It is too late to weaken the Whitebeard Pirates and the Bigumm Pirates, and Wuchen will not disguise to improve their overall strength. This move is tantamount to digging a grave. The whole world is so big, and the second half of the new world is almost They are all in the shadow of the "Four Sovereigns". If they want to gain a foothold in the new world, they will bear the brunt of the pressure from the "Four Sovereigns".

"Dong dong dong..."

While pondering, there was a crisp knock on the door, and Wuchen's thoughts were pulled back, "Come in."


The door was gently pushed open, and what caught the eye was a tall and strong man with a fair complexion and a rather handsome appearance, giving people the feeling of a touch of sunshine, confident and gentle.

But what worried Wuchen the most was that he actually recognized this person.

"Your name is Smog?" Glancing at him, Wuchen asked calmly.

Smog was stunned when he heard the words, with a surprised expression on his face. He was a little flattered. He didn't expect Wuchen to know him. Now he is just a soldier at the grassroots level. He has no rights. exist.

Wuchen is a serious general, and the gap between them is very different. Recognizing him at a glance, Smog feels very strange.


He raised his chest upright and saluted, his tone was neither humble nor loud, vigorous and loud, tall and straight like a javelin, full of heroism and arrogance.

"This guy is a talent, and it is not impossible to become a general in the future."

Seeing this, Wuchen gave him a look of admiration. He should not be arrogant but arrogant. Smog was young, but he did it very well.

"Take it."

Throwing it to the devil fruit with the weird texture of Smog, Wuchen explained: "This is a natural smoke fruit. After eating it, the host can become a smoke man. You are lucky. This is what I encountered on the way back with Garp. A pirate group grabbed it easily."

Smog's eyes widened. He didn't expect to meet Wuchen for the first time, and he would give him such a precious gift. The Devil Fruit of the Nature Department is invaluable.

"There's no need to be grateful, this Devil Fruit is a burden to keep in my hands, and it won't work, not to mention Lieutenant General Garp who took the robbery, and it should belong to your navy." Wuchen said indifferently.

The ability of the smoke fruit is good, but it is useless to come without dust, not to mention that this is only temporarily handed to him by Garp, and the Smoker who is now given to the navy is also reverted to its original owner.

"What's the matter with me?" His eyes fell on Smog's face, and Wuchen asked.

The sluggish eyes quickly converged, and Smalling rationalized his thoughts, "Marshal of the Warring States has invited me, as for the reason..."

Having said that, Smog's tone stopped, and now he is just an inexperienced soldier, and it is too far to spy on the secret identities of the Navy's high-level officials.

"The weasel didn't have a good intention to greet the chicken... It's probably Doflamingo's business." After thinking for a few seconds, Wuchen guessed secretly, and vaguely understood the intention of the Warring States Period.

At present, the only force under his command is Doflamingo, a mad dog who is making waves everywhere. There is no impermeable wall in the world, and the chances of wanting to deceive the world without knowing it are zero.

In particular, Doflamingo used the "Bird Cage" to the entire Dressrosa with great fanfare, but even so, the Warring States period was not qualified to intervene. "King Xia Qiwuhai" can rob the whole world and is not wanted by the navy. , which is guaranteed by Mary Joyana's five licenses.

Suddenly finding Wuchen, it is estimated that he wants to stop Doflamingo's actions from him.

"Dong dong dong."

The dull knock on the door sounded, and the Warring States brows slightly raised, and then he said full of anger: "The door is not locked, come in."

It was Wuchen who raised his eyes and caught sight of Wuchen, and the old face of the Warring States suddenly crossed with surprise. He did not expect Wuchen to be so disciplined. At first, he thought that Wuchen would break into the door as domineering as Garp!

After all, Wuchen's strength is not lower than him, and his status is not lower than him. Taken together, all the data have exploded in the Warring States period, and he can follow the rules like this completely to give him face.

Wuchen's next sentence suddenly brought down the old face of Warring States with a slight smile. His face was full of bitterness and confusion, and his heart was replaced by a haze.

"After Your Excellency became the Marshal, the seas and seas were calm, the pirates in the new world were calm, and the recent [Four Emperors] also left the stage sadly. The name of the Marshal of the Warring States Period has spread to all corners of the world and is talked about by the world."

Wuchen's compliment not only did not make Warring States feel happy, on the contrary, his face was gloomy.

During his promotion to the marshal, two or three loopholes were exploited in the advance city, and the same was true for the navy headquarters. The most deadly was the deformed organization that emerged recently - Wangxia Qiwuhai. fame reached its peak.

Of course not praise, but abusive!

Every day he was scolded by the citizens who were tortured by the pirate war, and what was even worse was that he directly improved several grades one after another. The Warring States period was too lazy to scold him, and honored his family...

All this Warring States also pinched his nose and recognized it. He had to admit that the era he was in was definitely the most chaotic era in history.

Heroes from all over the world are rising together, and the four emperors are rampant. The naval headquarters is in a state of fault, and the evil organization Qiwuhai was established as a last resort to suppress the pirates with evil. In addition...

There is also this one in front of me. The current power is extremely large, and the Tianlong people who eat both black and white - Luo Yi Si Nan.

Headache, chest pain, whole body pain!

Thinking of the Warring States period, he was speechless and unlucky for a while, and the resentment in his heart filled the sky. Even though the enemy was right in front of him, he could only endure it and not attack. Not only that, but he had to squeeze out a smiling face to accompany him to chat and laugh, and he could only suffer from a dull loss. It's really embarrassing to be slapped in the face by the man in front of me and send them off with a smile.

The pain in my heart can be imagined!

The Five Old Stars often call and scolded him, making the spirit of the Warring States period about to collapse, but he is dumb and eating berberine, and he can't tell the bitterness.


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Chapter 603 Refers to a deer as a horse [fourth more]

It's no wonder that the Warring States period was so gloomy. The enemy was so close, but he was helpless. Instead, he smiled apologetically.

Leaving aside the powerful halo of the Tianlong people, he still has the identity of "King Xia Qiwuhai" to escort him, and he also has his master, Wuchen, who is secretly sheltering him. There is really no one who dares to trouble Doflamingo, this kid. Now at ease like a fairy.

The only thing that can restrain him is Wuchen.

Of course, after Doflamingo committed a crime, he always needed someone else to take the blame. The only candidate for the hardship was the Warring States period. No wonder he couldn't stand up in front of the Marshal Wuchen. Doflamingo was in chaos everywhere. The mad dog is a big guillotine.

"If you have something to say, just say it."

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