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Chapter 847 Execution together! 【Fifth more】

I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master], I personally feel pretty good, friends who like it go to see it, it’s best to collect it, it’s just a hands-on effort, I’m very grateful! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


"Luffy, you must be careful when you encounter that dangerous man in the future. He is more terrifying than you think, don't be careless, just be on guard against his god-like enemy!"

Luffy's face was full of doubts when he heard the words, and he always felt that he described Wuchen as too terrifying, as if he was a natural enemy.

"Luffy...don't be surprised, some things are more complicated than you think."

Seeing Luffy holding a skeptical face, Beckman, the No. [-] figure in the Red Hair Pirates, explained that although the Red Hair Pirates were small at the time, there were more than a dozen people.

All of this is entirely thanks to Wuchen!


Inside the Marshal's Office of the Navy Headquarters.

Warring States' eyes were bloodshot. Since he ordered the public execution of Fire Fist, the world has been in a mess, and there are even places where the "collapse theory" of the navy is sung.

"Is there any news from the naval fleet monitoring Whitebeard?"

Sengoku raised his head and asked, there were Aokiji and Akainu sitting on the sofa, as well as Garp who looked decadent and dazed. Fire Fist Ace was about to be executed, and he was very troubled and sad.


The phone worm on the table rang without warning, and the Warring States period was full of energy. He was about to open his mouth to ask about the Whitebeard Pirates, but the news that made his old face turn green came first.

"Marshal, we are responsible for monitoring the fleet of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the entire army was wiped out!"

A shrill scream of horror came from the other side of the phone worm, and before the Warring States period could ask, there was a "puchi" sound, and the phone worm lost its movement.

"This is just a revenge to vent our anger. Soon, a more violent storm will blow to us." Wuchen and Kizaru walked into the Marshal's office, and the person who spoke was Wuchen.

"I heard that you caught Raleigh, the underworld king?" Warring States' eyes flashed brightly, and he asked in anticipation.

Hearing this, Wuchen nodded noncommittally. This kind of thing is not worth concealing, nor is it necessary, "He has been detained by me and sent to the city."

"This time, we must kill them all!"

The Warring States were ecstatic, and there was a hint of pride and anger in his words, which fell into the ears of other people, but it had an unusual meaning.

Aokiji, Kizaru, and Akainu frowned without a trace, bowed their heads and fell silent.

"Could it be that you are going to execute Pluto Rayleigh together?"

The sharp pupils were pleated with brilliance, beating with a pressing cold, and the dust-free who penetrated the mind of the Warring States with a single glance affirmed.In order to strengthen the power of the navy, there is nothing wrong with this innocuous little thing.

Just execute one more person and find two more executioners.

"I think so!"

Akainu and Tiger's eyes are shining with enthusiasm, and he is willing to agree with a hundred people for this approach of the Warring States. He also executed Ace and Hades Rayleigh together with Fire Fist, and by the way, he destroyed it with Whitebeard, just to solve all the problems with One Piece. Roger's related people!

The symbolism is self-evident.

"What do you think?"

Warring States nodded with satisfaction, and finally his eyes fell on Wuchen and asked curiously.

"Whatever you are... Anyway, the Whitebeard Pirates must collapse this time. This is for justice, in order to maintain world peace, the righteous navy will never lose to the evil pirates, justice will win!"

With a straight face, Wuchen said impassively and awe-inspiringly, and his words revealed a mighty righteousness!The bluffing Sengoku and Akainu and other generals were stunned for a moment.

Karp's face is full of weirdness, the corners of his mouth are wriggling, and he thinks of Wuchen's identity or shut up wisely, this guy is a Tianlong person, who can be regarded as the most evil person in the world, and he shamelessly said that it was for justice...

It was another half an hour before this small meeting was over, and the question that came and went was basically the same question - the Whitebeard Pirates.

In the softly lit office, he sat quietly and leisurely, the person holding his shoulders was Perona, while the secretary Carly Law stood with a stern look, her body was like a javelin, and she was quite professional.

"'s all fun."

The deputy captain of One Piece and his biological son are executed together. This gorgeous drama can detonate the attention of the whole world, and at the same time can increase the prestige of the navy, killing two birds with one stone.


The impatient phone bug came, and Wu Chen's expression froze. He looked at the dark phone bug on the desktop in doubt. The person who contacted him was Wu Lao Xing.

"Those five old men have never done anything good for me." Looking up at the delicate ceiling, Wuchen muttered to himself with a certain look on his face.

"That's why you are lawless." Kalifa said mercilessly after glancing at Wuchen.

The phone bug in front of him has a hazy expression, as if Wuchen owes him how much money he has not paid back... Think about it, too, when the Five Old Stars used to look for Wuchen, there was never a good thing!

On the contrary, the quirky Perona remained silent. She usually talked the most, and it was rare to be low-key now. In fact, Perona was in pain and couldn't say it. It wasn't that she didn't want to talk. People in the world, it is difficult to communicate with simple language!

As the Admiral Wuchen, she can't turn her mind around when she comes into contact with the Admiral, the Admiral, and even the Five Old Stars.


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