These remarks attracted the eyes of the navy, who all looked at Wuchen in disbelief.That kind of stuff?These four random and simple words sound like what a worthless piece of garbage Blackbeard is.

"I'll talk about these things later. Right now, I have something to tell you about the fate of the navy!"

"This guy really wants to ask Fujitora to be a marshal? In a dream, there is no door!"

Wuchen sneered in his heart, who can be a marshal, even this inexplicable Fujitora, because his ideas run counter to Wuchen's.

Staring at Fujitora, Wuchen sneered, want to be a marshal?Silly boy, stop dreaming!


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Chapter 890 Fighting Fujitora's Face [First More]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Fujitora's character is actually quite opposite to that of Aokiji, but he is much more active than the lazy Aokiji, and in some respects it can even be said to be diametrically opposed to the idea of ​​dust-free.

"I will recommend Yi Xiao as the Admiral!" After looking around, Zhan Guoyu said amazingly.

These remarks are no less than a hurricane of a [-]-level. All the navies looked at the Warring States in disbelief. They were interrupted by his remarks, and they fell directly into a petrified state.

"It's a bit....isn't it right..."

The first person to stand up against it was none other than Kuzan, who was valued by the Warring States period—Aoki!

Although Sakaski [Akainu] didn't speak, his thick black eyebrows were crowded together, and his eyes looking at Fujitora were full of ill will.

Although Polsalino never spoke, he looked at the Warring States in puzzlement. A man who was not even a navy was so inexplicably seated as a marshal?What a joke!

"I disagree!"

Standing up, compared to the three generals who were slightly shrinking their heads, Wuchen directly denied the decision of the Warring States on the spot!

"Anyone can be a marshal, but... this guy doesn't even have eyes, it's a problem to read a document. Such a person sitting in the position of the admiral is simply ridiculous!"

These unceremonious and fierce words made Zhan Guo's eyes flash with sullen anger, Wuchen, this is equivalent to hitting him directly in the face, or the kind that is merciless.

Especially on the current occasion, when so many high-level naval officers gather here!

"It makes sense."

Akainu also echoed yin and yang strangely, to find a blind, spoiled old man as a marshal, this is really inappropriate!

"This guy named Fujitora is not even the most basic navy. Does the marshal think it's suitable for him to suddenly take the position of admiral? And the origin is unknown, I am afraid that no one can trust him!"

Pointing at the expressionless Fujitora, Wuchen attacked mercilessly.

All the senior navy leaders nodded, including the three generals. A mysterious person with unknown origin suddenly became their immediate boss, and I am afraid that everyone will feel blocked.

To be a naval marshal requires not only sufficient strength, but also sufficient qualifications!

"He is trustworthy, the candidate of the Admiral, I have already recommended it to the Five Old Stars as a smile."

The powerful low drink came on the face, attracting everyone's attention, looking up, the strong old man with Moxigan head, then floated into the eye.

"Sora? No wonder, this old guy really has an affair with Fujitora."

The appearance of Commander Kong also confirms Wuchen's previous speculation. This fellow must have an inexplicable relationship with Fujitora. Wuchen still remembers that in the original book, Fujitora took the position of the Navy Admiral, but now it has become even more serious. If you want to be a marshal, don't even think about it!

These remarks dispelled everyone's doubts. Sora was a naval marshal before the Warring States Period, and the information was definitely the oldest. Since he was willing to speak for Fujitora, no one thought it was inappropriate.

The three generals also fell silent.


An untimely word spread out, and when I looked up, it was still dust-free!

The three major generals have concerns, he is not afraid, after all, the identity of the Tianlong people is there, enough to look down on everyone, and the Warring States and Commander-in-Chief Kong are no exception.

"Even if Commander Kong assures him that he is not suitable to be the Admiral of the Navy... At least the general should see what his strength is. This requirement is not too much!"

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Wu Chen sneered.

It's not that Wuchen deliberately made things difficult for Fujitora, but that once this fellow stepped into the position of the Admiral of the Navy, the first unlucky one would definitely be the deformed force of "King Xia Qiwuhai". Wuchen knew that Fujitora hated Qiwuhai very much. , and Wang Xia Qiwuhai, whether it is Eagle Eye or Doflamingo, who is already detached, is temporarily his person, and it is worthwhile to be cancelled by him like this.

"Do you want to practice your skills with this old man?"

Fujitora frowned and asked, even though he knew that Wuchen killed Whitebeard, he was not afraid.

"Practice your skills?"

Hearing this, there was a sneer at the corner of Wuchen's mouth, and he said contemptuously: "Lian Lian is a bit too strong to reach out, and I will not bully you. As long as you can take my three moves, you can get the position of Admiral at your fingertips!"

"If it doesn't work, Kuzan, Sakaski, and Polsalino can choose one of them!"

Kizaru touched his stubble-covered chin, showing a smile, his eyes narrowed, looking particularly wretched and cunning.

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