"In the newspaper a few days ago, it was announced that all members of CP9 were killed, and the only survivor, Kalifa, was the only one who was not safe. I heard that she just fainted. After regaining consciousness, she put all the blame on us, that abominable bad woman. !"

Nami gritted her teeth and said, this expression of regret, as if she hated not killing Kalifa at that time.


A burst of barbecue aroma floated into everyone's nostrils, and everyone looked at the source of the conditioned reflex, and Luffy, who was eating meat, came into the eyes.

"Eat meat, eat meat... There's no need to worry about such trivial matters!"

Compared with the cautious crew members, Luffy, the captain, was extra calm and ate the meat calmly, which attracted a burst of scorn.


Everyone looked at each other, and immediately sighed, with a very speechless headache.

Zoro saw it very clearly, and he also began to pick up barbecue meat and wine "gulugulu". This appearance of being out of the way made Sanji suddenly angry.

"Hey, green algae head, Luffy's nerves don't matter, how can you be so virtuous." Sanji stared at Zoro in dissatisfaction, and said that iron is not steel.

Hearing this, Zoro opened his closed eyes to look at Sanji, and then continued to drink to himself.

"We are completely passive... It's useless to think and worry here. It's better to look at the long-term instead of thinking about it. This is the only right way."

Zoro's remarks silenced everyone, including Sanji. It was useless to scratch their heads, because they had no strategy to fight back at all. The navy put all the blame on them, but they could only swallow their voices and want to It is impossible to resist, they have no right to speak and no strength at all.

In other words, in the final analysis, it was the reason why they were too weak, so the Navy could ignore their feelings and put all the blame on the Straw Hat Pirates.

"However, who killed those CP9s?"

Usopp brought the topic back to CP9's head, remembering the tragic deaths of several people, his brows flashed gloomily.

These words made everyone stunned, including Luffy, who was very nervous and starved to death, and stopped his mouth movements and fell silent.

The dust-free figure appeared in his mind, and Sanji was sweating coldly, guessing: "That guy is a general of the navy, so he shouldn't attack his own people..."

"CP9 didn't die in the [Devil Slaughtering Order]. At that time, Judicial Island had the strength to kill all CP9 members in seconds. Who else but him."

Sauron opened his eyes, his stern eyes gradually faded, and the boiling fighting spirit in his heart also calmed down and extinguished in an instant. .

If you encounter CP9, you can fight back, and you have a chance of winning. If you encounter an unprecedented general like Wuchen, you can only be killed on the spot.

Even if the ripples can't be stirred up, they will be suppressed by instant kills on the spot.

"Why don't we expose him, dare to attack our own people, the navy will expel him, or even kill him!" Usopp said with bright eyes.

Everyone nodded in admiration. This is indeed a good strategy. Apart from Wuchen, the admiral of the navy has three other generals.

"Speaking this kind of thing will only laugh at you!"

Robin, who was taciturn and never spoke from the beginning to the end, suddenly said: "We are pirates, but he is the admiral of the navy, and there is no evidence yet, even if there is evidence, might the navy listen to the words of the pirates to catch the admiral? !"

Robin couldn't help feeling speechless. The idea of ​​this group of people is too naive. She is Wuchen's dark chess. She naturally understands how huge Wuchen's forces are. Let the navy cast a rat.


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, and automatically subscribe to all kinds of requests! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 821 Intricate Forms [Second More]

I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master], I personally feel pretty good, friends who like it go to see it, it’s best to collect it, it’s just a hands-on effort, I’m very grateful! ! ! ! !


Robin couldn't help feeling speechless. The idea of ​​this group of people is too naive. She is Wuchen's dark chess. She naturally understands how huge Wuchen's forces are. Let the navy cast a rat.


After being sluggish for a while, Usopp touched his head and smiled embarrassingly, his face full of embarrassment, he couldn't help but feel ridiculous for the stupid act just now.

Why did the navy listen to them and go to arrest Wuchen who is an admiral of the navy?Simply a daydream!

"It really doesn't work."

Zoro said with deep conviction, he couldn't help worrying about the IQ of the entire crew of the Straw Hat Pirates, his eyes widened, and he caught everyone in his eyes, suddenly realizing that their IQ was not trustworthy.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at? Green algae head!"

Sanji's eyes happened to face Zoro, his face changed drastically, Zoro's eyes revealed the meaning, as if he was looking at him like an idiot.

"That's what you imagined!" Zoro admitted frankly.

Hearing this, Sanji's face changed greatly, he rolled up his sleeves, and was about to go up to teach Zoro a lesson, when an elegant and vicissitudes of singing came from afar.

"Binks' wine..."

This sudden and inexplicable singing made everyone stunned, including Sauron, who rolled his eyes. He thought the strange singing just now was an illusion of overwork, but now it seems to be real.

Immediately afterwards, there was a scream like a pig.

"Nami...you unqualified navigator, you brought us to hell!"

Usopp and Chopper exclaimed, with a metallic roar in their voices, as if they had been greatly stimulated, and the throat-pulling voice revealed endless despair and fear.

"Binks' wine..."

The singing was getting closer and closer, and at this moment, a gust of overcast wind came oncoming, swept away the fog in the air, and a huge shadow appeared in front of everyone.

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