"Cuckoo" Kaido, the beast filled with spirits, was puzzled for a while. He had never felt such a sense of danger and coercion before.

"What are you afraid of, don't forget, this island is guarded by our subordinates!"

Zefa glanced at Kaido in dissatisfaction. The whole island was as solid as a fortress, so there was no need to worry. Once the periphery was attacked, they would be notified immediately, so there was no need to worry.

"Your so-called plan, at least it needs to be carried out faster!"

Beast Kaido has a straight face and is full of murderous intentions. Every day when he dreams, he even dreams of Wuchen's annoying face, always despising him with a look down!

"I have time to work with you two, instead of wasting time now! Damn navy, and that Loisnan, I must smash them to pieces!"

The tall man with a distorted expression swayed and looked up, and it was Moonlight Moriah, who was pale and dressed as a bat.

At the top of the war, he was almost killed by a pacifist, and was finally removed from the Shichibukai... Before that, his terrifying barque was also attacked by the dust-free slaughtering order.

For Wuchen and the Navy, Moonlight Moria is extremely hostile.

"It doesn't matter, you just became a lost dog again."

With a contemptuous smile on his face, Kaido disdained this defeated general. If it wasn't for Zefa to deal with it, maybe he would have killed this unsightly cockroach long ago.

"Everyone's enemies are the navy, and all of them are Loisnan. Everything is to deal with him. As long as you take the Power Rock, you can destroy him!"

The navy has been completely desperate for the navy since the moment Edward Weibull entered the "Shibukai", and even said that his disappointment turned into hatred.


Hearing this, Moonlight Moriah can only suppress hatred. Kaido also has a deep hatred with him. More than ten years ago, it was Kaido who destroyed his pirate group.

"You talk about me like that...it doesn't seem right."

A voice fell, and then the black shadow rushed towards him, approaching almost instantly.

"The fire escapes the fire and extinguishes it!"

The boundless swept in, the momentum was monstrous, and even because the flames burned too vigorously, the entire sky turned crimson, a doomsday scene.

"Can't hide!"

This sudden change made the faces of the three of them change greatly, and they all shouted in a low voice!

"The armed color is hardened!"

As one of the "Four Emperors", Kaido of the Beasts will naturally use the domineering arrogance of the armed color, and Zefa is no exception. He himself is famous for the domineering of the armed color, and is called the "Black Wrist" Zefa.

Although Moonlight Moriah is average, he can barely understand some armed domineering.

The scourge whizzed past, but the three of them were not hurt in any way, only Moonlight Moria suffered some burns, but it was harmless.

"It's good to..."

Against the flames, a middle-aged man in crimson armor came into view.

"Are you that Uchiha Madara?" Zefa said in surprise after a moment's surprise, Uchiha Madara's name resounded all over the world.

Beast Kaido and Moonlight Moria looked at each other, their brows furrowed, their eyes spread subconsciously, and after a while, Kaido's old face turned green and burst out: "Damn, you treat my subordinates. What have you done?"

At a glance, Kaido's "Devil Fruit Legion" has fallen to the ground foaming at the mouth!

"The matter of the adults... the kid should not interfere."

Far in the dust-free and indifferent way where Marijoya controls Madara Uchiha, the so-called Devil Fruit Legion is just a group of rookies who can be easily solved by ordinary illusions.

"Children fight? Don't think that a newcomer will be lawless with a reward of [-] million Baileys for his debut. You are still far from it!"

The huge body took a step forward, and Moonlight Moria said badly.

"Oh, by the way, really, after so long, the memory seems to be a little bad..."

Tiandao Uchiha Madara rubbed his head with a headache, and then glanced at Moonlight Moriah with icy eyes, his contemptuous eyes were like looking at bugs, full of sympathy and pity, "Actually, you are also a child..."

"It's a blessing and a tragedy that you're standing here...Go to hell, trash."

An extremely arrogant mockery immediately detonated Moonlight Moriah and the powder keg. Before he could speak any more, the sky was suddenly dark and a group of red cylindrical logs fell from the sky.

"What the hell is this?!"

Moonlight Moria yelled in panic, with a hint of panic in her tone.

"Xianfa Ming Shenmen!"

As Tiandao Uchiha Madara's voice fell, Moonlight Moria was immediately suppressed!

"Boom boom boom!"

The earth trembled, and a huge amount of smoke was splashed. Moonlight Moria was brutally obliterated, and a sharp scream could be heard, and even broken arms and crushed internal organs.

"Next is you two..."

Eyes fell on Kaido and Zefa, Tiandao Uchiha Madara and Wuchen who was far away in Mary Joa, and the corners of their mouths swept into a cat-like mouse-like smile.

PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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