Hancock tilted his head and couldn't think of a reason for a long time.

"He's acting too normal." At this moment, a pleasant voice suddenly interjected.

Looking up, it was the dust-free secretary, Kalifa.

"That's right." He Yan Yue nodded lightly, and said softly without dust.

"What's wrong with being normal... I remember that Bucky once met the young master, and it's right to be familiar and normal." Hancock should have said so.

"That's not normal."

Standing up, Wuchen looked at the sea in the distance, his mouth and lips were lightly opened, and there was a ray of light in his eyes, and he said, "It's not so much that it's too normal, it's better to be fearless."

A pirate whose navy offered a bounty of 1500 million Baileys was able to deal with it calmly in the face of the admiral of the navy. This is the most evil place.

Even if he has the halo protection of "The King's Seven Martial Seas", it is not scientific. After all, this is a world where the strong are respected, and any identity is actually useless, especially a person like Wuchen who has always played cards against common sense. Wu Hai's halo is negligible for his small restraint rate.

"What's the purpose of that old boy..." Looking down at the delicate floor, Wuchen's thoughts turned.

"Master Wuchen!" A familiar voice came, and a figure appeared out of thin air in the warm villa.

"What's the matter, Bai Jue."

Without turning his head, Wuchen stood with his hands behind his back, staring at the sea area ahead and asked calmly.

"Qingzhi and Huang Yuan went to attack Zefa, but he beat him back." With a smile on his face, Bai Jue was gloating.

"Of course, in addition to Zefa, the people responsible for repelling Kizaru and Aokiji are Kaido, the beasts, and other big and small pirates." Bai Jue then added another sentence. .

"Jie Jie... It won't be long before the Warring States period asks me to let him go..." Coincidentally, Wuchen's face also had a well-deserved smile.

This situation, as well as the conversation between the two, caused Hancock and Kalifa to roll their eyes. People with unknown circumstances must think that Wuchen is a pirate.

One of the "Four Emperors" is Kaido the Beast, and the other is a former admiral of the navy. Although he is old and frail, his strength is still good. Secondly, I heard that there are other pirates large and small.

All in all, there are all those who have had grudges and entanglements with Wuchen!However, most of these people were used by Zefa, and I am afraid that Kaido is no exception.

For some unknown reason, the Warring States did not inform Wuchen in detail about Zefa's defection to the navy this time, but only perfunctory in a few words.

In this case, Wuchen can only sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and wait for the Warring States to come and beg him!


Somewhere in the new world, there are a large number of pirates, and there are also naval battleships. This incredible scene has attracted the curiosity of all the pirates passing by, but after seeing the flag on the pirate ship, they all wandered off with interest. .

Only one pirate group in the world dares to use that unique flag - Kaido!The naval battleships entrenched nearby belong to Zefa's side.

"Hurry up and tell me the trace of [Dynamic Rock], or I can kill you at any time, General Zefa! Oh, no, Mr. General! Now you are just a betraying dog who betrayed the Navy."

The extremely harsh and arrogant tone resounded, attracting the anger of the navy.

The strong man with a height of several meters roared loudly, and the fiery sound waves carried an impact, and when they fell into the ears of humans, they would be dizzy and dizzy, and both ears were temporarily deaf.

This person is the captain of the Kaido Pirates——Beast Kaido!

"It's useless for you. The Warring States period probably sent Garp to garrison the island with [Dynamic Rock]. He went to ask for trouble. Garp is not easy to mess with."

Zefa, who was wearing glasses, said calmly, just looking down at the map of the new world, Kaido, gave him a state of ignorance... Any pirate would feel dirty if he looked at it more.

Just as Wuchen guessed, he used Kaido temporarily to lure the beast Kaido with the bait of the power rock.

"Navy [Hero] Garp..."

The impassioned tone instantly slumped, and Kaido nodded in praise: "With that old man here, you really need to be careful. Although I'm not afraid of him, I can't beat him."

Beast Kaido's tone was a bit of a headache. In the early years, he was fortunate enough to fight with Garp. Maybe because of his age, his strength may have regressed a bit, but even so, his strength is enough to suppress a general like Akainu.

"It's good if you know." After glancing at Kaido the beasts, Zefa sneered in his heart.

In fact, he had already held the Power Rock in his hand, and he didn't take it out, just to hang Kaido's appetite, so that he could be more obedient, or better cooperate to use him.

Zefa is well aware of the nature of the navy. Once this kind of person gives him the "power rock", I am afraid that he will immediately turn his face, and even confront himself with swords.

"The storage place of the power rock is here. As long as you capture it, you can get the power rock, and you can also rely on the power rock to defeat that guy in Loisnan!"

Zefa tempted ~ tempted.Accusing the three islands on the map, he said with certainty that there is actually no place to store dynamic rocks. As long as they are detonated together, the new world will completely collapse!


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, and automatically subscribe to all kinds of requests! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 880 The Road of the Four Emperors [Second More]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Who is Kaido's most hated enemy?

Who was it before, there is no doubt that it is naturally Whitebeard, and the hatred between him and Whitebeard is too high, but later, with the sudden emergence of Wuchen, this character was won by the Wuchen honor!

When it comes to dust-free, the beast Kaido gritted his teeth, and the whole person was like a powder keg, which could explode at any time!

"Stupid, no wonder you can't fight that man..."

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