"In the last few months... this world is about to come to an end!"

With his eyes closed, the corners of Wuchen's mouth muttered to himself, but his light voice was irrefutable and convincing. Even if he sometimes felt that the Arabian Nights was impossible, he couldn't help but fall into it, unable to extricate himself.

"It's an attempt to destroy Bikumam..."

On the chuang mattress, the awakened Kalifa rubbed her hazy eyelids, while Shishui Furong stared at the comfortable Wuchen, and sighed, "Are you planning to kill her?"

Kalifa's random words, outsiders may think it's a funny joke, "Four Emperors" are not big idiots, they kill wherever they want!

At first, Kalifa also thought it was ridiculous, but after living under the same roof with Wuchen, his understanding of him gradually deepened.

This man who has never grown old for more than ten years is actually the author of the mythology. Any unimaginable things are in his hands... Kalifa often has a feeling of living in the world of myths.

"Kill her? It's a pity. After all, it's one of the [Four Emperors] who rule the world, but it's a good piece. It's very suitable for Bigu Mum to make one of the six ways." Looking at Kalifa, "Although I am rich and have a lot of corpses of the powerful, I can't be so prodigal. Looking around the world, there are not many who have reached the [Four Emperors]!"

Make one of the six ways like Kaido of the beasts, this is called saving resources!

"You still know how to cherish resources, how many pirates were slaughtered by you?!"

White Wuchen glanced, Perona said angrily, and suddenly felt a cold body, and her hands subconsciously caressed her delicate body.

It turned out to be bright!


Pretty face suddenly blushed charmingly, and immediately reached out and grabbed the pillow beside him and threw it towards Wuchen. Due to the poor level, he didn't hit Wuchen.

"Didn't you do it of your own free will last night?" Thin lips raised slightly, and Wuchen said in a playful tone.

"How dare you say that?!"

Hearing this, Perona's anger suddenly turned into smoke, and she laughed in anger. She pointed at Wuchen with her verdant jade fingers trembling, and she was obviously very angry. "Is it also voluntary to use illusions on others?!"

Speaking of which, Perona almost vomited blood, and knew even more about Wuchen's despicableness and shamelessness. Anyone or something he valued had zero chance of escaping Wuchen's claws.

"From the moment you become my subordinates, it means my possessions... How do I arrange my own things, do I need to say hello to others?" Wuchen asked indifferently.

Hearing this, Hancock and Kalifa looked at each other in resignation.

Perona's pretty face blushed when she heard this, and she grinned at Wuchen, but she took a step beyond the thunder pond for a long time, and she didn't do much of this kind of thing.

Being caught alive by Wuchen is another merciless destruction!

"Speaking of which, a while ago, that guy Luo seemed to have become one of the members of the [King Xia Qiwuhai]."

When the topic changed, thinking of Tragafallo, Wuchen couldn't help frowning, and he still kept in mind the "ageless surgery" of the fruit of the operation.

After so many years, Luo should have the ability to do "surgery without age".

"He's still [Seven Wuhai], and it's a little troublesome to do something to him..." Hancock said with a frown.

"[Qiwuhai] What can that kid think that he is safe if he has the identity of Qiwuhai? He should stop dreaming, he didn't kill him before because he was unable to do [Surgery of Agelessness], and now the time is ripe to use him for [Surgeon of Agelessness]. Just in time."

Wuchen sneered again and again, Qiwuhai's identity was useful to others, and he would have some scruples, but it would not work for him, and this black and white aura was invalid for him.

The identity of Tianlong people, and the strength enough, can despise everything in the world!

Hearing the words, the three women looked at each other and chose to remain silent. Wuchen's appearance was obviously determined to clean up Luo, who made him able to perform the surgery of immortality!

The average man is innocent and guilty, and if he wants to complain, he can only complain that he is the one who has the ability to achieve the fruit of surgery!


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 903 Crazy Doflamingo [First More]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


The three daughters can only agree, as Wuchen said, complaining that Luo is the one who has the ability to perform surgery, and there is only one fruit in the world that can do "surgery without age".

"I thought that being [King Xia Qiwuhai] would be able to stay out of the way, Luo's bag must be made of paste." His brows stretched, and Wuchen sneered contemptuously.

The things in this world that can restrain others are only stronger than others.

"Brother Doflamingo is also fascinated by [Surgery of Ageless]..." Kalifa reminded after taking a look at Wuchen.

"Anyway, he won't live for a few days. Caesar informed me a few days ago that [Pluto] will come out soon. At that time, Doflamingo will be useless... An ambitious and useless lackey, The final end is to be abandoned!" His eyes shot yin and Jie, and the dust-free murderous intent said sternly.

Kalifa and Hancock's chins were as white as jade, and they strongly agreed with Wuchen's approach... Any traitor, no matter what era or location, is an extremely hateful existence.

"People like Doflamingo are white-eyed wolves, this is your cocoon!" Perona sarcastically sneered at the delicate face with a radiance.

Hearing this, Wuchen glanced at her jokingly, with a teasing look on the corner of his mouth.

The palm of the hand is aimed at covering the area where Perona is, and the invisible gravitational force floats out.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

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