The beasts Kaido were in ashes, and the boundless number could not be escaped at all.

"Xianfa Ming Shenmen!!!"

Thousands of red wood slammed to the ground, and the ground trembled, and then the smoke filled the sky, engulfing the silhouette of Kaido, the beast. He wanted to run, but was unable to dodge.

His speed is fast enough, but these vast mahogany trees seem to have long tails, no matter how much they run, they can't escape his lock.

"If you let me out, I will tear you apart!"

From the mad roar of dust and smoke, Tiandao Uchiha Madara stepped forward and looked down at Kaido, who was in a state of embarrassment, with a consoling arc on his face.

"Don't feel sad, red-haired Shanks and Bigu Mum will be with you in the future, you should thank me for my gift, you [Four Emperors] were enemies in life, but you can cooperate after death... You should thank me Great kindness!"

After saying that, Tiandao Uchiha Madara condensed straight black sticks in his hands, which were used to create the animal way.


Seeing the unremarkable black iron rod, the beast Kaido instinctively felt bad, and shrank his neck. At this moment, Uchiha, the Tao of Heaven, gave him a particularly terrifying impression.

"you want……"

Bai Beast Kaido's tone was stagnant, looking at the black catheter that Tiandao Uchiha Madara had inserted all over his body, and then at the black iron rod in his hand, he already vaguely understood what it meant!

PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 888 Become the Fourth Emperor [fourth more]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Beast Kaido's soul was frightened, he carefully looked at Tiandao Uchiha Madara's black catheter, and then looked at the black iron rod he was holding in his hand, and instantly understood something.

"Could it be that you are..."

Beast Kaido asked with a livid face, this guy has no breath, his body is cold and biting, and he is obviously a walking corpse-like existence.

Those cold and unshakable eyes clearly belonged to the existence of machinery.

"Finally understand... It's not stupid, don't worry, you will immediately become the same existence as this body, one of the six ways, you don't have to thank me!"

Witnessing the approaching of Uchiha Madara, the beast Kaido struggled hard, but the effect it played was insignificant. Under the shackles of Mingshenmen, he could only helplessly watch Uchiha Madara approaching!

"This is your destiny!"


Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, half a moon slipped away quietly.

There is no impermeable wall in the world, and the news that Zefa was killed, Kaido fell, and the former "King's Qiwuhai" Moonlight Moria was burned alive, spread throughout the world in a few days.

"Damn Uchiha Madara!"

Due to the sinking of the Marine Headquarters during the "Top War", the habitat of the world's nobles temporarily replaced the position of the Navy Headquarters.

In the conference room, the Warring States clapped the table and roared. The next admiral at the moment had not yet been elected, and he was still him.

"Since this man appeared until now, every shot has been earth-shattering... At present, Zefa was killed by him, Moonlight Moria was also killed by him, and Kaido was also because of him... Hmph, this man must have deliberately and The navy is right!"

The old face of the Warring States period turned green, and his huge fists were tightly clenched.

"Now the pirates are getting more and more lawless, we should immediately elect a new marshal and quickly recruit troops all over the world!"

Wuchen nodded in agreement, agreeing with the statement of the Warring States.

In fact, it was the news that he deliberately spread in secret. The purpose was to disturb the situation in the whole world. The beast Kaido was destroyed, and the pirate group under his banner collapsed, which would inevitably cause other pirate groups to watch.

Of course, Tiandao Uchiha Madara also won a new title - Four Emperors!

"The one called Madara Uchiha is too arrogant, he must be strangled!"

Wuchen was filled with righteous indignation as if he had been humiliated, causing everyone to be stunned. In their impression, it was the first time that Wuchen was so excited!

"Yes, even though Madara Uchiha is single, he has been praised as one of the [Four Emperors] by pirates in the seas around the New World and other places these days!" Aokiji frowned and said sadly.

And this "Four Emperors" is obviously different from the other "Four Emperors", whether it is the white beard, the red-haired Shanks, or the recently annihilated beast Kaido, the reason why he can become one of the "Four Emperors" is because They have capable men and power.

Just relying on a single person and the other four emperors to "drive side by side", this has never happened before, only Madara Uchiha!

"He must be killed immediately...otherwise he is a bigger threat than Whitebeard in the future."

Sengoku's face was ugly, and his words came out of his throat. He stared at Tiandao Uchiha Madara in the photo, "No, maybe his threat level is more than Whitebeard."

One-on-one killing Zefa and Moonlight Moriah, as well as Kaido, the beasts who are also the "Four Emperors", knows whether Whitebeard can do it in its heyday.

Wuchen just sat silently, closing his eyes comfortably, ignoring everything in front of him like a passer-by.

"The beasts Kaido is dead... This world is completely runaway. Those greedy pirates can't be indifferent to their fat, and they will definitely kill each other for Kaido's legacy."

There was a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth. This is just a conspiracy of the dust-free. In this feast of killing and slaughtering the territory, the fragile pirates will definitely be eliminated from it, and the powerful pirates will definitely stand out. Take the opportunity to charge the opponent, tame it, and then hang up the Revolutionary Army and the World Government.

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