
Although Commander Kong concealed it very cleverly, he still did not escape Wuchen's insight, especially as Commander Kong was so rude, who could not avoid Wuchen's observation.

"It's strange..." Hancock said suddenly when he came back.

"What's up..."

Wuchen raised his head and questioned, and then his brows were slightly wrinkled, and then there was a burst of hurried footsteps downstairs, Wuchen walked to the bed and looked over subconsciously.

In the middle of the night, countless warships set sail at the originally closed port!

"Looks like something extraordinary has happened."

The navy who boarded the ship at the port seemed to be ordinary goods, and the situation was extremely clean, but it was the figure who captured the figure of Kapp. He also joined this group of people, and the direction of departure was the same as that of Aokiji and Akainu. .

Without exception, the purpose is to find the trace of Zefa.

"Navy [Hero] Garp also left inexplicably, and the trail is unknown." Hancock expressed his confusion.

Wuchen heard the original drowsiness all subsided, and the thoughts in his mind turned rapidly, thinking about the people who had contact with Zefa, but he didn't realize what was wrong at all.

"The man and the pirates joined forces..."

Bai Jue suddenly came out of the ground, jumped off Kalifa and Pero, and Hancock, who often came into contact with Bai Jue, had an expression as if Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his face.

She is used to the dustless mystery, or Hancock has long been paralyzed.

"Don't General Zefa hate pirates very much... How could he join forces with pirates!"

Doubt flashed in Kalifa's eyes, full of disapproval. Pirates ruined Zefa's life, and whoever cooperates with them will not fall to the point of complicity with pirates.

"I've also heard some rumors about General Zefa... Even if you cooperate with someone like the young master, it's absolutely impossible to spend time with the pirates." Perrault also agreed with the green jade pointing to his smooth chin. .

"You two..."

Handing big white eyes to the two women, Wuchen couldn't laugh or cry. Although he was despicable, he asked himself to treat his own people with sincerity. When he came to the two of them, it was so unbearable.

"There is nothing impossible in the face of absolute interests."

The thumb tapped the table rhythmically, brewing for a while, and the dust-free face showed endless wisdom, showing a sharp edge, and said solemnly: "I know Zefa too well, he will not lose his worth to cooperate with the pirates, but come together. It is possible to use them..."

Anyway, it's just for use, and it has nothing to do with cooperation.

"Who is the specific partner of cooperation, [Four Emperors] Red-haired Shanks or Kaido the Beast? The person he likes, no matter how weak, should be at the level of a general." asked.

"Lord Wuchen is probably disappointed this time, Kaido is indeed Zefa's partner, but there are others..." Bai Jue was also surprised.

"It's far more than the beasts Kaido. The people who have had grudges with you in the past seem to have been implicated in Zefa." Bai Jue said with an unpleasant expression.

"That guy Zefa...he expected this day, did he plan ahead..." Wuchen's expression solidified, slightly dignified.

Edward Weibull only joined the "Shibukai" in the last few days, and it is obviously unusual for Zefa to have so many "allies" appearing overnight.

Perhaps many years ago, after seeing the decay of the navy, he had already conceived the plan to set up a new portal, and this time Edward Weibull joined Qibukai, just detonated the powder keg.

"Don't you want to stop him, young master? General Zefa's idea of ​​​​[Dynamic Rock] is probably to use it to destroy the sea area of ​​the new world. Master, you will never turn a blind eye as a navy." With a clean look on his face, Hancock asked curiously.

Hearing this, Wuchen just smiled. Of course, he would not allow Zefa to continue to mess around, and it is even more impossible to destroy the new world, but this time he really intends to turn a blind eye and do not know what to do!

"Although I don't know what the purpose is, that old guy in the Warring States period actually kept my mission behind me..."

Speaking of this, Wuchen's expression became obviously gloomy, and he sneered and gloated: "This time I have to wait for that old guy in the Warring States period to ask me three times and nine bows!

The three girls looked at each other, smiled bitterly, and sighed helplessly. Sometimes their young master is so willful and childish. When he is in a good mood, he can play with you, but when he is in a bad mood, he will suffer bad luck.


The next morning was sunny and cloudless.

After the war in the navy headquarters, Wuchen became an unemployed vagabond again.

Even so, it was a leisurely day.

"Master...there is [Shibukai] coming to visit..."

The man who was reading the newspaper on the sofa looked up at Hancock and asked suspiciously, "Shibuhai? Hawkeye and Doflamingo, I remember they both left Mary Joa, and I'm not familiar with the other Qibuhai. "

Hancock pursed his lips and snickered, and his beautiful eyes flashed slyly, obviously Wuchen guessed wrong, "Young master once had a plain relationship."

Seeing that Wuchen couldn't remember, Hancock handed over an envelope, an unexpected name suddenly came into view, and the confusion in Wuchen's eyes also subsided, and he is indeed in Mary Joa.


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, and automatically subscribe to all kinds of requests! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 878 Talking about business [sixth more]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


At present, there are only two pirates who have been given the title of "Shibukai", one is Bucky the "King of Clowns", and the other is Edward Weibull.

Dustless was barely impressed with Bucky.

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