Shaking the flickering machete in his hand, Spandam, who was wearing a peculiarly-shaped mask, threatened that Lu Qi and others would bring him back even if he exposed his undercover identity. .

"Don't threaten him, this trick won't work for him."

The eyes narrowed slightly, and the dust-free eyes shot out a wise light. Franky, who seemed to be rough, was actually thick and thin, and the threat had zero effect on him.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are focused on Franky, and those who are careful will find that there is a slight change in the dust-free eyes.

"It's not right... This guy Franky... Could it be that I remembered it wrong, it shouldn't be." The scarlet three gouyu writing wheel spun around, and he noticed that Franky's body was empty and his brows were wrinkled.

If I remember correctly, Frankie hid the design in the body in the original book, but now, through the perverted insight of the Shaker, Wuchen has not discovered the existence of the Hades design hidden in the body!

Closing his eyes and recalling what happened in the past few days, Wuchen's eyes shot out a wise light, and the object was already blurred. This matter was obviously unusual.

"Since it's not used in Franky's body... I'm afraid it's probably in a few of them..."

Out of the corner of his eyes, the light from the corner of his eye spread, and sometimes it swirled around Lu Qi and the others. The only people who had contact with Franky these days were Spandam and CP9.

Needless to say, it may have been taken by one of them!

"That's interesting." The corner of his mouth outlined a strange smile, and Wuchen muttered to himself with a strong interest.

Although it's just an unfounded guess, I counted the characters who came into contact with Franky these days. They were the only ones. The design of Hades must be related to the few people in front of him.

"This drama is not bad... I can barely watch it."

Directly ignoring the existence of Spandam, Wuchen's eyes locked on Lu Qi, although no one knew about the Seven Waters, CP9 almost silenced everyone on the spot, but Bai Jue, who was secretly watching, was still there. record the battle.

Rob Luqi killed Franky alone, and also lost half of his arm. Only this guy is the most suspicious. Maybe the blueprint of Hades has been in Luqi's hands. carry.

At the same time, Kalifa also came gracefully with the fragrant hot tea.

"The little girl's tea is really good."

As the person with the highest status and the strongest strength on Judiciary Island, he is naturally the first to enjoy it, followed by Spandam, and Lu Qi of CP9 and others.

The navy places great emphasis on grading, and the same is true for Judiciary Island.

"Bring me a cup too!"

Franky said dryly with his mouth~dry~tongue~. He had been abused for the past few days, and the pellets had not entered, and his stomach started to "coo" protesting and shouting yesterday.

"Oh, by the way, I don't want tea. It's better to have a Coke, of course not the miniatures like you, I need a deluxe version with the size of a bucket if possible!"

Hearing this, all the faces of the people present flashed gloomy, even though the mentality of the dust-free ancient well and the waves could not help but tremble slightly, this bastard has no sense of being a prisoner!


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Chapter 791 The Straw Hat Strikes [Fourth More]

Recommend a good book to a friend: [Fire Phoenix: The God of War], written by a soft girl. Personally, I feel pretty good. If you like it, go to see it. You might as well keep it. ! !


At the same time, on the other side, above the sea, a sharp roar pierced through the void, and an endless winding train smashed through the thorns and galloped across the sea without any blockages.

The destination is the looming Judiciary Island hidden in the clouds ahead!

"It's finally here, the little ones cheer me up!"

Luffy stood on the locomotive, looking at the advancing city in the distance, and his impassioned tone was full of ten percent confidence. Today, Luffy is no longer the immature he used to be.

After experiencing several fiasco, the first is Wuchen, and the second is Qingzhi. Although the bloody stunned green color has not weakened and restrained, it is much more mature than before.

"That's the Island of Justice... unbelievable."

Usopp's face was sluggish, and the Judiciary Island in the distance was hidden in the clouds and mist, as if floating in the sky, giving people a particularly horrifying visual conflict.

"Is it a bit reckless for us to rush to accept the task of Iceberg, after all, we have only known each other for a few days!" Usopp said dissatisfiedly, and was deeply disturbed by this.

It's just an ordinary enemy. This time is different from the past. It is not the navy, nor the pirates, but the secret intelligence organization of the world government - CP9!

Stronger and stronger than any enemy ever seen!

"Shut up Usopp."

Zoro's eyes flashed with the fierce light belonging to the beasts, and a sword intent that was about to cut the sea scattered, and the saber around his waist made bursts of clear cries. He was quite excited, "We are pirates, and it is common for us to fight against the world government. It's good to try the water now."

The words made the Straw Hat Pirates nod one after another. They will be invincible in the future. Now it's better to test the enemy's reality.

"Mr. Iceberg treats us sincerely... He also promised to help us build a ship for free, and help him rescue Franky." Sanji should say so after smoking a cigarette.

Seeing this scene, Usopp shut up knowingly.


The harsh sound of the train's whistle was getting closer and closer, and finally it inevitably entered the ears of Wuchen and the others.

"That should be the water train."

Looking as far as the eye can see, piercing through the layers of clouds, and bringing the speeding train in the distance into his eyes, Wuchen whispered at the corner of his mouth, because of his excellent dynamic capture ability, he could even see Luffy and others clearly.

"I can't wait to find death... Hmph, I'll send you all to hell this time!"

Spandam gritted his teeth and said, it seems that his dignity has been trampled and insulted, his expression is hideous, and his glaring expression can't wait to kill the Straw Hat Pirates.

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