The black big sword stretched out from his hand, which looked bland, but it was formed by the congealing of yin and yang. It is conceivable what kind of fate the human body will encounter when it encounters it.


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Chapter 872 The Death of Whitebeard (Part [-]) [Sixth More]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Anything in the world that touches "Yin-Yang Escape" will collapse. This iron law is even more so in this world. As long as you touch such a god-level technique like "Yin-Yang Escape", everything will collapse!

"You can die under this technique... You can rest in peace under Jiuquan..."

There was a dark ripple in the void, and the cold light was exposed. Wuchen waved the black great sword completely condensed by "yin and yang escape" in his hand, and slashed at Whitebeard.

Whitebeard resisted instinctively with a knife.


After a roar fell, the big knife in Whitebeard's hand began to slowly collapse...

"This, this... what the hell is this?!"

The big knife slowly peeled off, as if it was bitten by an invisible monster, dissipating inexplicably, and when it extended to his hand, he instinctively threw the big knife that had accompanied him for many years away.

In a few seconds, the sharp knife that can be said to be invincible will disappear from the world forever.

"Absolutely not to be slashed by that black sword..."

The turbid old eyes swept out the fineness, and the white beard must have been the initiator, the black long sword that was unremarkable, and immediately pulled a distance from Wuchen.

"Empty shock!!!"

With a wave of both hands, two destructive vibrations came oncoming, and the devastating impact air waves came oncoming, and the ground was torn out of cracks thicker than people.

"Divine power!"

With a sneer, Wuchen's pupils spun sharply, and the strange vortex devoured him. The majestic impact that wanted to crush Wuchen, but slipped past him quietly, unable to touch Wuchen's body.


Although Wuchen survived the disaster, the navy headquarters suffered a lot, and was torn apart by a desperate force and turned into two small islands.


Seeing this cruel scene in the Warring States period, the world in front of me turned black and vomited blood!

The splendid naval headquarters was scuttled and scuttled by Whitebeard like this. What a serious blow to the navy, it was like mocking the justice that the sea was about to fall!

"Ah ah ah... You made our marshal mad, Whitebeard, the consequences are very serious." Looking at the furious Warring States, Wuchen teased at Whitebeard.

"Warring States? That despicable villain..."

With a pouting, Whitebeard said with great disdain, he had always held a contemptuous attitude towards the Warring States of the Buddha, and he was the only one who was the most cunning in that era.

The only person in the navy who dares to do anything is Karp.

"Everyone among the children ends here..."

With a stern look, Wuchen's body floated, crossing the heavy space, and came to Whitebeard almost instantly.

"Just in time!"

With a loud laugh, Whitebeard's right arm gathers the power to destroy the sea. He is a power-type player, and fast movement is not his strong suit.

A fist bigger than the dust-free head slammed into the face.

"Divine power!"

The body seemed to be transparent, ignoring Whitebeard's attack, and could never hit Wuchen.

"This boring war.... is finally over..."

He raised his eyes lightly, staring at the flawed Whitebeard, Wuchen's expression was stern, his eyes were dead, and the black sword in his hand roared out, and the black light penetrated Whitebeard's body.


A conspicuous scar was left on his broad chest, and the invincible aura of Whitebeard's whole body instantly disappeared.

"Do you have any last words, Whitebeard?"

Whitebeard's body slowly collapsed, and all his flesh and body turned into snow and drifted away one after another. Seeing this scene, the great sword in his hand that was completely condensed by "yin and yang escape" also lost the feeling.

"Last words...Is this a friendly service to the elderly~"

Whitebeard laughed at himself. At this moment, most of his body had collapsed to death with laughter, only the upper part of his body was left, "I have no hatred for Garp or Sengoku!"

Everyone's position is different, whether the victory or defeat, Whitebeard has nothing to say, that is not as good as others, after all, people like Garp and Warring States know how strong they are.

"But when you meet that bastard Diqi, you must kill him for Lao Tzu!"

For Blackbeard, this despicable and shameless villain, Whitebeard has a deep hatred in his soul. Without his betrayal, nothing would happen!

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