The cadres of the Don Quixote family were in a cold sweat, a heart in their throats, and they even jumped out uncontrollably. This level of war clearly exceeded the level of a general.

Brother Doflamingo was also feeling guilty, there were crystal drops of sweat visible to the naked eye on his forehead, fear flashed in his eyes, he was right, the initiator was Bigu Mum who came before him.

"No, now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. While they are fighting, let's take the opportunity to capture that White Star!" Greed finally defeated reason, Doflamingo's tone was unquestionable.

The gloomy eyes then looked around, and the officials and members of the Don Quixote Pirates all shut up and shut up... If he angered him, he might be silenced by the angry Doflamingo now.

"You don't need to worry."

As a leader, you must not only oppress by force, but also know how to use both kindness and power. The voice is lowered, and the hostility full of words has all disappeared.

"After getting that white star, we are the overlords of this world, and you are all heroes. Follow me to overlook the world from a bird's-eye view!"

Doflamingo raised his arms and shouted, his tone full of endless bewitching... The officials of the Don Quixote family immediately became hesitant.

In life, everyone lives for fame and fortune.


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, and automatically subscribe to all kinds of requests! ! ..

Chapter 919 Bigu Mum, died [third more]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Pirates are greedy by nature. Doflamingo covets Baixing's ability and wants to rule the world based on this. After all, he has too many enemies!

"But the murloc named Baixing will definitely not be ready to be captured. What if she orders the sea kings to attack us? Don't forget that this is the fish-man island, and there are countless large sea kings wandering around. Well, we will change from prey to hunter, and I believe that no one in this world will sit still."

Doflamingo's subordinate Pika said that the island can barely speak the past, but in this vast ocean, the overlord is definitely a sea king.

The sea kings with a physique of tens of thousands of meters are enough to shred all prey!

"This one……"

The members of the Don Quixote Pirates fell silent, and looked at Brother Doflamingo invariably. Since this boss planned to conspire against Shirahoshi, he must come up with a feasible plan.

"There's no need to worry, before all this, I have calculated it in advance!"

Hearing this, Doflamingo was full of confidence, the corners of his mouth raised a confident arc, and said solemnly: "The mermaid named Bai Xing is indeed dangerous enough, but he is not invincible. Listening to that kid Karibo, Bai Xing's mother B Princess Ji loves her very much, let's start with that guy called Princess Yiji!"

Brother Doflaming said with a gloomy smile, the meaning is self-evident, it is obviously to arrest Princess Eji, threaten Bai Xing, and make her obediently wait to die.

The means are a bit despicable, but there is nothing they can do, who makes them pirates! ! !


Time flies.Wuchen and Bigumam finally reached the end.

"Can you hold on, you have a fight with that [strongest creature] Kaido, the beast."

Wuchen stood alone, his eyes were like torches, staring at Kaido, the beast who was still able to stand up, and a look of astonishment flashed across his eyes.

Looking closely, Bigu Mum was already riddled with holes. Even so, she still had a ruddy complexion, and her lasting power was quite strong. Even with her calm appearance, it was not a problem to continue fighting for a few hours.


The huge pupils dilated, Bigu Mum laughed gloomily, "If you want to kill me, you can't do it!"

Laughing at Wuchen to the fullest, Bigu Mum is unscrupulous. In fact, she has run out of oil, and now it is only the last time of returning to the light, but she is actually pulling Wuchen to be buried with her.

"Looks like... your unrealistic thoughts haven't faded yet..."

He frowned slightly, sensing Bigu Mum's crazy temperament, Wu Chen couldn't help shaking his head, then his expression froze, and a long rainbow roared out.

Come and go without a trace, only a faint afterimage can be captured, and it is fleeting. It is completely wishful thinking to try to keep up with the speed of light with human eyes.


With a sullen groan, Bigu Mamu simply closed her eyes, seeing and hearing the domineering and domineering scattered, no trace of dust-free, immediately paid into her perception!

"found it!"

After half a sound, Bigu Mum, who locked the dust-free movement, opened his left eye, his body was beating with terrifying aura, and his awe-inspiring eyes revealed fatal danger.

The black iron fist covered with acid blasted out, and the air shook with the waves of destruction, eroding towards the dust-free.

The photons floated, condensing the thin body of Wuchen, staring at the punching wind, Wuchen's brows couldn't help but pick, a transparent fist was clearly visible.

A ray of light emerged from the palm of the hand, and it was quickly compressed, turning into a laser sword, with a sharp edge that cut iron like mud.

"Tiancong Cloud Sword!!!"

Wuchen's expression was stern, his hand raised the knife and fell, and a golden afterimage was drawn in the air, and the transparent acid fist that hit was shuttled by this sharp light.


The acid fist was immediately torn apart by the sword pressure, slammed into two halves, and immediately turned into countless transparent acid.

"It's broken?!"

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