For a person who wants to know his life, Whitebeard can still smile and forget his grievances. This boldness is indeed worthy of respect.Looking at the Warring States subconsciously, the two were in the same era, but their temperaments were diametrically opposite.

Compared with the "King of the Sea" Whitebeard, the Warring States Period was too careful, and usually likes to turn the horns the most!

"Hmph... He's just pretending to be seen by others. No wonder that man's pirate group has declined so fast. He, the captain, has to take great responsibility first of all!"

The Warring States Marshal said righteously, his face was not blushing and he was not out of breath, as he should have been.

Wuchen and others rolled their eyes one after another, but this is also an undeniable fact. The Whitebeard Pirates are indeed in danger now. This time Bigu Mum dared to take a risk and raided it all.

Whitebeard is now just a dying tiger. Over the years, the sea has been relatively quiet, and Whitebeard has been reclusive, and many pirates have even forgotten him.

It's no wonder that the Navy took action on this critically ill tiger.

"What about Cap?"

His eyes spread out quietly, and Sengoku asked with some doubts when he saw Garp disappearing.

"He took in two apprentices a while ago, one called Kebi and the other called Beilu Mabe. Recently, it seems that they have been training both of them."

Looking out of the window, on the spacious playground, Garp, who was alone, came into view, as well as his two new apprentices. The reason why Fire Fist Ace was exposed to the advancing city this time was Garp, whether it was intentional or unintentional, He couldn't get out of it.

Turning his eyes back, he landed on the head of Warring States again, and saw the helplessness on his face. Obviously, Warring States also fell into the same difficult choice as Whitebeard.

"The world is impermanent... That old guy is a tragedy..." Wuchen sighed with emotion as the world changed.

What happened to Garp really made people feel the twists and turns of fate. Two grandsons and a son all set foot on his opposite. Especially when Ace was about to be publicly executed by the navy, Garp's heart was even more uncomfortable. , but he is also a navy, so he can only choose to stare.

However, Garp's position is to stand firmly on this side, and he is destined to treat Fire Fist Ace coldly.

"It's funny..."

Looking at Karp's old back on the training ground, he was moved.


It seems that none of them understand what Wuchen means, and they are all confused, all of them can capture the doubts in the other's eyes, and look at Wuchen with unknowingly sharp eyes.

"Everyone has his own position, and always firmly believes that it has not changed. However, in my opinion, this itself is a kind of self-restraint. How can a human being be restrained by a position? What to do, rate It's because of sex... if not, it will become what Karp is now..."

Wuchen muttered to himself in a low voice, looked at Garp on the field below, and couldn't help shaking his head.The feeling in Garp's heart is naturally to save Ace from prison, but he is restrained by ridiculous things like stance. If he shoots in the top war in the future, maybe Fire Fist has already escaped from prison.

Thoughts are born from the heart, there is no need to be bound by the position, just do things rashly, and judge a thing according to your own emotions.

After a while, he silently retracted his gaze, and Wuchen returned to the old well and Wubo again. Ace's life and death, and Garp's current sentimentality, have nothing to do with him. For the navy, and even for this world, Wuchen is just an outsider. There is no need to worry about such trivial matters.

The relationship between Warring States and Karp is known to the world, he is not in a hurry, and there is no need to worry about Wuchen, it is completely unnecessary.


In the mysterious ocean, within a few tens of kilometers, there is a gray color, dark clouds are rolling in darkness, darkness is the only main color in this sea where life is forbidden.

In the vast ocean, the new battleship of the Straw Hat Pirates, Wanli Sunshine, smashed through thorns like a meteor, swept through layers of stormy waves, and officially invaded the core area of ​​this Devil's Sea.

"Binks' wine..."

The melodious tunes spread through the dead ocean along the yin wind, and the music coming through the cold wind is more like a requiem written by the god of death, causing people to tremble all over.

In this dark ocean, the Jedi of mankind, the paradise of death!

"Nami, did we go to the wrong place and invade hell?!"

Usopp, who was born with a small courage, trembled and said, this strange sea is isolated from the world, and I have never even heard of it. It once seemed to be erased from the history of human beings and was generally eerie and terrifying.

"I heard someone sing just now! The ghosts living in this weird sea area are all ghosts... They can still sing. It must be the general who offended us on Judiciary Island. He used sorcery to attract ghosts and kill them. That guy is really despicable. of!"

Usopp said with an expression of admiration, sometimes showing the appearance of gnashing his teeth, and he was also shot when lying down without dust!


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, and automatically subscribe to all kinds of requests! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 820 Worry [First More]

I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master], I personally feel pretty good, friends who like it go to see it, it’s best to collect it, it’s just a hands-on effort, I’m very grateful! ! ! ! !


The focus of everyone's eyes was on Usopp, whose expression was trembling and full of fear. At this moment, he was trembling all over, and his eyes flashed panic from time to time.

"Speaking of which... Why do those navies put the blame for destroying [Judiciary Island] on us, isn't it a bit too idiot to keep silent like this? The navy is obviously letting us take the blame!"

Frankie, who joined the Straw Hat Pirates a few days ago, said that his tone was filled with all kinds of displeasure and resentment. What worried him most was that the blueprint of Hades was also taken away. At first it was Spandam, and then he was taken away by Wuchen. It is self-evident in whose hands the final design falls into the second kill.

Thinking about Frankie's discomfort, there is an absurd feeling that the machinery is short-circuited everywhere in the body!

"If it's just a matter of framing the blame, it's fine. The navy people do this kind of thing a lot..."

Sanji leaned on the mast of the sail quietly, lit a cigarette, and after blowing a smoke ring, he said, "I'm afraid we will become the focus of the world in the future... It is inevitable that people will be jealous."

Small-minded, jealous, and greedy for money, hoping to get ahead, this is the nature of pirates.

Those pirates who want to be famous all over the world often hunt and kill pirates who are more famous, or whose bounty is extremely high. Now that the Straw Hat Pirates are on the rise, they will inevitably face attacks from all sides.

The Judiciary Island, which has been safe and sound for [-] years, is a major event that shakes the world, enough to make all pirates who want to be famous flock to it.

Reputation is beneficial and harmful. While enjoying the attention of the world, it is bound to receive attention from various quarters and various attacks.

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