PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 911 I am your father [fifth more]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Turning his head and staring at the depressed palace behind him, Wuchen finally chose a fire to burn it down. In such a disgusting place, he felt extremely uncomfortable as long as he took a breath of air.

The smell of the traitor's body, he took a breath and vomited uncontrollably.

"Boom boom boom!"

The monstrous fire spread rapidly, and in a short period of time, it spread throughout the dilapidated palace. Almost all the staff inside were wiped out by dust-free. Maybe after tomorrow, this place will become a pile of loess!

A tooth for a tooth


Inside the pitch-black castle, it was a mess, surrounded by broken china, broken slag everywhere, and of course, mountains of treasures.

In addition, in addition to the castle, there are dozens of sea kings that reach tens of thousands of meters, and they use their huge bodies to protect the castle.

"Shiro... What is this..."

Princess Otoji, who came here, said in disbelief, she was dumbfounded for a while looking at the embarrassed ground. The usually quiet castle was like a thief.


Hearing this pleasant and familiar sound, there was a throbbing in the dark corner of the wall, and crystal tears fell in the air, followed by a huge black shadow.

With lightning speed, he picked up the unaware Princess Otoji.

Zooming in on the line of sight, the outline of the black shadow is clearly visible, but it is a huge female mermaid, with a sweet appearance, skin like snow, and the appearance of crying with joy is pitiful.

"What happened to Shirasu?"

Princess Otoji swayed her body, swept up to Bai Xing's face, gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and then looked at the large sea kings wandering around through the window, and the corners of her eyes swept across Jingmang.

"There was a pirate who called himself Caribou suddenly invaded just now, and he wanted to take me away by force!"

The tears in Bai Xing's eyes fell uncontrollably, her body curled up, she was afraid of going in and out of the soul of that disgusting pirate.

Princess Otoji's expression became rigid, and she asked anxiously, "Where did that pirate named Karibu go?"

Princess Otoji's tone was cold... After years of rolling on the sea, she knew how serious the consequences of revealing the secret of the White Star as an ancient weapon would be.

Whether the dust-free can keep their mother and daughter at that time is a problem.

"Let it be, he's gone."

The dull but caring magnetic sound was resonant, attracting the attention of Bai Xing and Princess Yiji. Princess Yiji frowned slightly, and her crystal pupils were full of doubts.

"How did you come in, don't tell me, you can communicate with them!"

Pointing to the large sea kings outside the castle and asking, Princess Otoji was surprised to find that their eyes had turned into scarlet three-gou jade.

"No way, they won't let me in, I can only use extraordinary means!" Shrugging, Wuchen smiled helplessly.

"None of that matter."

Hearing this, Princess Otoji shook her head, and immediately said worriedly: "White Star [Sea King]'s ability has been awakened, and the pirate named Karibu has seen it with his own eyes."

The gold all over the place may be that when Caribou was secretly stealing, he encountered Shirogane, and he was frightened and unintentionally awakened Neptune's ability.

"He seems to have left Fishman Island."

Covered by the boundless arrogance and domineering, Wuchen did not find any trace of him from Fishman Island. Obviously, Caribou escaped ahead of schedule.

"Who is Mrs. Mother?" Bai Xing asked in a low voice, leaning over to Princess Yiji's side.

Princess Yiji's face flashed unnaturally, and she was extremely embarrassed. More than ten years ago, she was unfortunately caught by humans and sent to Tianlong people to be sold as slaves. It was Wuchen who bought him.

Therefore, Wuchen is her master, and Princess Otoki is just a slave... Baixing, the daughter of Princess Otohime, also belongs to Wuchen to a certain extent.

In other words, slaves too!

"I am your father!"

Staring at Bai Xing's huge body, Wu Chen pursed his lips and said with a smile, his genial expression was extraordinarily warm, and Wu Chen's face was magnanimous. As for the original Neptune, Wu Chen had given him a green hat many years ago, and he was hurt by him later. Killer Harmony.

There is no such person in Bai Xing's memory at all.

Princess Otoji blushed when she heard the pretty face, and immediately nodded towards Bai Xing's approval.


A hurricane came towards him, and Wuchen was stunned for a moment, and then he was surprised to find that he was stuffed in two balls of flesh, and the soft touch made him feel a little dazed.

I don't know when it started, Wuchen has been caught in the stalwart twin peaks of Baixing...

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