After exhausting all his strength, the black beard who saw the bad situation dodged and ran away. After a monstrous smoke was rolled up, he disappeared forever. After just a few breaths, the whole person disappeared.

He stared calmly at the black light disappearing from the sea level, his face was expressionless, and he did not choose to pursue, and stood quietly in the same place.

"Bai Jue!" He opened his eyes after a while, and shouted in a low voice.

The moment Ban's words fell, Bai Jue came out of the ground strangely, looked around the messy battlefield, and asked helplessly: "Why did Lord Wuchen deliberately let that kid go, wouldn't it be better to get rid of him now? avoid future troubles."

Hearing that, Madara just glanced at him casually without explaining it, there is no need to kill a worthless person, and there is no such thing as a leisurely waste of time.

Pointing at Saatchi, who was lying unconscious on the ground, he seemed to remember something, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he commanded Bai Jue calmly, "This kid is a good pawn and look after him."

Although he was puzzled, Bai Jue nodded, walked towards Saqi and devoured him.


"Bastard, there are still such powerful fruits in the world, what kind of shitty dark fruits, Zhenzhen fruits are all street goods and not worth mentioning!"

On the stormy sea, Blackbeard swung the oars with both hands, and hurriedly rowed towards the stronghold of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The journey is not very far, and it only takes one night to arrive.

Blackbeard yelled, and he had to say that after fighting Uchiha Madara, who was reincarnated in the dirt, he knew that although a person like Whitebeard was powerful, he was not at the top level.

The cruel eyes were also full of undisguised greed and coveting, and he had already classified Susanoo, which Madara showed, as some kind of mysterious Devil Fruit type.

Compared with the so-called Shock Fruit and Dark Dark Fruit, Madara's Susano is beyond imagination. The combination of offense and defense, whether it is defense or destruction, is a perfect state. The greedy Blackbeard naturally desires this. ability to grow fruit.


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, ask for automatic subscription, ask for collections, ask for all kinds of requests! ! ! !

Chapter 599 The boiling world (on) [sixth more]

It is no wonder that Blackbeard is so enthusiastic and excited that he has found an ability stronger than the Dark Fruit and the Zhenzhen Fruit. Of course, his heart is no different from the chicken blood, and he is full of fighting spirit.

The reason why I can't wait to get the Dark Fruit is because of his special body structure, and the ability of the Dark Fruit is strange and evil. It is completely tailor-made for him, and when combined, it will produce incredible effects.

The fusion of black beard and dark fruit has the power to turn decay into magic, and then all the impossible will become possible.

"When I get the dark fruit, I will occupy everything for you, take your power and occupy it for myself, Jie ha ha..."

Arrogant and ambitious laughter resounded through the dark night sky, and Blackbeard rowed the boat even harder.


In the early morning of the next day, the weather was sunny and there were no clouds.

Although the way the world transmits information is as slow as a turtle, the transmission of some important information is faster than imagined, even faster than the three-dimensional life of Wuchen before.

"Good and bad spirits...that group of guys."

On the deck, bathed in the warm sunbathing, Wuchen looked at the newspaper in his hand with interest. The colored picture of him crushing the pirates almost occupied the entire newspaper picture.

It was marked with the words "Honorary Admiral of the Navy".

"This is bad news, you are already famous all over the world."

Garp came over, ate senbei for thousands of years, and shouted that he wanted to break the record, which made Wuchen laugh and cry, this old guy always appeared in such a funny way.

Winking at Wuchen, Kap smiled proudly, and the old-faced smile looked extraordinarily weird and full of alternative meanings. In any case, Wuchen would never be able to hide behind the scenes like before. Fully exposed to sunlight, nothing to hide.

He shrugged, smiled without dust, and no longer tangled. This kind of thing depends on good and bad. Although his identity is exposed, it will be much easier to do things in the future, and he will not encounter many inconvenient obstacles.

"You are the only general in the navy at the moment, and you can be said to be majestic." He savored the senbei in his hand with a face full of intoxication, and Garp's tone was full of envy and jealousy.

It is absolutely unprecedented for Wuchen to ascend to the sky in one step and be directly awarded the military rank of "General", even if it is just a so-called "Honorary General" without the slightest power.

In the navy, many people who have worked hard for forty or fifty years are only at the rank of lieutenant generals.

Wuchen changed the history of the navy, of course, it can also be understood as the special treatment of Tianlong people and his bottomless strength to be honored in this position.

"Who told you to refuse promotion, otherwise, about ten years ago, you should have been a general, at the same time as Warring States and Zefa." Looking at Karp with deep meaning, Wuchen said with admiration .

Being an official for thousands of miles is only for the name, and a person like Karp who is willing to give up the general is worthy of the four characters of "clear and arrogant".

"After sitting as a general, can this old man still eat senbei as leisurely as he does now?" Garp said indifferently while eating senbei happily.

To him, fame and fortune are just clouds, and they are optional.

"Speaking of which, your naval headquarters will promote the three of them to generals soon..." The conversation suddenly changed, and Wuchen asked calmly.

The three people in his mouth are naturally Kuzan [Aokiji], Sakaski [Akainu], and Polsalino [Kizuna], the three future three generals.

Hearing this, the Xianbei that Karp brought to his mouth stopped abruptly, and then nodded seriously, without concealing it, and said bluntly: "This is what the Warring States and those five meant."

"You can all be promoted to generals. The three of them are also tens of years old, why can't they." Staring at Wuchen, Karp laughed.

Wuchen's qualifications can be neglected to be zero, but he still takes the position of general. Kuzan and the other three are also veterans of the navy. He has also held the position of lieutenant general for many years. Can go further.

"That's true." Wuchen nodded slightly, although these words were ugly, they were true.

The identity of the honorary admiral of the navy was suddenly exposed. For the whole world, it was a rock that fell into the sea, causing huge ripples. Some people who didn't know the truth even laughed, mocking that the navy used it to support its appearance.

The dust-free skin on the newspaper is as white as jade, the facial features are exquisite, and there is an indescribable extravagance between his eyebrows, at first glance, he looks like a noble boy from a wealthy family.

Only some big pirates who know the truth behind the scenes are worried and worried about the future.

"I said that the back of the [Honorary General] was a little familiar back then, but I didn't expect it to be him."

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