The body seems to ignore the existence of gravity, the whole person flies uncontrollably, and is immediately pulled by gravity, and the Jiao ~ body swept uncontrollably to the sofa where the dust is.

"Being a cocoon? I have used Doflamingo for more than ten years, how can it be regarded as a cocoon, but you..."

The eyes narrowed, turning into a thin slit, and the gaze that shot out was extremely terrifying... At least in Perona's eyes, the dust-free at the moment felt extremely terrifying to her.

Pulling Perona into his arms by the waist, he gently blew hot air on her earlobe, and Wuchen teased: "You deliberately provoked me over and over again... The death penalty can be avoided, and the living sin cannot escape... This is called cocooning oneself. !"

After all, Wuchen doesn't care about Perona's struggles, and her skillful little hands signal to swim ~ go away. This fragile resistance has no interest, and it acts like a poison's hook ~ into one's bones... It will even arouse a person's hidden wildness...


The interior of Dressrosa's palace at the moment.

"Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap..."

On the delicately decorated ground, there were a few more shards of porcelain, and the crunching sound was interrupted. Judging by the figure reflected on the ground, there was no doubt that this person was Doflamingo.

"Young Master, you don't have to worry, Luo Yinan [Saint] didn't take action against us, are you a little unfounded..."

There are many members of the Don Quixote family fighting against each other. Although the angry Doflamingo will not deny his six relatives, it will definitely be a nightmare if anyone provokes him in an indifferent way!

"Yes, you still have the identity of [Qiwuhai] to escort you. Even if he is lawless, it is impossible to hurt you against the wishes of the Five Old Stars!" said Pika, a senior official of the Don Quixote family.

At this moment, each of them was sweating coldly, the pores all over their bodies enlarged uncontrollably, and the dense cold hairs on their skin stood upside down.

A huge oppression and hostility filled the interior of the palace, and there were countless magical weapons wandering behind them, and they might know their lives at any time.

"The identity of Qiwuhai?"

Brother Doflamingo, who was carrying the cadres, suddenly turned his head, revealing a blackened half of his face, and the bulging blue veins on his forehead were filled with worms, which made him extremely disgusting.

"If you have the same strength as Luo Sinan, would you be concerned about a mere Seven Martial Sea?"

A hoarse rhetorical question made the cadres speechless, and they all lowered their heads and dared not look at Brother Doflamingo's eyes, and it was hard to save the immortal who was angry with him!

"I'm afraid Hades's construction period is completed, and he can't wait to erase me... and the traitor Moonlight Moria, who dares to cooperate with Kaido and that Zefa behind my back, and deserves to be killed, idiot!"

Thinking of Moonlight Moria, who lost his life and death two years ago, Doflamingo said through gritted teeth, and his tone was full of joy. Originally, Moonlight Moria suddenly agreed to cooperate with him, but turned out to be in a group with Kaido and others. , There is more than enough to die!

The cadres of the Don Quixote family alternately looked at the furious Doflamingo, all understanding why he was so angry.

Moonlight Moriana disliked Doflamingo, so he chose Kaido, one of the "Four Emperors", and Zefa, the general who defected from the navy!

"Once I lose my last value, it will bring bloody killing~ Slaughter... Kaido is dead, we can cooperate with other enemies of Loisnan, one of the [Four Emperors], the red-haired Shanks , as well as the Blackbeard Diki who won the title of the [Four Emperors] two years ago...even the newly appointed Admiral Fujitora has a deep grievance with Loisnan!"

Large carnivores that are on the verge of extinction are extremely dangerous. Under the oppression of Wuchen, Doflamingo can no longer care so much. In the past two years, Wuchen has become more and more alienated from him. This is an extremely dangerous signal.

If you don't plan ahead, there will only be a dead bone in the ending!


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 904 Just a sentence [Second]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Doflamingo rolled his eyes, and deep in his eyes, a ruthless choice flashed.

"Remember it clearly for Lao Tzu, Loisnan will definitely destroy us!" With a cold expression, Doflamingo raised his voice and warned.

Immediately, the cold eyes swept across the high-level cadres one by one. It's not that Brother Dodo Flamen doesn't trust these people. When the disaster is imminent, we must be vigilant!

"Well Well!"

Seeing that no one dared to look at his invisibility, Doflamingo's mouth outlined a cruel bloodthirsty expression, showing the demeanor that a tyrant should have.

"Five-color line!"

The family cadre who was afraid of Doflamingo's eyes didn't have time to let out a scream, and the whole person was instantly tossed into eight pieces and split into five pieces!

The faces of the family members who saw this scene changed greatly, and immediately raised their heads and looked at Brother Doflamingo with awe and loyalty.

The latter nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and left under the terrified gazes of everyone...

"If you don't give you a shock... Maybe you'll break up early."

Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the trembling officials of the Don Quixote family. The corner of Doflamingo's mouth outlined a smug smile, and his back gradually disappeared.


The Royal Palace inside Fishman Island.

On the exquisite throne that belongs to the king alone, dust-free and comfortable resting on his arms, humming a pleasant little tune from time to time, below is Sakura ~ Tao Xiao ~ Princess Otoji who works hard with her mouth...

About a few hours later, he stood up with his chin dislocated, and after giving a glamorous look at Wuchen with his charming crystal pupils, he stood up and moved his body slowly.

Immediately, he stood beside Wuchen with interest, and did not dare to pretend to be a princess.

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