Staring at Lu Qi in a stunned manner, Frankie couldn't describe the shock in his heart with thousands of words. These shipbuilders, who were usually honest and friendly, now turned into the awakened Hell Shura and became cold-blooded butchers.

Especially Lu Qi in front of him is the most, and his whole body is full of unknowns.

"I don't want to say more nonsense, hand over the design drawings you saved, and spare you!"

As if he didn't even look at Franky, Lu Qi simply closed his eyes, as if speaking to the air, as if he didn't exist, Franky was like an eyesore, and he felt dirty even if he looked at him one more time.

"What's your attitude?!" The old face changed drastically, and Franky glared angrily.

Hearing this, Lu Qi's face was wrinkled and squeezed together, and his closed eyes opened, narrowed into a line, and shot out a dangerous and sinister light.

"Ask yourself."

The moment the voice fell, Lu Qi's body turned into an afterimage, disappeared without a trace, and disappeared from Franky's eyeballs.

"What are you kidding? It's just human, how can it be so fast?!"

Frankie's face was sluggish, he wiped his eyes instinctively, and said in surprise: "By the way, they are also shipbuilders, and they must have transformed their bodies!"


A ghostly voice of indifference fell from the sky, followed by a black shadow descending out of thin air, with explosive power condensing on his feet, and Franky, who was unaware, was instantly hit.

"Boom boom boom!"

The ground, which could not bear the terrifying force, burst, and a huge deep pit appeared, and the invisible air waves spread along with it. .

The dazzling sunlight entered everyone's eyes, and everyone raised their palms to block the erosion of the flash, and looked at the shocking scene in silence.

"The boss has been killed, run!"

People's hearts are fragile, and seeing the boss Franky being easily ravaged~killed in seconds, the gangsters also fled one after another.

His eyes spread, and the backs of these ants were caught in his eyes. Lu Qi's eyes condensed a cold light, and he cast icy eyes at the rest of the CP[-] members.

That means killing them all!

" can it be so strong, just a shipbuilder..."

Franky said in a trembling voice, his whole body was almost scrapped, and the random kick just now easily hit him hard.

"I'm repeating for the last time, handing over the [Pluto] design." Lu Qi said coldly, looking down at Franky, his face always kept old-fashioned.

"Pluto? What is that? This uncle doesn't have that kind of thing!" There was a flash of panic in his eyes, and Franky argued loudly.

Yelling loudly, trying to prove his innocence.

"Sure enough, it's in this guy's hands."

A veiled smile swept the corner of his mouth, Lu Qi caught Franky's panic, and he was relieved. CP9 had been lurking in the Seven Waters for several years for the design of [Pluto]!


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, and automatically subscribe to all kinds of requests! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 789 Robbery [Second]

Recommend a good book to a friend: [Fire Phoenix: The God of War], written by a soft girl. Personally, I feel pretty good. If you like it, go to see it. You might as well keep it. ! !


Lu Qi's eyes are like eagles, and his sharp eyes are full of compelling light. Under these eyes, everything is invisible. The biggest secret in Franky's heart is all exposed under Lu Qi's eyes.

"Sorry, what do you mean? I don't understand!" Frankie said without blushing or panting.

Hearing this, Lu Qi's frozen face was loose, and he rarely showed a faint smile.

"Ouch... ah ah ah..."

The screams around him were terrifying and cold, and the screams that were not as good as death were filled with deep despair. When he looked closely, the surrounding earth was soaked and wet with pungent blood, like a purgatory on earth, and there were many broken corpses. arm.

Frankie's younger brothers were easily crushed by Lu Qi's CP9, and they didn't even have the power to counterattack. These rookies, who were at most hooligans, couldn't make waves at all.

"You bastards, stop me!"

Hearing the miserable cry, Franky roared sharply with red eyes, his tone full of hysterical madness!

"If you want, stop me."

Lu Qi's majestic voice spread, stopping CP9 from slaughtering Frankie's younger brother, and immediately said as it should be: "As a reward, you should also tell the whereabouts of the [Pluto] design."

"I don't know!" Franky said with a red face.


Hearing this, Lu Qi's mouth once again flashed a devilish smile, and with a very imposing wave of his right hand, a miserable cry resounded throughout the sky again.

CP9 starts slaughtering Franky's little brothers again!

"Damn, let go of me, I must tear you apart!"

The furious Franky roared, the hatred in his words, wishing to smash Lu Qi and the members of CP9 into tens of thousands of pieces and smash their bones to ashes.

"Just you?"

Lu Qi looked at Lu Qi blankly, looking at his mechanical right arm, his eyes were beating with cold light, his right foot suddenly lifted, and there was a silver flash.

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