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Chapter 846 Public Execution [Fourth More]

I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master], I personally feel pretty good, friends who like it go to see it, it’s best to collect it, it’s just a hands-on effort, I’m very grateful! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


The sea a day later.

The azure warship sailed to the sea, Wuchen and Polusalino stood side by side, looking at the sea in the distance, and in a trance, it seemed that there were many Marin in the depths of the clouds.

In the dark, you can see the navy headquarters that was destroyed and almost destroyed!

"Warring States is going to give it a go. [Qiwuhai] seems to be all on standby in Marin. It seems that I have to fulfill the original treaty." Wuchen said softly.

Kizuna heard the words and nodded undeniably.

The rough and dead-skinned hands are holding a newspaper, the content on it is enough to make the whole world turbulent, the general content is that Fire Fist Ace will be publicly executed at the Navy headquarters in half a month!

"But this is also good, just to pass the boring time."

Lying comfortably on the couch, with a languid look on his face, he had an agreement with the Five Old Stars, and once the naval headquarters was attacked, he would have to take action!

Being able to personally send Whitebeard back to the West, Wuchen said that he could not ask for it, and it is not a waste of time!

"You navy will regret it."

Rayleigh the Hades, who was tied to the mast with chains, said, with a hint of worry and sadness in his tone, "Once the Whitebeard Pirates disintegrate and the chassis that was once sheltered by Whitebeard in the New World, there will be a riot, and then the whole world will be destroyed. Rampage, plunged into unprecedented chaos!"

Hearing this, the corners of the boring dust-free mouth wriggled, and he was about to mock Hades Rayleigh, but Kizaru launched the attack ahead of time.

"Mr. Rayleigh is really pitiful. As a pirate, you are worried about these problems... Take a ten thousand steps back, what if all of this happens?"

Glancing absentmindedly at Pluto Rayleigh, Kizaru said frivolously, "Is it because of this that Whitebeard is spared? What a joke!"

At the end, Kizaru's voice was contemptuous.

As if nothing had happened, he glanced at Pluto Rayleigh, and the eyes of Wuchen were somewhat sympathetic.Whitebeard has traversed the sea all his life, and he has accumulated countless guilt. Perhaps in the Navy's view, killing Whitebeard hastily is a respect for him!


Suddenly stood up from the couch, Wuchen walked in front of Tyrant Bear, his deep vision could penetrate people's inner thoughts, "You guy didn't send Straw Hat Luffy directly to Push City, right?"

"Where I can photograph him depends entirely on fate." Xiong Xin replied calmly, showing an unusually calm expression.

"It's okay to lie to children like this."

Wuchen was too lazy to tangle, and then a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and then he teased and said: "Straw Hat Luffy is a devil fruit person, if you shoot him into the sea..."

"Then he deserves to be drowned, and he can only blame him for his short life." The tyrant Xiong Hun said indifferently.

"You're so old, you're so unprofessional and superficial when you panic."

Although the tyrant bear looks like a big man, he sometimes looks stupid, but he is actually thoughtful and collects information calmly.

He would never be so reckless.

"Let me guess..."

There was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, and he was very evil and charming, staring at Tyrant Bear's bespectacled eyes, clear and bright, which penetrated his mind in an instant!

"If you guessed correctly... it should be the man with the red hair Shanks, right?"


The news that Fire Fist was about to be executed by the Navy Headquarters swept across the world in less than a day. The still calm sea was like a huge wave being hit by a meteorite, and the whole world was plunged into a frenzy of public opinion.

Is it the collapse of the navy headquarters or the end of the Whitebeard Pirates... These two controversial topics have never stopped and have become the after-dinner chatter of people all over the world.

An island somewhere in the New World.

"Beckman, I said when you talk about Ace, don't get caught by him... In the end, eh..."

The red-haired Shanks sighed and gave an innocent look at Beckman, "It's impossible to stop Luffy from saving Ace now."

Although the time he spent with Luffy was very short, the red-haired Shanks knew Luffy's temperament - stubbornness and a single tendon!

Indeed, as Wuchen imagined, Luffy did "accidentally" fall from the sky and landed on the island where the Red Hair Pirates of the New World were temporarily stationed.

"I'm going to rescue Ace out of trouble, where is he locked up? Don't stop me, Shanks!" Luffy showed his determination to move forward.

"Knew it……"

The red-haired Shanks looked helpless, looked at Luffy who had no masters, and said weakly: "Although I know it's useless to persuade you, I still want to say, give it up, Luffy. The man with the white beard has never been jailed before. success."

Although the red-haired Shanks is very optimistic about Luffy, he is not yet in the hall of elegance.

"Not necessarily, Shanks."

Beckman, the think tank of the Red-haired Pirates, said: "The naval headquarters has concentrated most of the manpower all over the world, and other places are definitely insufficiently prepared."

The red-haired Shanks nodded, hesitation appeared on his face, and then he stared at Luffy's eager eyes, he could only shrug his shoulders and promise to help Luffy once.

Fire Fist Ace is the biological son of Roger in the past. Roger fights red-haired and re-created. Without the experience of the Roger Pirates, perhaps today's red-haired Shanks is just an ordinary member of all living beings. .


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