"Lucci, Kaku, Kalifa..."

Looking back leisurely, Spandam glanced at the three of them, and then pointed to the Devil Fruit on the table, "Hurry up and eat those Devil Fruits to improve your strength!"

Lu Qi and the others frowned, and although they were quite unhappy with the tone of this order, they still walked to the table.

"After eating the Devil Fruit, immediately confront me with the Straw Hat Pirates. They are also pirates with a reward of over [-] million. They once defeated [King Xia Qiwuhai] Crocodile, and I can't count on the group of rogues outside!"

Spandam sighed and said depressedly, he has the absolute right to speak on Judiciary Island, but the real powerhouses are only the ones in front of him.

"As for me... I will personally escort him to the naval headquarters through the [Gate of Justice], where there are countless ways to make Franky, an idiot, speak, Jie Jie..." There was cruelty in his eyes, Spanda Mu Yinjie sneered.

A group of CP9s stared at Spandam speechlessly. This guy is too shameless. He was clearly taking advantage of the situation and wanted to go to the Navy headquarters to take the lead. He even said such righteous words, which is extremely shameless!

Hearing this, Wuchen gave him a meaningful look, and then the old god was resting on the sofa.

"Boom boom boom..."

The messy and depressing artillery bombardment resounded in the sky, and Judicial Island suddenly splashed a secret fireball, the ground trembled slightly, and the direction of the shelling was the sea train.


The powerful cannonball suddenly exploded where Wuchen and others were.


The harsh roar was particularly depressing, but Lu Qi, Wuchen and the others were all right, only Spandam was so scared that his feet went weak.

"Speed ​​up against the Straw Hat Pirates, I'll send Frankie to the Gate of Justice first!" Spandam said with a livid face, and immediately dragged Frankie out.

The doubts in Wuchen's eyes turned into a natural color. Up to now, he has guessed the whereabouts of Hades' design plan, just as he thought, it was among several people, but someone played a trick to get him ahead of time.


"Let me go quickly!"

In the dark tunnel, there was an unstoppable shout of anger. There was no doubt that there were only Franky and Spandam in the tunnel connecting the door of justice.

"Don't delay for me, be careful that I will send someone to kill all the people in the Seven Waters, that is your hometown, and you don't want the hometown where you were born and raised to sink. In that case, give me some acquaintances! "

Spandam warned in a cold voice, his tone full of endless violence.

"Spandam... The child's play is over, call out what I want."


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, and automatically subscribe to all kinds of requests! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 792 Perfection is a flaw [fifth more]

Recommend a good book to a friend: [Fire Phoenix: The God of War], written by a soft girl. Personally, I feel pretty good. If you like it, go to see it. You might as well keep it. ! !


Through the reflection of the faint light, I can clearly see the dark shadows on the ground, confronting Franky and Spandam. The image of the person standing in the dark is a javelin, and he is not afraid.

"Mr. General..."

After Spandam was suddenly stunned, the panic in his eyes was fleeting, and he said with a smile: "Could it be that you want to escort Frankie in person? Thank you!"

As he spoke, he pushed Franky to Wuchen's side.

Wuchen looked at Spandam with deep meaning, and withdrew his gaze after a long silence, "You are really despicable, the blueprint of Hades is actually in your hands... You are not too brave, even me. Dare to lie."

Spandam's expression became rigid, and then he said blankly: "Franky is a tough guy, and he hasn't said a single word about Hades' design yet."

"If you don't believe me, ask him!"

Spandam pointed at Frankie with a flattering smile, this expression was even more kissable than seeing his own father.

Franky was silent, just looking at the ground quietly, his face was no longer as violent as before, it seemed that the cold ground was more attractive than Wuchen and Spandam.

"You bastard... hum!"

Spandam was about to step forward to teach Franky a lesson, but now he was bound with chains, and the fish on the chopping board was nothing, so Spandam was naturally not afraid.

"Your acting is really rough and poor, Spandam." Wuchen suddenly stopped his movements.

"You must be mistaken!"

Spandam said with reason: "No cold-hearted person like Lu Qi can get an answer. He is the ultimate killing weapon trained by the government!"

"I'm not going to admit it yet..."

Wuchen just glanced at Spandam, and then said to himself: "You are wrong... It is precisely because Lu Qi is the ruthless ultimate killing weapon that he cannot get the news of Hades' blueprint. Lu Qi The behavior of the accident pays attention to bloody killing... that is, the justice of the dark. He really can't do this kind of torture to extract a confession, not only him, but the entire CP9 can't do it, the only person who can get to this point is you. ."

Wuchen talked eloquently, but Spandam was not aware of it, and asked blankly: "They can't do it, only I can do it? Impossible, I'm just an ordinary person!"

"Ordinary people?"

With a contemptuous smile in his eyes, Wuchen said meaningfully: "An ordinary person can't take the position of the highest commander of CP9. The reason why you can get the design of Hades is because you are... despicable!"

In the end, the sound of the dust-free is increased by several decibels.As Spandam said, he was just an ordinary person, but in the end he achieved the position of the CP9 chief, which was even more despicable and knew how to survive better than others.

Therefore, Spandam is more suitable to deal with Franky's hard-mouthed people. He also knows how to work around. He won't be like Lu Qi who only knows bloody violence and slaughter.

"Aokiji once seemed to have given you something..."

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