A crisp crack suddenly came, and there were cracks in the skeleton of the spine. Although the small gaps could be ignored, they continued to spread around.

"This guy...is really smart."

The size of the creature is about huge, and the more difficult it is to move, Blackbeard chooses to attack the back, which is also considered smart, and behind it is the weakness of any creature.

"Jie Jie...Isn't it still broken by Lao Tzu?!" A proud laughter resounded through the night sky, and he winked at Banyan and smiled, the villain's triumphant appearance was extremely beating.

"The current mature body Susanohu's power and defense are out of ten. Maybe if Whitebeard comes, a punch has already broken his defense."

The face was expressionless and indifferent, and at the same time there was a subtle smile on the corner of his mouth.

Blackbeard's character is the same as in the future. He is cruel and cunning, and he is extremely arrogant. However, one thing cannot be denied. He is indeed a little clever. To the strength of their own situation.

But right now, it doesn't work for Madara, or Wuchen who is manipulating him from behind.

"Less than one-tenth of the original power? Do you think Lao Tzu is a novice who is just getting started? This trick of deceiving ghosts can only fool those who are just getting started!"

Hearing this, Blackbeard roared gloomily towards Banana like a cat whose tail was being stepped on.

[-]% of the power is enough to tear the ground apart, and [-]% of the power can easily disintegrate the mountain?It's no wonder that Blackbeard is so suspicious of fading spots. It is still unknown whether Whitebeard can achieve that level. How can you, a nobody, He De be able to do it?I thought I was an idiot!

Madara was silent and didn't bother to explain. The hundreds of millions of pores in his body opened, the densely suppressed chakra erupted, and the blue light instantly spread all over Susanoo's body.

The previous minor cracks were immediately repaired.

Not only that, but the back of the head and the armpits under both shoulders trembled strangely, as if something was about to break out of the shell, constantly bulging.

"Could it be—"

Seeing this scene, Blackbeard's old face changed greatly, his forehead was sweating coldly, he smelled an unusually dangerous smell, and looking at the outline of the vaguely condensed head, he had already guessed what it was, and he was about to dodge back, but it was too late.

The blue light poured out, and the black beard, who was caught off guard, was directly caught and held in the air.

Looking up, Susanoh, who was a head and two hands just now, has undergone earth-shaking changes and turned into two heads and four arms.

Blackbeard was caught by the newly born arms, unable to move, and was casually grabbed into his hands, dizzy and dizzy.

Madara's ominous eyes looked at Blackbeard playfully, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Even if he didn't mean to laugh, Blackbeard's eyes were full of irony.


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Chapter 598 If you can't beat it, run away [fifth more]

Blackbeard struggled hard, the violent twisting made his old face red, his eyes were staring, his awe-inspiring eyes were as sharp as knives, and the cold light shot out was as piercing as knives, making him unable to look directly at him, he was more than a beast Even the cruel eyes show the ruthlessness of Blackbeard.

With a strange green light in his eyes, the black beard at the moment is extremely terrifying, no different from the Specter Ghost who escaped from hell, full of indescribable madness.

Being caught in the hand like a flea by a human being like a flea, this seriously hurts Blackbeard's self-esteem!

Although he was armed with a domineering defense and was caught by Susanoo's powerful five fingers, Blackbeard didn't feel any pain, but the mental blow was unparalleled.

It is far more painful than the physical blow, the painful black beard is almost melted in the heart of steel!For the first time in his life, he was so frustrated,

His arrogant self-esteem was crushed by the ruthless ruthlessness that was like scrap copper and iron. The mental blow far outweighed the physical pain. For many years, it was the black beard who secretly provoked everything, like a fisherman. look down on the development of the entire war situation.

Only this time, being crushed by Wuchen like an ant, it would be as difficult to make him pay attention to himself.

An unprecedented unwillingness invaded his mind from every corner of the body along the meridians of the whole body, and the strength of Blackbeard's struggle suddenly increased a lot.

"Yo, it's really strange that a person like you still has self-esteem." When he noticed the powerful force coming from his right arm, his eyes like stagnant water splashed with ripples, and he was slightly surprised.

He used to think that Blackbeard was a person who would do anything to achieve his goals, but from the humiliating expression on his face now, this old boy still has dignity.

With a slight movement of his mind, Susanoo raised his arm high, and threw the black beard that fell in his hand like garbage.

"Boom boom boom..."

Under the unprecedented impact, the ground suddenly burst open, and a huge deep pit appeared, in which Blackbeard was lying covered in blood.

"Cough cough..."

He vomited blood uncontrollably, and the black beard's old face turned blue. If it weren't for the domineering defense of the armed color, perhaps this time he would have turned into a pool of bloody minced meat.

However, even so, he was seriously injured, and several ribs on his body were nearly crushed. With such ink marks, he would definitely die.

"Do you know where the gap between you and the redhead is, Blackbeard."

In Susanohuri, the dust-free Madara Uchiha said indifferently, the dust-covered feelings loosened, and he said hoarsely: "I mean you know why the redhead has the domineering look of the king... but he doesn't?"

Heibeard's face became even darker when he heard the words. Wuchen's words were like a sharp barb, deeply piercing his heart, and the pain and unwillingness that went deep into the bone marrow were also awakened.

He always thought that he was better than the red-haired Shanks, but it was a fact that the red-haired Shanks had a domineering look, and the blackbeard didn't have the domineering look.

"Don't be suspicious, because it's natural, the redhead is a person who dares to work hard, and has the qualification to become a [king], and you... just play some innocuous conspiracies, greedy for life and fear of death, insidious and cunning It's just a rat generation... It's a fantasy for a person like you to be domineering."

The dust-free Madara Uchiha sneered, full of contempt and disdain.

"Jie haha... You don't need to ridicule me, how could I have such a ridiculous trick!"

His rough arms wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and Blackbeard said with a relieved smile. He smiled at Madara's remarks, and boldness was also one of his contradictory characters.

"You won't live long anyway!"

Looking at Saatchi, whose aura had completely disappeared from the ground, Blackbeard's eyes flashed with cunning and hesitation. He raised his head and stared at the large Susanoo, his soul trembled for a while, fear flashed in his eyes, and hesitation turned into decision in an instant. .


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