"But these are small problems. Once that Edward Weibull joins the [Shibukai], Zefa will probably leave the navy, or even worse things will happen..."

Having said that, Wuchen looked at the Warring States with deep meaning. He was Zefa's old comrade-in-arms for many years and knew how Zefa's temperament was.


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Chapter 875 Compromise of the Warring States


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Wuchen's remarks made everyone's expressions stagnate, and immediately lowered their heads and pondered, secretly thinking about the stakes, and finally came to an astonishing conclusion.

"It's not a trivial matter for the general to defect." Seeing that everyone was cautious, Wuchen opened the skylight and spoke eloquently.

"Never allow Edward Weibull to join [Shibukai]!"

Gritting his teeth, the Warring States stood up again, and said with grievances on behalf of Zefa: "Many outstanding generals in the Navy were trained by Zefa, so it's unfair to him, that man has devoted his life to the Navy, we can't do this. ruthless!"

The three major generals of the navy, as well as most of the lieutenant generals, including other low-level officers, were almost all from the hands of Zefa, and it is self-evident that such a big shock may be caused by killing the donkey now.

"Warring States..."

Hearing this, the blond five old star's face was so gloomy that water dripped out, and a trace of his own momentum was released, and the entire conference room suddenly heard the neighing of Li Gui, emphasizing: "This matter... I don't want to repeat it a third time, don't provoke me. !"


Speaking of which, the ground and the delicate glass, including the walls, were shaken with countless cracks!

The Warring States look flashed a hint of unwillingness, but the clenched fist was finally sent down, and he sat down as if his soul had been taken away, with a face full of guilt.

"The will of the five old stars is above all else..."

Wuchen couldn't help shaking his head. After all, the Navy is just a subordinate department belonging to the World Government. I am afraid that no one in the world can go against the will of the Five Old Stars.

Edward Weibull and "The King of Clowns" Bucky, it is also imperative to join Shichibukai.


About seven days later, the news that Bucky and Edward Weibull joined the Qibukai, through the government's help, swept the world like a hurricane in a short period of time.

Edward Weibull is good to say that the reward is 4 million Baileys, but Bucky has only 8 million Baileys, which inevitably causes suspicion from other pirates.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The harbour of Mary Joa suddenly exploded, and the violent shaking attracted the attention of the waiting navy. When they arrived, about dozens of warships had already left the port.

"I've said it before... It's a certainty that he will leave the navy, and the Warring States period delusionally thinks that doing ideological work can comfort Zefa, naive."

In the luxurious villa, he slept cleanly on the balcony, Hancock fed him grapes, Perona was in charge of beating his legs, and secretary Kalifa stood there like a javelin.

Looking at Wuchen's line of sight, the bow of the ship is sad, and the man with a sluggish back is the former admiral Zefa.

"Why did he betray the Navy? He didn't have to leave Mary Joa to get revenge on Edward Weibull."

Kalifa frowned and said that the two newly joined Shichibukai, Bucky and Edward Weibull, the "King of Clowns", are now in Mary Joa, and if they want revenge, they can go directly to Edward Weibull's trouble.

"It wasn't Zefa who betrayed the Navy....it was the Navy who betrayed him... Zefa is going to destroy the whole new world!"

Stretching, Wuchen instantly understood Zefa's intentions. If he left so peacefully, with his former position in the navy, no one might trouble him, but Zefa touched the taboo~ taboo—— Power Rock!

The explosives are comparable to ancient weapons, and their power is even comparable to that of ancient weapons. Put the power rock in three specific places in the new world, and the power of the explosion is enough to destroy the new world!

"Come here....Hancock~~~"

His eyes suddenly turned and fell on Bo Yahan Cook's plump body. Wuchen's eyes flashed with covetousness. He had not moved for a long time, and his body had already started to stiffen.

"You two go out."

With a wave of his hand, Wuchen suddenly issued an expulsion order to Perona and Kalifa.


Perona and Kalifa looked at each other, and both asked coincidentally. Looking at Hancock, whose face was flushed, a flash of dissatisfaction flashed on his face. Wuchen obviously wanted to leave Hancock alone... It's not that the two of them are jealous, it's just that there must be an explanation for this inexplicable expulsion.


Hearing this, Wuchen touched his chin and smiled maliciously: "Of course I do things that are not suitable for children. If you two are willing to join, I don't care. Anyway, I am very strong and can regenerate organs. Then This kind of thing, hehe...you know!"

Perona and Kalifa blushed when they heard the words, they glared at Wuchen viciously and hurriedly fled.

"Eating sex is also, the saints say so, what's the shame, I still want to bring the two of them into the group to have a fun time and go to Wushan together."

Wuchen rolled his eyes and said speechlessly, and immediately took Hancock into his arms, the corners of his dry mouth moved towards the cinnabar hong~ lips, and he indulged once in a while, he didn't think there was any fault.

Life is all about indulging in enjoyment... After a few minutes, there is a ecstasy, a voice that makes people think about it.

It wasn't until after the sun set that Wuchen reluctantly climbed out of Hancock's tender body. He originally planned to go back to his room and take a nap, but he didn't expect an unexpected guest to visit, and Wuchen was a big man who had to see .


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