"A bunch of rice buckets!"

He scolded in a low voice, only caring about scolding his teammates, but the fact that Blackbeard was killed in seconds was beyond the sky!

"Damn bastard, how could he be so strong?"

Brother Doflaming, who was peeking at the battlefield from a distance, his face suddenly changed, from blue to white for a while, and he quickly changed back and forth. One Piece one level... Now it seems that his previous ideas were too stupid!

The god-level tricks of killing Whitebeard and all Blackbeards in one second made everyone stunned, and their eyes were about to fall out!

The trick that came and went without a trace just now is simply the natural enemy of mankind!


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Chapter 870 Both fall [fourth more]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


A group of pirates have chills on their backs. At this moment, Wuchen is standing safely, defenseless, full of flaws, and woolen sneak attacks may be easy to get, but the pirates around Wuchen are no one who dares to act rashly, each with big eyes. He narrowed his eyes, not daring to take a step to please Lei Chi.

It's not that they are afraid of death. The perfect attack that shocked the world and surpassed the imagination of human beings can't stand it at all!

The energetic prehistoric creatures like Whitebeard and Blackbeard are not one-shot enemies, and they are even more vulnerable to beginner rookies with thin arms and legs.

Therefore, some pirates are hesitant, and they all look at each other, and they can see the retreat in the other's eyes!

"You don't have to go crazy with Whitebeard. He is fighting Fire Fist Ace, and you have no relationship with him and no obligation to save Fire Fist. Put down your weapons and stop resisting. The Navy can forgive your crimes!"

The Warring States took the opportunity to confuse the crowd, and the tone was full of endless charm ~ temptation, temptation ~ to tempt all pirates to rest assured that the weapon, although it was only from his heart, it was extremely useful, many pirates were assured of the weapon, and squatted on the ground with interest. .

When people are vulnerable, they always want to find a warm embrace to rely on... The same is true for the pirates now, the only pity is that the object is the smiling tiger of the Warring States Period!

"Execute me immediately!"

On the execution platform, there was a strong low-pitched shout, and then I saw two executioners holding cold spears close to Fire Fist Ace and Hades Rayleigh.

Witnessing this scene, Garp's body moved uncontrollably, blocking in front of Fire Fist Ace like a conditioned reflex, and his sturdy body was extraordinarily sturdy and firm.


Seeing this scene, Huoquan Aisi's body trembled, and he was extremely remorseful, looking at the tall figure, tears squeezed from the corners of his eyes.

Those who heard this scene were sad and those who saw it shed tears. A hard-hearted person like Wuchen couldn't help but sigh for a while, looking at Huoquan Ace's face full of shame, and sighing that the world is impermanent.

Garp longed for Ace to become the leader of the people and the backbone of the navy, but unfortunately it backfired, and Fire Fist Ace went astray, and finally stepped into the attempt, and at the most it would still go astray.

So that now Karp is in a dilemma... In all fairness, the most sad person in this war is no different from Karp. The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, and he can't give up, but he has to make a choice, how much he has in his heart Pain can be imagined.

"Get out of Karp for me!"

After the old face of the Warring States twitched, he shouted angrily, the pirates didn't come to demolish the platform, but Garp came instead, which is unreasonable, "Don't forget your position, you are a navy, not a pirate!"


Wuchen frowned slightly, looked suspiciously at the ground, and through his domineering perception, he keenly smelled something swimming in the depths of the lava, like a fish in water, not happy!


The ground shook for a while, burst into pieces, and then the hot magma erupted, extending to the sky more than ten meters high.

Immediately, he was lifted up to the punishment, braving the arm of the boiling magma, and slammed straight at Fire Fist Ace!This unexpected scene shocked all the navy and pirates!

Fire Fist Ace and Hades Rayleigh were both bound and could only stare at the lava fist!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Garp was restrained by the Warring States period, the flame fist destroyed the entire execution frame, and the fire fist Ace and the Hades Rayleigh were swallowed by the magma, what kind of fate would be self-evident.

The wooden flammable execution rack collapsed and burned into nothingness in an instant. Garp, Sengoku and others also fell to the ground. Fire Fist Ace and Hades Rayleigh were scorched all over, and some of their body organs had been melted, leaving ten dead.

"Bastard, I killed you!"

When Garp reacted, his eyes were about to split, and his fists instantly turned pitch-black, with strength no weaker than Whitebeard's. Just as he was about to smash towards Akainu, a flash of light descended from the sky, easily subduing the runaway Garp.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The ground collapsed, Wuchen pressed Garp's head tightly, and said coldly: "You are a navy, the road is his own choice, there is no need to feel guilty."

"Yes, you are a hero of the navy, but the two of them are the right-hand man of One Piece, and even have a son who must be executed to purify the peace of the world!"

Seeing Wuchen's move to subdue Garp, Warring States breathed a sigh of relief. If this old guy is really turned against, the blow to the Navy will be no less than the naval headquarters being sunk by Whitebeard!

Even so, Karp glared at Akainu-Sakaski fiercely, his twisting body was like a large sea king, and his strength was beyond imagination, by no means weaker than Whitebeard.

"This old guy is hidden, it's not much different from Whitebeard." Wuchen's eyes are full of light, it is certain that if this old guy is determined to kill Akainu, Akainu will definitely die!

"Jie haha..."

At the same time, seeing Wuchen slip away, Blackbeard began to make trouble again, with a arrogant smile that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, but the target of this attack was not the navy, but Whitebeard!

"This idiot is still thinking of shaking the fruit."

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