Wuchen's remarks made Warring States see hope, and his face was full of joy, but before he could wait for Warring States to be happy, Wuchen's sudden words once again stepped on him into the eighteenth hell.

"Listen to my mood." Shrugging, Wuchen smiled casually.

When Warring States heard the words, the old face flushed red, his lips trembled with anger, his body twitched when Wuchen's playful eyes looked at him, and black lines hung all over his forehead. It was really uncomfortable to be hit in such a head-on way, but he could only endure it and not attack. .

For a while, I even wondered whether I should talk to Wuchen, which is no different from taking humiliation. After taking a few deep breaths, the Warring States period calmed down.

"Doflamingo has blocked Dressrosa. His ability is quite strange, and the phone bug can't communicate with the outside world. It is no different from the closed Dead Island, and it has become an independent world."

Warring States was worried, and it was no coincidence that since he knew the identity of Doflamingo Tianlong, Warring States knew what his intentions were.

Take advantage of the situation to take back the throne that was bestowed hundreds of years ago.

"What does the marshal mean..." Wuchen asked calmly when he casually sat on the sofa.

The cells in my mind speeded up, and in just a few seconds, I guessed the intention of the Warring States Period. At the moment, I just shook my head in disapproval. It would be better to cut Doflamingo with a knife if he wanted to give up his dream.

This is neither realistic nor scientific.

"If I guessed correctly, his purpose should be Dressrosa's throne, I hope you can stop him!"

The awe-inspiring eyes fell on Wuchen, and the Warring States said solemnly: "He is now [King Xia Qiwuhai], and King Dressrosa is useless to him."

"He's an evil pirate, and I'm a righteous navy. How can I stop this? I'm not familiar with him, and I'm still a deadly enemy." Wuchen chose to perfunctory and pretended to be stupid.

Behind the scenes, the ambassador who advocated Doflamingo's capture of King Dressrosa was Wuchen. Now it is absolutely impossible to ask Doflamingo to put down the cooked duck. It's a pity that it flew in vain.Where it is cool and where to play in the mud.


When Warring States heard the words, his pupils were rounded, and he looked at Wuchen in disbelief. He didn't expect Wuchen to be so shameless. Everyone knew that Brother Doflaming was his subordinate, but the senior navy and Wu Laoxing knew it. clear.

He opened his mouth to refute Wuchen, but the Warring States Marshal suddenly found himself speechless, catching thieves and taking stolen goods, and everything must be based on facts. Although he is convinced that Brother Doflaming is Wuchen's lackey, there is no substantive evidence. prove.

Moreover, falsely accusing Tianlong people is not a small crime, and he can't eat and walk around. Even if Wuchen makes a quibble, the Warring States period is speechless and can only stare blankly. Wu Laoxing will not be bored enough to testify for him.

"It's obviously nonsense, but it makes people speechless. This guy is shameless."

Warring States asked himself that he had never seen such a shameless person. Although Whitebeard was savage and unreasonable, at least everyone could pay revenge for exchanges.

Here is Wuchen, this rule that everyone abides by is invalid... Only he can play at will!The most terrible thing is that he can't counterattack, and he can only passively accept moves.

"I do think..."

His eyes fell on Warring States, and Wuchen said: "Everything has two sides, although Doflamingo's strong invasion has brought great losses to Dressrosa, it also has a positive and optimistic side.

Dressrosa is the second stop to enter the new world. After most of the pirates enter the new world, they will go to this island to supply equipment and supplies, as well as some necessities for sailing in the sea.

Therefore, the law and order is also extremely chaotic. The big and small pirates are constantly coming and going. The so-called Riku royal family is just a laughing stock. They are regarded as air by those powerful pirates. The people can only be slaughtered, and the so-called fairy tale world is only built on the basis of humiliation.

Or a lot of flamenco sitting on King Dressrosa will do no harm, but at least the pirate robbery can be effectively put an end to, no one dares to ignore the super strong combat power of [Shibukai]. "

After about half an hour, Wuchen took a sip of tea, and then slowly finished this long paragraph.

"This...is also true..."

Seeing that Wuchen was about to jerk again, the corners of Zhan Guo's mouth twitched, and he was speechless by Wuchen's remarks. Until the end, he had to admit that this was an undeniable fact.

Even though he was extremely unhappy, he had to admire Wuchen's eloquence. He was clearly referring to the truth as a horse, but the Warring States period could not find a reason to refute Wuchen's point of view.

As Wuchen said, it is because of the gentle rule of the Riku royal family, which also led to the innocence of the local islanders, showing their weak and powerless side in the face of pirates, and being oppressed.

In the face of the new king Doflamingo, of course they did not dare to be presumptuous... Unlike the weak Liku royal family, a bloody butcher like Doflamingo is the kind of person who advocates violence with violence!

He is not interested in soft prey. The more he resists, the more interest he can arouse Doflamingo. Unlike other pirates, as long as he can destroy the world, it doesn't really matter what he does.


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, and automatically subscribe to all kinds of requests! ! !

Chapter 604 The Miserable Four Emperors

It's no wonder that Sengoku was powerless to refute, it was the truth.In this world, there are only two kinds of people, either being exploited or exploiting others. It's as simple as that, and any living thing circulates like this.

Seeing that Wuchen did not let go, the Warring States knew that the plan to prevent Doflamingo from becoming King Dressrosa had failed.

"As one of the [King's Xia Qiwuhai], he has to cooperate with the Navy's combat staff, just arrange the Navy's staff near Dressrosa!"

The Warring States Marshal gave a step back, his face full of hope.

But he is destined to be disappointed this time, why is Wuchen so troublesome to escape the eyes and eyes of the Navy and the World Government?It is the need for a quiet environment to create a peerless weapon like Pluto, and it is impossible for Wuchen to agree to the Warring States.

"I'm a navy, he's a pirate. If you think Doflamingo can agree, you can ask him."

Warring States: "..."


Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, several days have passed.

The big ship that Wuchen rides on, rushing on the sea surface, setting off huge ripples, rapidly extending, and the surrounding sea area swallowed by water-printed whales.

The dust-free on the deck is basking in the sun, enjoying the afternoon tea with a comfortable attitude.

"Does that old guy in the Warring States want to keep me as a hard worker? There is no door!" He proudly picked up the fruit in the delicate plate and stuffed it into his mouth, Wuchen said with a smile.

After hearing what Garp said about Wuchen's actions, the Warring States period wanted to keep him in the naval headquarters. In case Whitebeard came, this initiator was an excellent fighting force.

But to his disappointment, the Whitebeard Pirates not only did not make any move, but left the stage sadly and returned to the island where the New World was originally stationed, as if nothing had happened. .

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