Chapter 882 Win? 【Fourth more】


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Beast Kaido and General Zefa had extremely ugly expressions on their faces. They both looked at the redwoods that were almost piled up into mountains, and knew that Moonlight Moria could not escape the disaster.

Put on any one person, I am afraid they will be shattered by this devastating battle!

"Bastard, it hurts me to death... ah ah ah..."

In the smoke and dust, a scream of excruciating pain awakened the sluggish General Zefa Kaido, and the two of them looked in the direction of Moonlight Moria.

"This old boy's vitality is strong enough."

As far away as Mary Joa murmured, the human beings in this world seem to have grown up on hormones. They are clearly just human beings, but some people have bodies that are no less than giants.

The vitality is also surprisingly strong, and it is extremely durable!

At this moment, Moonlight Moria couldn't bear to look directly, blood was blurred all over his body, maybe it was the reason why he hid so quickly, only one arm was suppressed by "Ming Shenmen".

Looking closely, his arm was dripping with blood, and the abdomen of his body was no exception. There were obvious depressions, and it was obviously also hit by Mingshenmen.

"What are you two doing standing there foolishly, come and save Lao Tzu, don't forget that we are allies!" Seeing Zefa and Kaido of the beasts treat each other with cold eyes, Moonlight Moria roared sharply.

Now is the time to show allies!

"This guy is so stupid and cute..."

The dust-free in Mary Joa couldn't help but feel ridiculous, and the controlling Tiandao Uchiha Madara also said softly: "Turn a deaf ear to you, that's because the two of them think you have no value... In other words, you are no longer needed. now..."

The world where the strong are respected pays attention to the strong prey to the weak, and it is normal for people like Moonlight Moria to be abandoned.

Next, a more bloody scene, directly stunned Moonlight Moriah!

"Are you interested in joining us... In the future, there must be a place for you in this world!" Zefa's tone was full of endless magic, making it irresistible.

The object of temptation is Tiandao Uchiha Madara!

"You have a place to join you? What will happen if you don't join you, will you be killed and silenced?" Tiandao Uchiha Madara asked without answering, with sarcasm in his words.

"Boy, don't be ignorant!"

The grumpy beast Kaido roared: "I'm looking down on you by pulling you into the water. The [-] million pirates who died at the hands of Lao Tzu are no worse than you. You'd better show me a little bit!"


He chopped off his own arm to get out of trouble!

At the same time, Moonlight Moria walked out of the mahogany group, staring at Kaido and Zefa with murderous intent, with a ferocious expression, as if he was hesitating, and her fist-sized pupils flickered uncertainly.

In the end, his eyes still fell on Tiandao Uchiha Madara's head.

"Are persimmons soft and be looked down upon."

Mary Joa couldn't help smiling, and her pupils flashed a murderous intent. Obviously, Moonlight Moria, compared with Kaido and Zefa, Tiandao Uchiha Madara is easier to deal with!

"Hurry up and purify the air from the world, you nasty bug!"

The focus of the eyes is the moonlight Moriah, the pupils of Tiandao Uchiha turn sharply, and the scarlet eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye from hell comes!

"What's the matter with this nasty feeling? Damn, does just one look make my soul tremble?!"

Zefa or Kaido might not be able to feel it, but Moonlight Moriah was different, sweating coldly all over her body, and a sense of death that was suddenly oppressed.

Will die at any time!

Suddenly, a stinging pain of burns suddenly entered his mind, Moonlight Moria's body was startled, and he suddenly lowered his head, and a strange black flame burned on his high abdomen!


The eternal kaleidoscope's writing wheel eyes turned rapidly, Tiandao Uchiha Madara's lifeless mouth ~ lips lightly opened, "Amaterasu!"

The flames that were not worth mentioning instantly magnified hundreds of times, spreading the moonlight all over Moria's body, and he instantly turned into a black burning man without realizing it!

"Hot, I'm burning to death!"

The tragic and painful screams sent chills down the spine, and I saw Moonlight Moria desperately jumped into the deep sea, trying to put out the fire all over her body.

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

"What the hell is that black flame that can't be extinguished?!"

Kaido's eyes widened, looking at the black flames that were still burning after jumping into the sea, he took a deep breath, and immediately looked at Tiandao Uchiha Madara with an ugly face.

The consequences of a devil fruit person falling into the sea are self-evident. Moonlight Moria's life is completely over!

"Just make a handprint, and you can instantly kill the former Qiwuhai with the movement of your eyes..."

Zefa and Kaido of the Beasts looked at each other, and both could see the scruples in the other's eyes. It was as simple as eating and drinking, and Kaido of the Beasts couldn't do it!

"I'm asking you one last time, do you want to join us?" Zefa asked in a low voice.

Tiandao Uchiha Madara shook his head.


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