Fire Fist Ace was killed. At this moment, Whitebeard is on the verge of running wild. Blackbeard is so blind. Now I rush to touch Whitebeard's monkey's ass. Destroy the world!


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Chapter 871 The Death of Whitebeard (Part [-]) [Fifth More]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Fire Fist Ace was killed. At this moment, Whitebeard is on the verge of running wild. Blackbeard is so blind. Now I rush to touch Whitebeard's monkey's ass. Destroy the world!

"Something that doesn't know how to live or die."

The dust-free face showed contempt, mocking Blackbeard's self-awareness, and the tiger's prestige was still there. Even if Whitebeard is now riddled with holes, the damage caused is earth-shattering, especially Fire Fist Ace and Hades Rayleigh are mercilessly melted, No bones left, Whitebeard's eyes burning with fire enough to burn the sky.


The void roared, and the dense, narrow and long cracks were clearly visible, and the impact of the condensed white beard fist was enough to easily shatter the world, and the entire Marin numerous screamed, as if begging for mercy.

"Boom boom boom!"

The members of the Blackbeard Pirates who swarmed in were severely injured in an instant, and Blackbeard was even more miserable, bearing [-]% of the impact of Whitebeard's fist.

The whole person's body is bloody, and the shoulders that have been hit have been shattered!

"Get out!"

Looking at the murderous intent in his eyes, and wanting to pull the white beard buried with the world, the black beard was so frightened that he shivered.

"Idiot, delusional that you can defeat Whitebeard with multi-fruit ability? Dreaming!"

Wuchen couldn't help shaking his head, and looked at the white beard who was running wildly with pity, because this guy was too fat, he was swaying when he ran, quite funny, like a tumbler.

Next to him, Wuchen placed the hidden weapon of Shiliu of the Rain, so there was no need to care.

"Boom boom boom!"

The big knife in his hand hit the ground, and the entire island trembled. Looking up, it was the white beard with a stern look.

"This war... is over! The Whitebeard Pirates... all retreat!"

Although Whitebeard was not reconciled when he said this, until now, he had to admit that this war had come to an end, and there was no need to continue, they had already lost.

Hades Rayleigh and Fire Fist Ace are dead!

"Dad, kill all the navy and die with them!"

"Yes, you must kill all the navy and avenge Ace!!!"

"We have the advantage don't be afraid!!!!"


The chaos and indignation around him fell into Whitebeard's ears one after another. Although he was moved, he was indifferent. In any case, failure was a fact, and it couldn't be saved if he stayed, instead, there would be corpses all over the floor.

"Also let me go back to my father if I am a father!"

The eardrums of the person who shouted with confidence were numb, and the group of Whitebeard Pirates looked at the back of Whitebeard's death, and after the tears fell all over the floor, they finally chose to step on the boat and leave.

"Want to run? Dream!"

Akainu snorted, his body swept up the magma again, and when he was about to pursue, the Warring States stopped him, "There is no need to pursue, the goal has been achieved, if you continue to fight, the navy will not be able to bear it, and this island will collapse in a short time. , Hurry up and organize a naval evacuation!"

The Warring States said with a livid face, although this time he killed the Hades Rayleigh, and Fire Fist Ace, including Whitebeard himself, were all left in the wind, but the heavily damaged Navy Headquarters will soon come to an end because of this!

Continue to fight, the entire navy is likely to be destroyed, this kind of loss Sengoku cannot afford.

Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji nodded in succession, and quickly organized the retreat of the navy. If there were too many Marlins, the entire navy would be wiped out, and it would be useless in a great victory!

"It seems that I still have to deal with you..."

Lazily stretched his waist, Wuchen stood up and moved again, his body ignored the existence of the law of gravity, and floated in front of Whitebeard, staring at him like a torch.

Due to the difference in height, Whitebeard stared at Wuchen with a downward gaze, and whispered, "You are the strongest person I have ever met. Roger is far worse than you, and there is no comparison at all."

Wuchen has dazzling abilities, as well as a domineering arrogance that has been tempered and tempered, and even has an undead body that defies the sky, with the ability to regenerate from severed limbs.

It can be called a perfect and invincible existence, and it is impeccable in all aspects!

"But for the sake of my unsatisfactory sons, I must drag you to bury you!" Finally, Whitebeard's old tone firmed up again.

"They are indeed unsatisfactory, but the entire navy will not take action against them..."

After sweeping away the hurriedly fleeing figures behind Whitebeard, under the coercion of death, these people scrambled to board the ship, and the once united army was in chaos.

"Don't you understand... Without your protection, they will be prey to others sooner or later. There are too many people who want them to disappear. There is no need for the Navy to meddle in their business."

There are too many people who hate the Whitebeard Pirates. It is also a matter of time before the terrifying tiger Whitebeard falls and the entire Whitebeard Pirates perishes.

The most ironic thing is that there will be a great pirate named Edward Weibull in the future. He calls himself Whitebeard's biological son, but in the end he wipes out the entire Whitebeard Pirates!

"Today you will be completely solved, the era that will send you, and you are scared to hell to report!"

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