"The position of the marshal, the old man is not interested in this, but, one thing is certain...As a naval marshal, you must have enough strength, whether it is the commander-in-chief of the air or the marshal of the Warring States period. The position of the marshal is also acceptable, but please show your strength, Mr. Smile..."

"I also agree, there are not many three moves, you can't do it, I'll do it!" Akainu, who was sitting on the sofa with a hat, said in agreement.

Sengoku's face was full of weirdness, his eyes were fixed on Wuchen, and he looked back and forth with Aokiji and Kizaru, including Akainu. The four guys in front of them seemed to have discussed it in advance, and they cooperated surprisingly well.

However, as Wuchen said, you can also be a naval marshal, but please show your strength. If you can't take the three moves, you should take a detour and leave!


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 891 Fujitora's Strength [Second More]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Akainu rarely stood in a trench with Wuchen, and the yin and yang's strange voice was particularly harsh and full of irony. For fear that others would not be able to hear what it meant, he deliberately stretched his voice.

Just like what Wuchen said before, anyone can be a marshal. After all, everyone has known each other for more than ten years, and they know each other well, but this blind man who suddenly popped out is really inappropriate to be a marshal.

Wuchen's remarks just slapped his face mercilessly, and everyone's eyes focused on Fujitora's face, but this old guy's face skills were obviously so perfect that he was indifferent.

He didn't even look at the direction of the dust-free, but just listened quietly, as if it had nothing to do with him hanging up high.

"no problem."

Just when everyone thought they were rejecting the dust-free condition, Fujitora confidently agreed, his tone was sonorous and powerful, showing a calm meaning.


Fujitora raised the volume, for fear that Wuchen wouldn't be able to hear the meaning, but under the domineering perception of the smell, he clearly captured Wuchen's position and said to him as lightly as the breeze: "Everything is about etiquette... If I pick up Stay with your three moves... I also ask you to resign from the position of general, and you will also accept my three moves."

Hearing this, Wuchen frowned slightly, and after a sneer, he said mercilessly: "How old are you?!"

In all fairness, Wuchen really didn't value the status of a naval admiral, so it was originally a deal, and the position of an admiral was taken lightly, but when Fujitora said this, it aroused his stubborn temper.

No one has the right to deprive him of his status as a dust-free general, even Warring States and Commander-in-Chief Kong are no exception. Now this old boy is better, and he wants to take away his status as a general.

Perhaps after Fujitora really takes office, he will be the first to take the clean-cut knife!


Sengoku, Garp, and Commander Sora looked at each other, this sudden change was beyond expectations, completely contrary to their original expectations.

However, since the two sides promised them nothing to say, if Wuchen failed, they had to give up the position of general, and if Fujitora failed, they had to give up the position of marshal.

It's fair!

However, as Wuchen said, no one is qualified to deprive him of his identity, because this is the agreement between him and the Five Old Stars, and it has nothing to do with the Navy Headquarters.

"Your hand is too long, Fujitora..." Wuchen said indifferently and displeasedly, the unkindness in his words was undisguised.

Fujitora's purpose is to abolish the "Seven Wuhai" system, and the two subordinates of Wuchen are "Seven Wuhai", and it is self-evident who is coming.

"The hand is too long? Maybe, but it's fair." Fujitora was unmoved, his tone did not give in at all, like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

"You bastard... If you want to play so much..."

His eyes were as dignified as knives, and Wuchen agreed: "I'm afraid that the blood you lost will be lost. Don't blame me for the miserable time!"

"Of course." Fujitora said immediately.

"I don't care about your duel, but before that, one thing must be explained!"

Akainu suddenly interrupted and said, "The loser gives up the fight for the position of Marshal!"


In a huge open space, the surrounding area was full of people, and the water was blocked. The officials of the high-level navy and the world government were clearly visible, including the Five Old Stars.

"You do it first... so as not to say that I bullied the big with the small."

The dust-free hands apologized, staring at the place about fifteen meters ahead.

Standing here in a pink coat, Fujitora was holding a cane, and he had already drawn out a dagger that flickered with cold light. Even an invisible blind man who was so fascinated by what he saw and heard could still feel the presence of dust-free.

Even in the dark, the facial features of the flames are vaguely felt.

Young and handsome, the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, and he often wears a warm and gentle smile. The first impression of people is that he is approachable, but this gentle smile that blooms is only effective for his own people.

The indifference that goes deep into the bone marrow shows that this man shows contempt for everything, and only his own people can make him open up.

"Then I'll be polite..."

A purple halo suddenly appeared, and the void was slightly distorted, piercing the sky and going straight into the depths of the clouds.

"Gravity Light!"

Immediately afterwards, the sky was suddenly extremely dark, as if the end of the day, with an indescribable fiery heat, and after a while, the sky turned fiery red again!

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