"Hancock!" Wuchen suddenly said.

Hearing this, Hancock, who was standing behind Wuchen, looked at him suspiciously, his delicate and perfect jade face was full of confusion, and he asked in confusion, "Master, what are your orders?"

"Go get the phone bug that Warring States gave me!"

It's okay not to say, when the voice entered Hancock's ears, she thought it was an illusion, and asked again: "Master, are you sure it's the phone bug that the Marshal of the Warring States Period personally sent you?!"

Wuchen rolled his eyes and said sternly: "Of course! I thought I wouldn't be able to use that thing, but I didn't expect to be able to use it now... If that's the case, then I will be the kindness of the whole Warring States!"

Bai Jue looked at the master and servant with a blank face, and said that he didn't know what it meant for a long time.

"I understand."

Hancock nodded obediently, and immediately disappeared into the dark corridor.

"Phone bug? It seems to be very powerful. Is there such a phone bug?!"

Witnessing the disappearance of Hancock's back, he pondered hard in his mind, but Bai Jue couldn't think of a reason for a long time. Suddenly, a light flashed in his heart, realizing that the destruction of Judiciary Island a few days ago required the "golden phone bug" to "launch" Demon Slaughtering Order", can't help but break down in a cold sweat!

"Master Wuchen... Could it be that you want to use the [Devil Slaughtering Order] to order the destruction of the terrifying Sangui sailboat?!" Bai Jue asked in surprise, it was "The King's Seven Martial Seas", not some roadside Chinese cabbage!

Wuchen just closed his eyes and remained silent, neither admitting nor denying it.

"Ta Tata..."

After half a sound, a messy footstep followed, and the sight that caught the eye was holding a golden phone bug in his hand, and he looked cautiously for fear of pressing the wrong position.

"I don't think there is anything wrong... I believe that the old man in the Warring States period also hopes to teach Moria a lesson."

Wuchen said with deep and distant eyes, and immediately took the golden phone bug sent by Hancock, with a playful flash in his eyes, "It's good to let Moonlight Moria taste the [Devil Slaughtering Order]... Anyway, again If you can't kill him, it can be regarded as a lesson against Whitebeard a while ago and teach him to run away!"

After speaking, Wuchen pressed the button of the golden phone bug without hesitation!


The Navy Headquarters, the silver phone bug that was used to receive the signal of the golden phone bug, sent out a piercing chirping, attracting Lieutenant General Mole who happened to pass by, stunned, looking at the serious-looking golden phone bug, his face stunned.

Without waiting for Lieutenant General Mole to ask questions, the messenger in charge of receiving the signal reported loudly: "General Loisnan issued an order for the [Devil Slaughtering Order], and the direction is the Devil's Triangle Sea Area - Terror Barques. !"


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, and automatically subscribe to all kinds of requests! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 824 What's wrong? 【Fifth more】

I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master], I personally feel pretty good, friends who like it go to see it, it’s best to collect it, it’s just a hands-on effort, I’m very grateful! ! ! ! !


Without waiting for Lieutenant General Mole to ask questions, the messenger in charge of receiving the signal reported loudly: "General Loisnan issued an order for the [Devil Slaughtering Order], and the direction is the Devil's Triangle Sea Area - Terror Barques. !"

In a few breaths, the thoughts in Lieutenant Mole's mind were all occupied by the "Devil Slaughtering Order", and the place where he was hit by the Demon Slaughtering Order this time was obviously different. It was not a place of kindness and sunshine, but the place of Qiwuhai. Territory!

"Are you sure it's the [Terrorist Barque]? Go and see if there's a mistake, maybe it's somewhere else!" Lieutenant General Mole emphasized in a deeper tone.

"Mr. Lieutenant General has thought a lot, the attack site of the Demon Slaughtering Order is the [Terrorist Barque] in the Devil's Triangle Sea Area, and the person who launched the Demon Slaying Order this time is General Loisnan!" The signal soldier affirmed repeatedly. , and even said the name of Wuchen.

"I see, immediately summon the five lieutenant generals closest to the [Terrorist Barque], and immediately head to the barque in the Devil's Triangle Sea!"

With a wave of his hand, Lieutenant General Mole's tone was full of majesty, and at the same time he said solemnly: "Tell other lieutenant generals about this, and if something goes wrong, rush over to support immediately!"

Although I don't know the details, but since the demon slaying order has been issued, the navy must respond. The terrifying three-masted sailboat is the home of Moonlight Moriah, the "King's Seven Martial Seas". It must be treated with caution and be safe Prepare!

With the issuance of the Demon Slaying Order, a large number of strategic materials were transported and uploaded, and the densely packed battleships left the harbor one after another, swept toward Moonlight Moria's lair.

With such a big movement, it would be difficult for the Warring States Marshal to know, but when the silver phone bug received the signal of the golden phone bug, the Warring States already knew the cause of the matter.

"Isn't it too much to be so messy... How can you say that guy is also [Shibukai]. If you do too much, the navy may be attacked by some people with ulterior motives..."

In the Marshal's office, Aokiji looked at the warships that were gradually disappearing in the distance, with a slightly worried expression on his face. The inexplicable attack on "The King's Qiwuhai" would definitely be directed by others.


Akainu held his hands in front of him, and his face was full of disdain, "What's wrong? Last time, Moonlight Moria promised the navy to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates, but in the end, I didn't even see a ghost!"

Every time he thinks of this, Akainu is gloomy and angry, "That bastard dared to tease the Navy and violated our orders, how can the Navy launch the [Devil Slaughtering Order] to destroy his barque, everything needs to be paid for! "

You are in the first year of junior high school, and I am in the fifteenth. It is only fair that you come and go!

"It doesn't matter to attack Moonlight Moriah. The key is likely to cause other factors to scramble. If you rashly attack [Seven Wuhai], the [three major forces] that balance the new world may be shaken."

Moonlight Moriah is just a small role. The key is the Qiwuhai power. If it collapses due to this, it will not be worth it. The Navy still has many places to rely on Qiwuhai.

"Sakaski is right, it is necessary to kill chickens to warn the monkeys, not to mention that it is just a demon slaughter order, not to kill Moonlight Moria, nor to arrest him, or exploit his title, etc. I believe Moonlight Moria should I will choose to shut up wisely." Warring States wisely analyzed.

The time when the demon slaughtering order sounded was half an hour away from now. During the Warring States Period, there was nothing to stop it, and even using it as air has already indirectly indicated his attitude. The Warring States period is in favor of this action.

"But that guy Moria is also unlucky... Since he offended him." Aokiji sighed, showing some sympathy for Moonlight Moria.

Warring States and others are also full of curiosity. To be honest, they really don't know what kind of grievances Wuchen and Moria have, but this time they can take this opportunity to teach Moria, and they are still happy to see it.

"Just a few lieutenant generals shouldn't be enough to deal with Moonlight Moriah. That guy is going crazy."

It’s okay to meet the generals, but it’s still unknown who will die when the lieutenant generals meet, especially since the Three Devils Sea Area is Moria’s territory, first of all, he has a geographical advantage.

"If he attacks the navy without authorization, it is beyond his personal grudge with Loisnan. He is a provocation to the navy and justice!"

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