Quietly glanced at Kaido the beasts, Zefa sneered in his heart, although these big pirates are a little smart, but they are straight-forward by nature, and they are extremely honorable and controlled by emotions.

It is also easier to control. For example, now, he is just using the "Power Rock" to attract a lot of money, and Kaido, the shark blinded by hatred, will take the bait!

After about half an hour, the two talents finished their discussion. The general idea was to snatch the power rock, and then Kaido of the beasts would settle the account with Wuchen...

When fighting with Whitebeard in the past, everyone had a winner and loser, but after the opponent was replaced by Wuchen, his pirate group was destroyed and crushed by Wuchen one after another!

Since conventional means are ineffective, we can only resort to unconventional means!


Mary Joa.

In the gloomy basement, vague outlines could be vaguely seen.

"Master Wuchen really intends to do this? This may lead to the collapse of the world situation!" Bai Jue said quite worriedly, with a tone of unfounded worry.

"You are nothing but a character I created, so sentimental..."

Wuchen glanced at Bai Jue and continued: "That bastard Doflamingo is unreliable. Once Caesar completes the construction of Hades, let him disappear... Now the barely reliable subordinates are Hawkeye and Cone of Green Pepper. …”

"Ta Tata..."

There were slight fluctuations on the ground, and a cold figure came out of the darkness.

"Indeed, as I just said, I plan to use the identity of Tiandao Uchiha Madara to destroy the beast Kaido, and then replace him as one of the new [Four Emperors], and then destroy the red hair and Bigu Mum by the way. , unify all the pirates, and finally kill the world government and the revolutionary army."

Out of his trust in Bai Jue, Wuchen revealed his plan, that is, what happened in the last two or three years, he planned to put a stop sign for the travel of this world.

The long life never decays. The world where pirates are rampant is just the second stop in his life. The endless universe is his journey.

"It's fifteen or sixteen years in a flash, and it's time to come here for it."

Stretching, Wuchen said with emotion, unconsciously, in fifteen or sixteen years, his temper has gradually been polished, and what should happen will always happen.

There are limits to wasting time.

"Unifying the forces of the pirates to destroy the world government and the navy, including the revolutionary army, is it not enough just to rely on the pirates?"

Bai Jue doubted that the world government has accumulated more than [-] years, and how much is unknown, but if it can stand for less than [-] years, it will silently explain everything.

"So what, isn't there still ancient weapons..."

With a mysterious smile, Wuchen said calmly: "Take [-] steps back, even if the ancient weapons are not good...and me."

Hearing this, Bai Jue was silent, just like what Wuchen said, even if all the previously expected plans collapsed, there is no one in this world who wants to surpass Wuchen, at least now.

At the same time, Tiandao Uchiha Madara also opened his eyes.

"Instead of killing that guy Kaido... it's better to make him a beast, and make that guy the red-haired Shanks one of the six, as well as Bigumum and Blackbeard..."

Looking at Tiandao Uchiha Madara's disappearing back, Wuchen whispered in his mouth.

Staring at the figures of Wuchen and Tiandao Uchiha Madara dissipating, Bai Jue felt a chill in his heart, I am afraid that Kaido, the beast, will soon be reduced to the animal realm!

General Zefa, who teamed up with him, will not be spared!


At this moment, on the island where Kaido and Zefa were docked.

"Damn, it's really evil, so good, why did my right eye jump up!"

Under the scorching scorching sun, the beast Kaido hid under the shade of a tree and drank strong wine.

Hearing this, Zefa just glanced at him with pity, and continued to ponder the plan. In fact, he felt a strange confusion in his heart just now. He couldn't tell exactly what it was like, and he instinctively dismissed it as an illusion.

"The ability to choose a cemetery...it's really bad!"

Tiandao Uchiha Madara, who was remotely controlled by Wuchen, looked down at the island in the distance, with a gloomy look in his eyes, and stood on the sea so casually and peacefully.

The island in front of us was bare and abandoned for many years, and was temporarily chosen by Zefa and Kaido as their base camp.

"Just disappear here."

Mary Joa's Wuchen murmured, and the controlled Tiandao Uchiha Madara stepped on the sea, and immediately walked towards the island, gradually disappearing.

PS: I am afraid that the pirate volume will end in the near future. In the next world, you can leave a message in the book review area. I will write it when it is suitable, and the author will read it when I have time!


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Chapter 881 Kill Moonlight Moria [Chapter Three]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Tiandao Uchiha Madara strolled forward, every step of the way, there would be ripples on the water surface, and then disappeared again, and walked towards the island with a calm demeanor.

The pupil power has reached the current state, and Wuchen can control Uchiha Madara completely regardless of the distance!

"It's weird..."

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