Mary Joa's Wuchen frowned and said, Zefa's hatred for him is not very deep, and it has even reached the point of going deep into the soul, and even to the point of perishing for this purpose!

"Old man, could it be that you want to kill me with you?!"

After witnessing "Dynamic Rock", Kaido's face changed greatly, his eyes were gloomy, Zefa had given him the photo of Dynamic Rock, so Kaido knew a lot about Dynamic Rock.

If the power of this kind of weapon is as shocking as Zefa's description, it will definitely be fatal at that time, and whether it can even save the corpse is a problem!

"Are you afraid?" With a contemptuous smile at the corner of his mouth, Zefa asked calmly, he saw through life and death, if he could pull on the dust-free back, God would pity him.

"I said before, this is not my body, it's useless if you blow it up... Besides, just relying on this kind of thing, do you think he can blow up me? Stop dreaming!"

Tiandao Uchiha Madara sneered coldly without hesitation, even if the power of the power rock is really comparable to that of ancient weapons, after gathering a certain number, it can destroy an island.

Wanting to kill him is still as difficult as reaching the sky!


Beast Kaido's old face is green, he is not Tiandao Uchiha Madara, he has no such confidence, although his interest is suicide, but it does not mean that he really wants to die, the power of the power rock explosion shakes the sky and the earth, enough to contempt for destruction An island, what kind of sensation it will cause when it reaches a certain number, thinking about all the beasts Kaido will send a chill down your spine!

"And, do you think that in front of me, you have a chance to detonate this kind of thing?!"

With a sneer, the shadows sneaking around have quietly approached Zefa, and even stood beside him, but Zefa didn't notice the existence of the shadow.

PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 887 Death of the General [Chapter Three]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Wuchen couldn't help feeling ridiculous, and of course it wasn't Zefa's fault. After all, he couldn't see the existence of shadows. In fact, the shadow of Uchiha of Heaven was spinning around Zefa.

And this guy's ignorant appearance is quite funny.Can't blame him either.

"You old man dares to avenge your kindness and revenge! Don't forget that it was after you became a bereaved dog that I agreed to cooperate with you. You must know how to be grateful!"

The beast Kaido was trembling with anger, looking at the purple container in Zefa's hand, a flash of fear flashed, even if he detonated a super weapon such as "Dynamic Rock", he would barely die, but there is no doubt that the island will definitely be destroyed. , at that time, he may become a Chinese meal in the hands of Tiandao Uchiha Madara.

Moreover, no one is sure whether there are other power rocks... If there are hundreds of them... Thinking about Kaido makes me tremble and fear.


Tiandao Uchiha Madara's eyes fell on Zefa, and said softly: "You have lived for most of your life, and now you should feel comfortable and relieved when you die..."

After saying that, Tiandao Uchiha Madara's pupil swayed with ripples, and the shadow responded immediately, and the sharp blade formed entirely by Chakra swept out.


The skin on the surface of the skin is split open, revealing the internal organs of the body. Even if you want to squeeze the power rock, it will be useless to drag Tiandao Uchiha Madara and Kaido to bury them together.

He doesn't have that ability at all!


Immediately, under the stunned gaze of the beasts Kaido, even if he was unwilling, he could only close his eyes in the end. When he died, he hadn't realized what happened... He died without even knowing the cause of death. tragedy.


This sudden scene was beyond imagination. Kaido the beasts clapped his hands after being absent-minded for a moment, "Thanks to my sincere cooperation with you, you dare to plot against me, and you want to kill me together, you deserve it!"

The beast Kaido was full of anger, and if it wasn't for the existence of Uchiha Madara, he might have gone up to whip the corpse Zefa.

Looking at Kaido, who was gnashing his teeth, and sneering far away from Mary Joa, Kaido was dressed as a bull demon king, and even had two horns on his head. Not being a beast is a waste of resources!

"Don't feel sad, it won't be long before you go to hell with him!"

Tiandao Uchiha Madara joked, and at the same time, the reincarnation eye floated, and the shadow disappeared. He also needed the beast Kaido to build the animal road, and it would not be fun to make it into flesh!

"It's you who will go to the underworld to accompany him!"

The majestic roar fell, the sky was bleak, and the void tore out a bottomless black cavity, and there was an endless gravitational force that seemed to pull the whole world into it.

"When I'm doing my best, even the old guy with Whitebeard doesn't dare to underestimate him!"

The beast Kaido was covered with golden scorching rays of light, making people afraid to look directly at it. It was like a god of war, filled with a deadly threat, and even because of the fact that it was too terrifying, the ground he stepped on gradually collapsed and shattered.

"That's all your that all?"

Raising his eyelids, Gujing Wubo glanced at Kaido the beasts. Madara Uchiha, who had withdrawn his gaze from Tiandao, looked inappropriate, as if nothing had happened, and the purple-based Samsara eyes were extraordinarily calm.

However, this look, from Kaido's view, is to silently despise him!

He has already used all his strength, but Tiandao Uchiha Madara still doesn't change his face, as if in his eyes, no matter how it changes, the essence of ants has not changed!


At this moment, a strange roar suddenly came, Kaido of the beast was stunned, and immediately raised his head out of instinct, but the scene that caught his eye turned him to petrification on the spot.

"That guy... can use this trick without limit? What a joke!"

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