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Chapter 910 Massacre [fourth more]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Hoddy Jones was shocked, looking at the tender arm in his hand, exhausting all his strength, he couldn't shake it in the slightest, the arm that was obviously weak and vulnerable was surprisingly hard.

With his strength, it is as hard as going to the sky to leave traces!

"It's so dazzling!"

The dazzling golden luster was coming towards him, and the shining light almost blinded his eyes. He closed his eyes instinctively, blocking his eyes with his big hands, and peeping at the dust-free every move through the thin gap between his fingers.

After a while, until the light disappeared inwardly, he dared to open his eyes!


The sound of the object being penetrated sounded, which was extraordinarily simple and crisp. Hody Jones was stunned for a moment, and then he felt the stinging pain of the burn, which swept through the whole body like a tidal wave, and the vitality was also rapidly passing away, and the murderous eyes were also for a while. bleak.

Subconsciously, he looked towards the tingling chest.

"Damn... When was it that I didn't realize that, after taking so many medicines, could it be that I couldn't even keep up with his attack speed?!"

Hody Jones roared sharply, filled with thousands of unwillingness, instinctively grabbed other drugs in his crotch, but found that there was nothing left.

The fierce medicine just now has been eaten up by him at one time... There is no more excess for him to squander.

"It's because your own strength is too poor. Even if you eat that kind of strength-enhancing drug... it's still too far... It's not enough to be on par with me."

An indifferent, uninteresting voice made Hody Jones stunned, and then he shouted in anger, dancing with hatred and twisted faces.

"Asshole, don't have a look that has nothing to do with you, if it weren't for you, Boss Tiger wouldn't die, everything is your fault!"

Hody Jones spit stars all over the sky, and the person he respected the most in his life was Tiger, and it was the cause of Wuchen that indirectly caused him to fall.

Although Wuchen finally turned away and let him go at the advice of Princess Otohime, Death still waved his scythe on Tiger and mercilessly took his life.

He looked down at the mad dog-like Hody Jones with indifference, his clean pupils had no emotion.

"You're right, it's my fault... but... so what?"

Looking directly at Hody Jones, Wuchen said lightly: "A dozen years ago, he infiltrated Mary Joa alone and rescued all the slaves... This surge of bravery and fearlessness is indeed worthy of praise... But , the world is so cruel! Since he dares to attack Mary Joa, he will pay the price! Now you are no exception, the price of challenging me is to pay your life!"

The path is chosen by themselves, no one is forcing them!At the beginning, he didn't kill Tiger, it was already a request for the slaughter of Princess Yiji. Who would have guessed that not only was that kid not grateful to Dade, but he ended up being a pirate again. This is his right to die!

The toes gathered a large number of photons again, and the dazzling light was even more than three points before.

"Murloc Karate—"

"Light speed kick!"

The straight speed of light shot straight out, and Hody Jones, who was dismembered, was unable to resist at all, and could only watch the attack of the beam helplessly.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The void suddenly swept up a huge circular fireball, and a destructive air wave spread, disintegrating the surrounding walls one after another.

And Hody Jones, lost consciousness, his whole body seemed to be burnt, the beating of his heart stopped completely, and his whole body was filled with the smell of burnt meat.

"Run, boss Hody was killed by that admiral."

"Get away from me, you idiots!"

"The new fish-man pirates retreat first, and the others stay where I am!"


The leader of Hody Jones is dead, and the rabble of the New Murloc Pirates fled in a hurry and went their separate ways... Some of them were forced by Hody Jones to come over and make up for it, and now the boss has passed away. , everyone will naturally follow the group!

"Before you go, leave something behind..."

The devil's low voice resounded behind him, and the murlocs looked back like a machine, the fear in their eyes was clearly visible, "Bastard, you are the general of the navy, you should arrest us, not kill them all!"

There was a high-density fiery flash between the hands, and the dust-free was already floating in the air.

"Put you in jail? Sorry, I don't have that much time... So, let's just die here."

With a sneer, Wuchen said ruthlessly, and at the same time, the flashes of light in his hands roared out, and thousands of brilliance swallowed everyone in an instant.

"Eight-foot Qionggouyu!!!"

The people gathered here are either the remnants of the New Murloc Pirates, or the mobs who avenge their revenge on Murloc Island.

"Pfft! Pfft!"

The murlocs who fled in all directions fell to the ground in pain, and there were dense holes all over their bodies... The scene in the palace was terrible, and all living creatures were slaughtered by Wuchen.

Looking around, there are rivers of blood and corpses piled up like mountains!


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