The immobile Wuchen was pierced in an instant, his fist pierced through his abdomen, digging a huge hole, and he would definitely die... Bigu Mum was so ecstatic that he almost danced.

However, after a few seconds of joy, the strange touch made her eyes dull, as if her soul had been taken away, and the whole person was at a loss.

Although the fist passed through Wuchen's body, it couldn't shake him, and he didn't even touch the edge of Wuchen... It was more like a punch to the air.

"Coming and not being's my time to fight back..."

Completely ignoring the fist inserted in the belly, Wuchen's body floated up strangely... At that moment, he actually used the "magic power" easily and completely ignored it.

Therefore, Bikumam never attacked Wuchen from beginning to end!

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Between the fingers, the high-density light speed is condensed, aiming at Bigu Mum's right eye, and immediately shoots out without mercy... For such a fragile part of the eye, the chance of defending against the beam is zero!


The straight speed of light roared out, and it was fleeting.

The dazzling brilliance made it impossible to open his eyes, Bigu Mum quickly closed his eyes, facing this demonic beam, he was helpless to admit that he was unlucky.


Even closing the eyes can play a certain defensive role, but the right eye still turned into a scorched hole, and Bigu Mum was gnashing his teeth in pain!

The hysterical gesture revealed the madness of perishing together, dust-free, and completely angered her!

The rough big hand is incredible to stroke the right eye, although not to mention one eye, even if the two eyes are completely destroyed by Wuchen, it is actually harmless, after all, the ability to see and domineering is more reliable than eyes.

However, the most unacceptable thing for Bigu Mum is that she is so good-looking, a person with healthy limbs, was beaten into a maim by Wuchen, and gloriously turned into a one-eyed dragon, which is unbearable!


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 917 Violent Crushing [First Update]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Twitching her arms and rubbing her scorched right eye back and forth, Bigu Mum tried her best to hide her calmness, but even so, she could see from the corners of her wriggling mouth that she was in a state of rampage at the moment.

As long as someone dares to step on the door, this fiery volcano can be detonated in an instant. It doesn't need much flame, and the stars can set fire to a prairie fire.

At any time, there is death.

"Yo... Don't put on such a cannibalistic expression, you should thank me and turn you into a one-eyed dragon... It's impossible for some people to ask me to do this. This is the treatment of old customers, and it is a luxurious VIP treatment!"

The inappropriate ridicule fueled the fire, full of endless sarcasm and contempt... Looking at it, it was the extremely rude clean dust, the playful expression, and the frivolous tone of voice that swayed Bigu Mum's reason.

The smiling expression was looking forward to watching Bigu Mum who was about to run away, apparently deliberately angering Bigu Mum.

Holding the huge iron fist tightly, Bigu Mamu almost spit out blood when she heard the words. The meaning of these words is that she seems to be thankful for the gift of Wuchen!

"Doesn't it mean that you destroyed my right eye, and I want to thank you for your greatness?!"

Bigumam blushed. To be honest, it was the first time she had seen such a shameless person. "Do I need to sing praises for you again and praise your great deeds?!"

At the end of the speech, Bigu Mum's voice increased dozens of times, and the whole person almost jumped up exaggeratedly!

"This old woman is energetic enough to live for twenty or thirty years."

Wuchen couldn't help but feel the chill, Bigu Mum's appearance was extremely ugly, and now this awe-inspiring appearance shows her ugliness perfectly.

The fat face is trembling ~ trembling, the eyes are completely squeezed into the horizontal flesh and narrowed into a line, the face is covered with all kinds of spots, and the whole person's face is almost purple.

In Wuchen's mind, the black beard suddenly appeared, they are the most suitable pairing, don't be picky about the other!


His stomach belched unsatisfactorily. Of course, he wasn't hungry this time, but after seeing Bigu Mum's face, he no longer felt an empty stomach, and he was instantly revived with blood!

For the first time in my life, I've been disgusted to the core!

"Boom boom boom!"

The violent vibration pulled back the dust-free thoughts, and the particles on the ground were slowly trembling, and as far as the eye could see, it was the furious Bigu Mum.

The transparent viscous liquid ~ body slowly overflowed from her body, the source was endless, like a boundless sea.


The ground engulfed and corroded by the liquid body will emit white air waves, and immediately die completely, turning into a pitch-black Jedi on earth.

Bigu Mum herself was not affected. Even in the acid bath, she moved freely. The embarrassed Bigu Mum clearly planned to give it a shot, and the corpses of her own people on the ground were corroded by her.


The majestic breath burst out, the monstrous tyrant danced wildly in the sky, and the void was overwhelmed by the aura of the supreme tyrant, showing a twisted twist.

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