Not only that, this tyrannical arrogance also played a role in promoting, and the acid that was in the state of stagnant water suddenly rolled like a wave.

Like ocean waves, it is endless, and eventually becomes a big wave that covers the sky and the sun, trying to swallow the dust-free people and bones... Once they are affected, there will be no bones left, and it will definitely be an extremely miserable ending.

"It's really shocking... The so-called [Four Emperors] are nothing more than that..."

Seeing this, Wuchen's eyes flashed with a deep disappointment, and he was looking forward to Bigu Mum's performance, but he did not expect such a bland and unremarkable show, "In the final analysis, you [Four Emperors] 】It's also a group of ordinary people with mortal bodies, forcing you to show gorgeous dramas, in itself, my idea is too simplistic!"

"Boom boom boom!"

At the same time, the surging acid waves will completely annihilate the dust-free... Bigu Mum was very excited to see this scene, and the remaining eye looked at it all with magnification.

Bloodshot eyes, looking through the autumn water, are full of endless longing... For Wuchen, Bigu Mum has a deep hatred in his soul, hoping that his bones will disappear forever!

"This island... there is no way, it will be destroyed if it is destroyed. It has nothing to do with me anyway, I am just passively counterattacking!"

As it should be, all the faults were pushed to Bigu Mum. Wuchen gathered the majestic Chakra all over his body, and the explosive energy fluctuations in his body that were enough to crush all living beings.

The dust-free hands spread out, hugging the sky... At the moment when the hordes of acid were about to devour him, the chakras that had gathered for a long time burst out with all their strength, and it was useless to hide and stay behind!

"Super Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

The strength of a ninjutsu depends entirely on the user's own chakra evaluation... Wuchen is an alternative ten tail, the chakra in the body can be called infinite, and the high-density chakra mobilized is like an ocean, and the entire fishman island is full of chakras. He was attacked by "Super Shinra Tianzheng".

"Bang bang bang!"

With a loud bang, the geographical environment of the entire Fishman Island was instantly rewritten, or in other words, it was sent to the ancient times without dust... All the buildings on the island collapsed and disappeared, and the wind and sand filled the sky, like coming to the desert!

In the center of the battle between Wuchen and Bigumum, a deep pit with a radius of ten kilometers appeared... As for the huge wave of acid liquid just now, it seemed to evaporate in an instant!


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 918 Greed finally overcomes reason [Second more]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Looking down from the sky, a huge crater that looks like it was hit by a meteorite almost spreads to the entire Fishman Island, which is extremely hideous, accounting for almost a quarter of the area of ​​Fishman Island!

With a single blow, it was rumored that the fish-man island, which has been around for thousands of years, and even has a longer history, has completely come to an end... The geographical environment of the fish-man island was ruthlessly destroyed, and it was only a matter of time before it was swept into the garbage heap of history. That's it.

"Not even dead?"

A low murmur broke the dead silence, proving that someone was still alive, and as far as the eye could see, a figure covered in blood was buried in the sand.

Even though the infinite approach is about to die, there is still a weak breath, and she can continue to breathe... However, judging from the wounds all over her body, the fall is also imminent.

"You should still be able to move, Whitebeard, and Kaido, the beasts, including the red-haired Shanks are extremely durable. You shouldn't be so vulnerable." So useless.

The strength of the "Four Sovereigns" is not only unbelievable, but also beyond imagination. When he was in the Navy Headquarters, the old white beard was disemboweled several times, and his heart was even crushed. He still showed the power to destroy the world. ... Even though Bigu Mum is not as good as Whitebeard, his endurance is still extremely strong.

"Cough cough..."

Sure enough, Bigu Mum's "corpse" coughed violently, raised his head, revealing a face full of pustules, and his cold eyes were locked on dust-free.

"Damn it, it hurts..."

The tidal wave of pain surged all over her body, and Bigu Mum was in excruciating pain. Almost all of her ribs were broken... It was a miracle that she could still stand up!

The ferocious and gloomy eyes cast towards Wuchen, and the murderous awe-inspiring eyes are full of distorted hatred, wishing to cut Wuchen into a stick.

"Are you still going to struggle? How can you say that you are also one of the [Four Emperors]. I want to give you a decent way to die. Let it go, so that you can suffer less from the flesh and blood."

Read the hatred in Bigu Mum's eyes, and Wuchen said out of "goodwill": "I will make you a puppet after death, which is also a blessing."

However, Bigumam obviously would not agree to Wuchen's "good intentions", she is the kind of diehard who would rather die than surrender, not to mention Wuchen wants to make her a puppet, which is even more impossible.


"Even if you die, the old lady will take you to be buried with you!" With fists clenched in both hands, Bigu Mum said decisively, as a "four emperors", everyone has a last resort.

"Forget it, it's all death anyway. I didn't mind sending you to euthanasia, but you like to die in pain so much, then I will reluctantly fulfill you..."

Witnessing that Bigu Mum was so ignorant, the dust-free expression gradually became cold, and he was surrounded by chakra, which was very calamitous, and even the deep eyeballs had undergone amazing changes. His heart skipped a beat, and he looked back instinctively, and he always felt that the god of death showed him a charming smile...


the other direction at this time.

"It was dangerous just now. If we arrive a little late, it is estimated that we will be destroyed by that force! Bastard, small fish-man island, when will there be such an incredible big man!"

In an obscure port, the Don Quixote Pirates landed secretly. Looking back, the pirate ship they were on had turned into a pile of scrap metal... A certain majestic impact just now directly destroyed the spike. their pirate ship!

If it weren't for the fact that they were already close to the port, they would have been a little late, and they would have been buried in the depths of the sea. Many of the officers of the Flamenco Pirates had all been locked in the gate of hell just now!

"Young Master, are we going to retreat? The fluctuation of the two fights just now..."

Torrepol's tone was stagnant, with a little panic and fear, not only him, but the cadres of Don Quixote's pirate group, all of them looked at the northern sky in unison. Even dozens of kilometers away, the slight vibration of the ground can be clearly felt.

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