
Chapter 876 Provoking a battle for the marshal [fourth more]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


The comer has a strong back, has a Mohawk head, and has strong and strong muscles as thick as human legs. He is not angry and arrogant, but just a trivial look can make people unable to resist.

It is the former Admiral Sora, the current commander-in-chief of the entire army - Sora!

"The big driver is coming to Pengpi Shenghui, sit down." Wuchen followed Commander Kong politely.

Commander Kong didn't talk nonsense. He simply sat on the sofa, showing his ability as a soldier, and went straight to the topic: "Sengoku and Karp have both submitted their resignation reports to me, as if they were negotiated."

Speaking of this, Commander Kong paused, and after seeing Wuchen's face as usual, he sighed and continued with a deep headache: "There is only one Admiral, Sakaski and Kuzan are both good candidates. , also represents two forces..."

Aokiji has the support of senior navy leaders such as the Warring States period, while Akainu has the support of officials from the world government. I am afraid that the five old stars and the commander-in-chief Kong will have a headache.

If it is not done well, it may cause a naval crisis, and it is not impossible for the huge navy to fall apart.

"It's better than..."

Staring at Wuchen with eyes like a torch, Commander Kong expressed his inner thoughts, "The position of Marshal is handed over to you, if you take it, whether it is Aokiji, Akainu, or Polsalino, the entire navy will serve! "

"For the sake of world peace and naval balance, the task of the marshal falls on you... You are the general with the oldest information, and Akainu and the others are not as good as you!"

Commander-in-chief Kong's tone was full of hope, Wuchen's position as Admiral of the Navy had countless benefits, and his ability to kill Whitebeard shocked the world.

"Do you think I look like a marshal?"

Looking at the serious-looking Commander Kong speechlessly, this fellow said the same thing as Warring States, and Wuchen shied away: "I can understand your mood, but I am a lazy person, and such a tiring job is not suitable for me."

After saying that, Wuchen looked at Commander Kong, whose face was as rough as the bark of a dead tree, and was immediately banned by disappointment, and his spirit was quite decadent.

Wuchen was indifferent when he saw the situation, his mind wandered out of the sky, and he secretly thought about the future world situation. The strength of the pirates had been weakened by him without limit. This "war on the top" was actually launched with the help of Blackbeard and Whitebeard. Great cleaning.

Now is the time to clean up the navy and reduce resistance when it comes to ruling the world in the future.

"Actually, how to choose between Akainu and Aokiji, I have a good plan."

The fluttering words were like the dawn of the dawn, and the discouraged Marshal Kong regained his energy and asked with great interest: "Hope this is a good way."

"It's very simple. Since they all have support, there will be a fair and just battle. The winner will be the admiral of the Navy, and the one who loses will obey unconditionally."

Looking squarely into the eyes of Commander Kong, Wuchen spoke out his strategy.

"It would be difficult for the two of them to work together in the future."

Commander Kong said with a hint of dissatisfaction, and his hope was also in vain. I thought what Wuchen said was a good strategy, but it turned out to be such a bad idea.

"Some things are destined to be unchangeable. Even if we forcefully twist the two of them together, it will not help. Therefore, it is better to let them compete against each other completely. This is the best strategy!"

The corner of his mouth swept the arc of a successful conspiracy, and Wuchen smiled lightly: "Why don't you ask Sakaski and Akainu, I think they both must agree with this method... This is the most effective."

After a long silence, General Kong was speechless, his eyes were shining, and he was a little moved. Although he knew that this was a bad idea, it was a good strategy. As Wuchen said, the winner is the king.

In a world where the strong are respected, this method is the most suitable.

"If that's the case, that's the only way... In a few days, I will arrange an island and let them decide who wins!" Commander Kong made up his mind with awe-inspiring eyes in his eyes.

No matter how the Warring States period persuaded him, he still chose to abdicate and let the virtuous, and the position of admiral of the navy was very busy, which shocked one side.

"Did that fellow Zefa take something extraordinary?"

As soon as the topic changed, Wuchen brought the topic to Zefa. Soon after Zefa left, Aokiji and Kizaru followed, apparently taking something extraordinary.

"This... He took the data of [Dynamic Rock], so I went to chase after Kuzan and Polsalino, in case he did something stupid." Commander Kong said unbearably, After all, Zefa was also his former subordinate.

Immediately after a few chats, Commander Kong returned slowly.

"Master, it's getting late, you should go to bed..."

At this moment, a nice voice suddenly came, and the maid Perona, who was in charge of rubbing her legs, said.

"Sleep? Will you accompany me?"

Wuchen teased, and resumed his dangling appearance, causing Perona to stomp.

Walking to the window, he looked at the back of General Manager Kong, who had not yet dispersed, with deep meaning. Wuchen keenly smelled the meaning of the alternative. This is definitely not just a simple problem like Dynamic Rock.

Even if it is really dynamic rock, it will not send two generals. The Whitebeard Pirates collapsed, and wars broke out everywhere. Now when they are in need of manpower, Aokiji and Kizaru leave inexplicably, indicating that there is a problem.

Especially when talking about Zefa's unnaturalness just now, Wuchen took a deep look in his eyes. The usual General Commander Kong is like an iron man, and he rarely shows emotional fluctuations.


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Chapter 877 Generals are also crazy [fifth more]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.

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