"Lan feet!"

The white light is as cold as a knife, making people afraid to look directly at it. It can easily tear the earth apart, and immediately kicks straight towards Franky's mechanical right arm.


The right arm instantly turned into reimbursement and turned into a pile of scrap iron pieces!

"That way you should be a little more obedient."

He retracted his right foot again, looking down at the ferocious Franky, Lu Qi said indifferently, as if he had done something trivial, and remained calm all the time.

"Who are you bastard?!" Franky suppressed the shock in his heart, remembering the importance of Hades, and could only reluctantly choose to ignore the life and death of his younger brothers.

"A lot of people have already arrived. Let's retreat temporarily. As long as Franky is brought along, the blueprint of Hades will fall into our hands sooner or later."

Kaku, who came, said cautiously, Franky would not speak for a while, and a large group of people had already arrived, so there was no need to waste time.

Lu Qi nodded slightly after pondering for a few seconds, Frankie obviously deliberately delayed the time, and it was best to take him away.


Time flies, and three days have passed in a flash.

Lu Qi and others also arrived at Judicial Island from the Capital of Seven Waters. They thought that they should be greeted by their immediate boss, Spandam, but they did not expect to be greeted by another nightmare!

"Ah ah ah... You guys are finally back, I've been waiting for four days!" Wuchen waved at Lu Qi and the others with a small smile on his lips.

As for Spandam, he was obediently standing next to Wuchen. He was clearly CP9's immediate boss, but in an instant he became Wuchen's foil.

A group of CP9 members turned pale and gloomy, but they could only laugh embarrassingly. The ugly faces had bright smiles, which was enough to see how far-fetched they were laughing.

In those days, Mary Joa, the impression that Wuchen left on them was indelible, her invincible strength, and her exaggerated identity that shocked the whole world when she stomped her feet, each of which was enough for them to look up to!

"This guy is Franky..." Wuchen asked playfully staring at the steel pervert.

Lu Qi and the others looked stiff, and immediately looked at each other in unison, and the group nodded, it was impossible to hide it, I'm afraid Spandam, an idiot, would tell Wuchen the whole story.

"You guy..."

When Wuchen appeared, Frankie stared at him closely. He always felt familiar. He seemed to have seen him some time ago. Then he remembered that he was famous all over the world when he was in his twenties. He was often seen in newspapers and had become a legend. The general mysterious figure of...

"It turned out to be an Admiral?!"

Frankie was silent for a while, and then he suddenly realized that compared with more than ten years, Wuchen has never changed, and his appearance has always maintained the appearance of seventeen or eighteen years old.

"You are smart."

Glancing at Franky lightly, Wuchen looked directly into his eyes, and said threateningly: "If you pick it up, hand over the design of [Pluto], to ensure that you will be safe in the future, otherwise you will be imprisoned for eternity and eternity. !"

The expressions of Lu Qi and the others changed greatly. Wuchen's remarks are tantamount to directly stating that he is just crumbling the design of Hades and wants to take food from the tiger's mouth!

Even though they are under the same power, and even the status of Wuchen is far more than their CP9, Lu Qi and others are also unacceptable for giving up in vain!


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, and automatically subscribe to all kinds of requests! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 790 Design of the Disappeared Hades [Third]

Recommend a good book to a friend: [Fire Phoenix: The God of War], written by a soft girl. Personally, I feel pretty good. If you like it, go to see it. You might as well keep it. ! !


In the spacious and bright room, I sat on the sofa in a clean and leisurely manner, with Erlang's legs crossed, and on both sides were Spandam and the members of CP9.

"Is it possible that you have to give him the design of Hades for nothing?"

A kind of CP9 members look at each other, and can see the helplessness and unwillingness in each other's eyes.

It took a lot of effort to get the design of Hades that had been lurking for several years. Now that the cooked duck is about to disappear, CP9 and everyone are naturally unwilling.

Although Wuchen's identity is above the five old stars, but everyone is also very clear from each other, CP9 only obeys the five old stars, and has nothing to do with Tianlong people.

"You can only count on him."

He looked at Spandam with the same eyes. After all, this idiot is CP9's immediate boss and has the highest status. Even if the strength is low, he is not as good as a normal human, and his IQ is also uncomplimentable. , Maybe you can also flicker the dust-free!

But this time Lu Qi and others are destined to be disappointed!

"You bastard, why are you standing there, why don't you go get some tea!"

The flattering Spandam smiled at Wuchen, then changed his face faster than turning over a book, and roared at Kalifa with a straight face, scolding her for lack of wink and ignorance of the rules.

One sentence makes the old face of CP9 members turn black, and they are really just idiots, and they are not reliable except for flattering!

Kalifa's beautiful eyes spit fire, and she cursed in her heart that she was unfavorable for fleeting years. She glared at Spandam viciously, and then went to bring water to Wuchen's tea.

"What are you guys doing? I don't have any so-called [Pluto] design drawings. I never understand that kind of thing. Don't wrong good people!"

Franky, who was bound with chains all over his body, roared sharply. At this moment, his right arm was scrapped, and the wounds were full of all kinds of damaged machinery.

"Is your brain not enough to develop your body... You still don't realize what we are doing? What an idiot, it seems that long-term development has made your brain dull!"

Spandam stared at Franky, then walked to him with light steps, looking down at Franky with a victorious attitude.

"Stop pretending and hand over the design of Hades!"

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