Everything today is indirectly dominated by Blackbeard!

However, before Wuchen could answer, Whitebeard stepped into the gate of the underworld from now on.

"Tiqi? The guy with Blackbeard... Do you need to say that... He won't live long."

The solitary Wuchen muttered to himself in a low voice, and immediately pulled away. Blackbeard was naturally certain to die. If not, the chess piece of Shiliu of the Rain would be wasted.

"Boom boom boom..."

There was a sudden throbbing from the ground, Wuchen was stunned, and subconsciously looked down at the dark crack.

"Looks like it's over..."

Under the ground, the boiling magma was churning and flowing like a fire dragon, and it continued to rise, and it was about to swallow the entire naval headquarters.

The island, called "Marin many", will soon be completely destroyed.

Fortunately, the surrounding navy retreated in time to avoid this monstrous disaster. The Warring States period was full of complexities. He really couldn't bear any hatred for Whitebeard.

All the navies silently watched the many Marin that gradually sank to the bottom of the sea.


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Chapter 873 The end of the era [first more]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


As time went by, the headquarters of the navy, the Marin, gradually disappeared and sank completely into the deep sea, while the Warring States and other navies could only survive on the battleships.

A victory that was supposed to be a great victory turned sour in an instant... At least in the nostrils of the Warring States period, it was extremely stinky!The series of consequences brought about by the destruction of the naval headquarters is absolutely no less than the fall of a general.

"Where are we going now?" After extinguishing the cigarette in his hand, Kizaru walked over to the Warring States and asked.

The Marine headquarters of the Navy has sunk, and the Navy has become a lost dog in an instant. It must find a new place to cultivate!

Hearing this, after the Warring States period sounded for a while, he sighed helplessly, feeling an unprecedented fatigue flooding his body, looking at the disappearing island in front of him, he always felt that it was time for him to step back.

"Move to Mary Joa temporarily."

Warring States' eyes flashed, and he immediately looked at the three generals of the navy, and said solemnly: "I will retire from the position of the marshal soon. As for where the naval headquarters chooses to build, it all depends on the choice of the marshal of trust!"

Looking at the faces of Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji, Sengoku said seriously, obviously the previous remarks were not joking words, and Sengoku did not like to joke.

"This is bad..."

Thinking of the previous war, Sengoku's heart fell to the bottom, and he recommended Aokiji to become the next marshal. In this war, although Aokiji performed well, it was far worse than Akainu.

Akainu personally executed Fire Fist Ace and Hades Rayleigh, during which he also fought red-haired Shanks, which can be said to be the most dazzling one besides Wuchen.

On the other hand, the green pheasants have no achievements. Although they have caught a lot of pirates, they are harmless.

And within the Red Dog World Government, most people recommended him to become the next marshal of the navy. The Warring States did not know who the victorious Libra would fall to.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

At this moment, the navy headquarters, which was submerged in the deep sea, suddenly exploded, setting off a water column that was soaring into the sky.

"It doesn't seem right... Marin is completely constructed from extinct volcanoes, how could an explosion occur." Wuchen said suspiciously, he was not interested in who the next marshal was.

"Who can say such a thing with certainty,"

Warring States shook his head and said, although he is also very strange, there are countless strange things in the world.

Aokiji and Akainu both remained silent, and their eyes flashed strange colors from time to time. It is estimated that Wuchen's words were ignored, and the left ear went in and the right ear went out. In their hearts, they had already begun to think about how to get the position of the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters...,

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The explosion continued, producing powerful waves that pushed the Navy's ships into the distance.

"Are you sure you want to retire from the position of Marshal, Sengoku."

Taking a deep look, the shattered Navy Headquarters exploded—a lot of Marin, laying lazily on the couch without dust, "I suggest that you don't have this idea for the time being."

"Temporarily? Why?" Warring States frowned suspiciously, always feeling that these words had an alternative meaning.

"The two of them... After either one becomes a marshal, he will force the other away, so that there is only one general left in the navy. How far do you think it will be until the end?" Pointing to Akainu and Aokiji, no Dusty said quietly.

The diametrically opposed personalities of Akainu and Aokiji are well known around the world. After Akainu becomes a marshal, Akainu may not have the right to speak in the navy, and vice versa.

Hearing this, the Warring States look immediately solidified, and he nodded stiffly. It was indeed as Wuchen said that they were incompatible enemies. If it were not for the suppression of the Warring States, maybe the two had fought several times!

The eyes staring at Akainu and Aokiji are flickering. After Akainu is promoted to marshal, I am afraid Aokiji will leave the navy sadly. At that time, there will be only one general left, and the navy will be unable to support it alone.

Finally, it landed on Huang Yuan, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

"You don't want to ask Huang Yuan to be the marshal, right?" Wuchen asked bluntly with a strange face.

"What's wrong, don't underestimate Polsalino's talent!" Sengoku didn't hide it when he was poked at the center. Although he felt unreliable in his heart, it was worth a try.

"His character is not suitable for being a marshal...and I guess he doesn't have that interest either." Looking at Polsalino's relaxed and comfortable old face, Wuchen affirmed.

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