"Bang bang bang!"

The ground shook for a while, and then a behemoth at least five or six meters high appeared in the eyes of Doflamingo and Torrepol.

Dressed like a bat, with pale skin and a chill that permeates his body, it is Moonlight Moriah, one of the "King's Seven Martial Seas"!

"What do you mean!"

Brother Doflaming has a strong murderous intent, and is most taboo for others to call him a lackey. Now that Moonlight Moria dares to hit him in the face, how can he bear it!

Immediately, five lines of different colors poured out of his hand, as sharp as knives.

"It looks like you want to do it... that's fine, but you'd better figure out what you're here for!" Moonlight Moria said calmly with a fearless and terrifying smile on her huge face.

"you are vicious!"

After thinking about it for a while, Doflamingo chose to stop. He came to discuss the cooperation content, not from a long distance to fight, but he still said unforgivingly: "If that guy [Sand Crocodile] hangs up, I will never cooperate with someone like you!"

"And... Who is that little girl, and the content of our cooperation is limited to the knowledge of you and me!"

Staring at the pink-haired girl behind Moonlight Moria with murderous intent, Doflamingo said badly, "A harmless character should be silenced as soon as possible!"

"Only the two of you know? What's the matter with that fat man behind you!"

Moonlight Moria looked at the girl behind him and smiled strangely: "She's called Perona, she's my subordinate, this is Lao Tzu's territory, what's wrong with bringing her subordinates here?!"

A lump? !

Hearing this, Torrepol was furious, glaring at Moonlight Moria, a pair of small eyes hidden in the flesh spitting flames, if it wasn't for Doflamingo's existence, he would have liked to go up and fight Moonlight Moria. one.

"He actually came here..."

In the dead cemetery, the ground suddenly burst, and a white head stuck out, it was Bai Jue's clone, overlooking Doflamingo and the joint Moonlight Moria, and dived into the ground again.


Compared to the lifeless Devil's Triangle, Mary Joa is like spring all year round.

"I'm not too brave... I have carefully bowed my head as a minister for more than ten years, and finally chose to kill myself."

Bai Jue immediately sent the information to Wuchen,

"It doesn't look like a coincidence..." The corner of his mouth opened slightly, and Wuchen said to himself.

It's understandable that the Straw Hat Pirates appeared in the Devil's Triangle~Zone-free waters, but Doflamingo obviously had bad intentions. If I remember correctly, the Bartholomew Bear also went to Moria's site.

It is difficult for Wuchen to treat this as an accident, because all these people are his enemies, whether it is the big bear or the Straw Hat Pirates, including Moonlight Moria, and Doflamingo, these people are all with Wuchen. There is grudge!

If you want to make Wuchen think too much, one word is difficult!


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, and automatically subscribe to all kinds of requests! ! !


Chapter 823 Who will play to death first [fourth more]

I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master], I personally feel pretty good, friends who like it go to see it, it’s best to collect it, it’s just a hands-on effort, I’m very grateful! ! ! ! !


Rubbing his temples and shaking his head without dust, he opened his wise eyes. It doesn't look like a coincidence. People who have grudges against him, or people who have indirect grudges, all gather on Moonlight Moria's site, which is obviously abnormal. .

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!

"They won't make a thief alliance against me, will they?!"

Wuchen's face was full of weirdness, and he doubted in a half-joking, half-serious tone.

"A thief?!"

For a while, I didn't understand the meaning of Wuchen, Bai Jue said with a conditioned reflex, and after a while, he understood what Wuchen really meant, and said with a wry smile: "[-]% of the time...it should be to discuss how to deal with Wuchen. The lord's [thief] alliance."

A group of people who have grievances with Wuchen got together, and in the direction of the sword, there was no one else except Wuchen.

"Doflamingo...that guy with the back bone has two brushes and knows how to form gangs, but...he's really disappointing, even if you're looking for teammates, it's not like everyone Pull, I want a crooked melon like Moonlight Moriah."

Wuchen sighed in disappointment, thinking that what kind of supernatural teammates Doflamingo can pull, he didn't expect it to be an unattractive thing like Moonlight Moria.

"Moonlight Moria... Forget it, when I didn't say it."

Bai Bai can't help but feel speechless. Moonlight Moriah is also a popular character. He once fought against Kaido, one of the "Four Emperors". Although he was unfortunately defeated and was thrown out of the new world in embarrassment, he was also famous. The big pirate, and finally joined the "King Xia Qiwuhai" to illustrate the strength of Moonlight Moriah, which has been recognized by the government.

Now that we are here in Wuchen, it seems to be no different from the legendary passerby!

"But since they made a move, I will reluctantly accompany them to play..."

There was a teasing look in the calm eyes, and if someone dared to play, then Wuchen would accompany him to the end, and he would never back down.

Hearing this, Bai Jue's expression became rigid, remembering Doflamingo's current importance, and quickly said: "The process of building [Pluto] cannot be without him, and it is inappropriate to silence him now!"

Once Doflamingo is killed, it means that no one will protect Caesar and build Hades, and Dressrosa is a must-pass island for entering the second half of the new world. Every day, a large number of pirates visit and lose Dover. The deterrent power of Lumingo, the construction of Pluto will be exposed sooner or later.

"Of course I know this, and I definitely won't kill him now. Killing Brother Doflamingo without draining his value is too cruel and unfair to him!" Wuchen said with a sneer on his face.


With a playful smile on his face, Wuchen said with a smile: "It's okay to send the navy to scare them, by the way, you can give them some color to see!"

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