I even wonder if it's because you performed a spell on me far beyond [Bie Tianshen] that made me become the person I am now. Disgusting look."

Blinking Shui Lingling's eyes, Kaguya looked at Wuchen, who was light and windy, her eyes were full of seriousness. She really had such doubts in the past.

"I can't do that, and am I that kind of person?" Wuchen had a black line on his head, his face full of helplessness.

He glared at her angrily. If Kaguya wasn't pregnant, she would definitely teach her right away. It's not wrong to say that emotional women are rich in ideas.

His heart was as light as a cloud, and a smile appeared on his dust-free cheeks. He was very pleased that Kaguya could be so cheerful and optimistic, and it also showed that Kaguya could accept him in disguise.

In all fairness, the change in Kaguya's temperament is indeed beyond Wuchen's expectations, and at present it can only be attributed to Kaguya's motherhood.

Maybe after giving birth to the child, it will return to the unattainable appearance before, and it will never be wrong to have a good relationship now!

"You must have made a bad idea again." The tone of the question was very certain, and Kaguya wrinkled Qiong's nose.

I always feel that Wuchen's smile is a bit strange, but I can't tell what it feels, anyway, it is malicious, and there is a sense of horror being stared at by a cunning old fox.

"Impossible, I'm just thinking about how to have a good relationship with her in the future."

The little hands skimmed into Kaguya's clothes, and the dust-free palms penetrated into Kaguya's belly like magic, and caressed the tender life brewing in her belly.

"You scumbag!"

With her face down, Kaguya said in a cold voice, regardless of Wuchen's stunned surprise, "I'm pregnant for ten months, and you still want to do such dirty things with me."

Saying that, regardless of Wuchen's dull eyes, Qiu Daoyu rushed over.


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Chapter 544 Hawkeye vs Red-haired Shanks [fourth more]

The duel between Hawkeye and Red-haired Shanks naturally attracts pirates from all over the world to watch the fun. The powerhouses who have been at the peak of kendo for a long time are fighting for life and death. It is rare to see it in decades. The pirates in groups are like Cats that smelled the fishy smell came from all directions, not far away.

No matter when, the nature of pirates who love to join in the fun has not changed. Of course, some pirates with ulterior motives are also included, and even the undercover navy is there, and their motives are unknown.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

On the island in the distance, the sky presents a huge straight black abyss, and the void is pulled by two tyrannical forces, turning into a dark crack that is bottomless.

And it continues to swallow the whales towards the surrounding sky, rapidly expanding and expanding the area. This terrifying space button actually covers the entire island!

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

Waves of powerful power fluctuations swept the world, and bursts of roars were suppressed to the extreme.As far as the eye can see, the islands in the distance are trembling and beating, and the entire sea surface is swaying and trembling with the waves of the islands.

Many pirate groups just watched from a distance, let alone set foot on the island, they dared not even get close, for fear of being swallowed up by the chaotic slash.

The strongest collision between Red-haired Shanks and Hawkeye is exciting, but watch it with your life!

In the center of the center of the island, the ground was rewritten arbitrarily, the sturdy and majestic mountain became the object of bullying, and the fragile like withered leaves could only be accompanied by energy fluctuations.

Looking around, some of the mountains have been slashed to the ground...the swords and swords that occasionally crossed are the natural enemies of these mountains.

"You've made great progress these days, Shanks."

Hawkeye was holding a black knife, panting as he looked at the red-haired Shanks who was obviously much more relaxed, with no concealment of surprise and consternation in his tone.

Hearing this, the red-haired Shanks smiled boldly: "You're not bad, Mihawk."

From the tone of the conversation between the two, it is not difficult to hear that the relationship between the two is more harmonious than the world thinks. As competitors, they also cherish each other.

"I thought my improvement was fast enough, but I didn't expect that Shanks would not let me down..."

Eagle eyes looked cautious, quietly looking at the long and narrow dark crack in the sky, and sighed inwardly, when it comes to the flexible application of domineering and domineering, he is at a disadvantage.

Inevitably, he recalled what the red-haired Shanks had said to him before. When it comes to pure swordsmanship, red-haired Shanks is indeed inferior to Hawkeye, but when it comes to pirates, Hawkeye is not as good as red-haired.

"Why give in to that man... You shouldn't be that kind of person, Hawkeye!" The red-haired Shanks asked in a hoarse voice, his face gloomy.

The two used to be close friends who said nothing, but now because of the appearance of the intruder Wuchen, the relationship that has been harmonious for many years has cracked, and it has evolved into today's duel that has to risk their lives.

The initiators and those who provoked troubles are all dust-free!

"Of course it's to chase the farther road of kendo."

Hawkeye replied calmly, for him, it doesn't matter to him to be a pirate, or to be a [King's Seven Martial Seas]. As long as he can set foot on the ultimate path of kendo, the actual pirate and the navy are not important to him.

"You've changed." Looking at Hawkeye, the red-haired Shanks said regretfully.

At the same time, in the heart, the hatred for Wuchen adds another point. The like-minded confidant is easily rebelled by Wuchen, and the red-haired Shanks has mixed feelings in his heart.

In the past, he also extended an olive branch to Hawkeye, but was decisively rejected by the latter, but now Hawkeye has joined Wuchen's forces, which is tantamount to indirectly hitting him in the face.

"Become you, Shanks, from beginning to end, my goal is to pursue the pinnacle of kendo."

The underworld held by the eagle's eyes danced with a cold, cold light, and his eyes sharper than the eagle's eyes were pressing towards the red-haired Shanks, and the emerald-colored slash was thrown out, and the stable ground suddenly pulled out a long and narrow crack.


The red-haired Shanks did not show weakness when he saw this, the Western swordsman in his hand raised and fell, the air swept across the awe-inspiring light of the knife, and then the crimson slash raged along the tip of the knife.

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